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Minigames Improvements of Loot Boxes, New Cosmetics & More!


Great Reporter
Great Reporter
August 19, 2020
Minecraft Username:

What is your suggestion's title?
Improvements of Loot Boxes, New Cosmetics & More!​

Suggestion Details:
Before you get into the suggestion, just a few things to clarify:​
๐ŸŒŸ - Means that it is a new feature​
๐Ÿ” - Means it should be reworked​
๐Ÿ› ๏ธ - Means it should be slightly changed​
Ill start off with the first idea i came up with, which i also liked and worked on the most:​
New Loot Boxes ๐ŸŒŸ
Loot boxes are a crucial thing in the minigames, they serve the purpose of giving you cosmetics depending on their rarity, however 50%> do not like this due that they get duplicates 90% of the time no matter the loot box, so i propose you...​
Ranked Loot Boxes
They will be available only for people who have bought ranks or got them with vote crystals (Aka Iron Rank).​
Now they won't be 100% p2w, since you can easily get the first loot box mentioned below by using Vote Crystals to get Iron first
Iron Loot Box will be available only for people who have from Iron-Crystal Rank, it will have guaranteed Cosmetics that are only useable for Iron ranked players, and oftenly will have cosmetics that are available for Normal Players, the rarity of getting it should be the same as a regular Epic Lootbox​
It will also replace the current Common Loot Boxes in the monthly delivery, there will be 3 Iron Loot Boxes alongside with 1 Rare Loot Box
And if possible, it will be available in the store for $1.50​
In Gold Shop, it would be 300 Gold​
Gold Loot Box will be available only for people who have from Gold-Crystal Rank, it will have guaranteed Cosmetics that are useable for Gold ranked players, Commonly cosmetics that require Iron and Player rank the rarity of getting it should be the same as a regular Mythic Loot box.​
It will also be available in the Gold Monthly Delivery (1)​
The color of the loot box will be yellow, and the Legendary Loot Box should be changes to Orange​
And if possible, it will be available in the store for $3.0​
In Gold Shop, it would be 600 Gold​
Diamond Loot Box will be available only for people who have Diamond and Crystal Rank, it will have guaranteed Cosmetics that are useable for Diamond ranked players, Commonly cosmetics that require Iron/Player, and rarely Cosmetics that require Gold rank, it should be extremely rare tho.​
It will also replace the Legendary Loot Box you get in the monthly delivery (1 Diamond Loot Box)​
The color of the loot box should be Aqua (saying that because the Rare Loot Box is blue color​
And if possible, it will be available in the store for $5.00​
In Gold Shop, it would be 900 Gold​
Crystal Loot Box will be available only for people who have Crystal Rank, it will have guaranteed Cosmetics that are​
useable for Crystal Ranked Players, Usually should have cosmetics that require Gold/Iron, and rarely cosmetics for Diamond ranked players, it will be available in the Monthly Crystal Deliveries ONLY
And if possible, it will be available in the store for $7.50​
In Gold Shop, it would be 1250 Gold​
New Cosmetics
Category 1: Lobby Cosmetics
1. Heads
Here's the list of heads:
Discord Head (Obtainable by linking your discord account, once done the mailman will directly gift you the head)
Wumpus Head (Obtainable by linking your discord account, once done the mailman will directly gift you the head)
Reddit Head
Twitch Head (Obtainable once you get Twitch Rank, mailman gives it to you after you obtain the role)
YouTube Head (Obtainable once you get YouTube Rank, mailman gives it to you after you obtain the role)
Twitter Head
Instagram Head
Spotify Head
Google Chrome Head
TikTok Head
TechnoBlade Head (Rest in Peace)
Monkey Head
Capybara Head
Squid Game Head
Monitor/Computer Head
Duck Head
Crown Head
Roblox Default Skin Head
Boyfriend (FNF) Head
Girlfriend (FNF) Head
Pico Head
Darnell Head
Nene Head
Windows XP Head
Grass Block Head
Fake Helmet Head (Choosable between Steve and Alex)
Smiler Head
Noh Mask Head
Pepe The Frog Head (April Fools Cosmetic)
Trollface Head (April Fools Cosmetic)
Sunflower (Plants VS Zombies) Head
Snow Pea Head
Peashooter Head
Chomper Head
PartyGoer Head
Hazmat Helmet/Head
Sans Head
Papyrus Head
Tankman Head
Hank J. Wimbleton Head
Markiplier Head
Freddy Fazbear Head
Bonnie Head
Chica Head
Foxy Pirate Head
Tricky The Clown Head
Metal Sonic Head
Chara Head
Bowser Head
There will also be heads that you can achieve without needing to open loot boxes, here are the ones i proposed:​
JartexNetwork Head - The Developers can make it so you can obtain it by linking your Minecraft Account with your Email
After linking your discord account, you will get a popup ingame saying:
''You successfully linked your Minecraft account with your Email, go visit the mailman for a surprise!''
Once you visit the minigames, you will get a popup saying:
''You successfully got the JartexNetwork Head''
voodootje0/Gunfire Head - You will be able to unlock these heads after playing on this server for more than 1 year, the popup will be:
''It's been 1 year since you played on this server, Congrats! I have an reward waiting for you!''
2. Suits
Tricky Suit (Gold Rank)
Suit will have these colors:
ChestPlate (Gray Color)
Leggings (Gray Color, since Tricky doesn't even have legs, he has round feet only)
Boots (Dark Gray)
Head (Tricky The Clown)
What will this suit do?​
It will spawn 2 Tricky Expurgation Clones (With ''Expurgation'' head from creative, and the color of leather suit will be Black+Dark Gray), they will follow you around for 7.5 seconds (To summon them you must click RMB)​
Animdude Suit (Diamond Rank)
Suit Colors​
Chestplate: (White + Light Blue)​
Leggings: (Same as chestplate)​
Boots: (-//-)​
Head: (Animdude/Scott Cawthon)​
What will this suit do?​
It will summon a 4th wall attack (8x4 in Size and 2 layers) (Snow Blocks will be used), if a player interacts with the giant fourth wall, they will be knocked back by 7-15 blocks​
3. Gadgets
Bomblitz Gadget (Iron Rank)
What will this gadget do?
Pressing RMB will throw a bomb that will create a large explosion in a radius of about 10 blocks, the players inside the radius will be knockbacked for about 10-20 blocks depending how close they are to the bomb.
The cooldown will be 10 seconds
Peashooter Gadget (Diamond Rank)
What will this gadget do?
Pressing RMB will summon a Flower pot + baby armor stand with a peashooter head (thanks WildAbbee WildAbbee once again) shooting towards the way you were facing at, when people step on the side it will start shooting peas (or arrows that are green color idk) that actually damage them (0 Damage, you will only hear the damage sounds). This is why i decided for it to be available for Diamond, it can be for Crystal too since it's literally a MC Model of a Peashooter
Cooldown will be 13 Seconds
Sonic The Hedgehog Gadget (Gold Rank)
This gadget will have 2 abilities unlike the other ones that have only 1
If you press Shift + RMB, it will give you Speed 5 Effect, making you go very fast (lasts 7.5 seconds)
If you press only RMB, it will spawn Sonic spin dashing for about 20-30 blocks (Head for that will be a blue furball, that will have the size of a Soccer ball from the Soccer/Football Gadget)​
First one will have a cooldown of 20 seconds​
Second one will have a cooldown of 12 seconds​
Super Mario Gadget (Iron Rank)​
It will put you in a Mario Suit, and will summon a couple of bricks/mystery block (Chances are random) above your head​
You will be able to break the Regular Bricks, and the Mystery Block will contain a coin, and possibly any other ability from Super Mario Bros​
Cooldown will be 10 seconds​
Ban Hammer Gadget (April Fools Cosmetic) (Iron Rank)
It will summon a skin of Rodagave115 Rodagave115 with an axe (closest thing similar to a ban hammer), animated to bonk a player's head, and they will get blow up and disappear (aka get banned).
Cooldown will be 10 seconds
Harpoon Gadget (Iron Rank)
It will summon an harpoon (Made out of cobblestone brick walls) that will fly a really far distance, it can land on floor, player, wall etc. If it lands on a player, it will knock them back 5 blocks away from where have been they standing​
Cooldown will be 10 seconds​
Meteor Shower Gadget (Diamond Rank)
It will summon a load of fireballs (around 10) in different color variations, when they hit the ground, they'll leave the trace of Netherrack, magma cube etc blocks, then it'll vanish after 3 seconds
Morshu Gadget (Iron Rank)
It will spawn and NPC of Morshu (if there is one) Skin from Link: Faces Of Evil. He will ask you this:​
''Lamp oil, rope, BOMBS?! You want it? It's your my friend, as long as you have enough rupees''​
In the chat, there will be 3 options that you can click:​
''Lamp Oil'' ''Rope'' ''Bombs''​
If you try to right click on the options, or don't respond in 15 seconds, he will say this:​
''Sorry [User], i can't GIVE CREDIT! Come back when you're a little... MMMMM Richer!!''​
Then he will explode because he had a bomb prepared, knocking back everyone in the 5x5 radius​
Also his messages will only be visible to the user who used that gadget​
4. Cloaks
Hellclown Cloak (Gold Rank)
The shape should look like the same from this image, just significantly smaller
Category 2: In Game Cosmetics
1. Kill Messages
You can check them out here
2. Win Effects
Unfortunately, i do not have any experience with suggesting new win effects, BUT you can check out one of the suggestions for that by MaybeItsDestiny_ MaybeItsDestiny_ here
3. Projectile Trails
Nether Projectile Trails (Iron Rank)
Similar to the Iron-Crystal Projectile Trails, this one will just have Netherrack, Magma and Blaze Rods instead
End Projectile Trails (Iron Rank)
Same thing that i said above with the Nether PT's, this one will have end stone and purpur blocks from end cities
4. ShopKeeper Skins (Bedwars)
I don't have any shopkeeper skin ideas, however what i think would be good is to make a Custom ShopKeeper Skin
For example, if you insert the IGN Rodagave115, the shopkeeper's skin will be Rodagave's.
This feature should definitely be for Crystal Ranks
About Click Effects, please minimize some of the requirements for it, all of them are for Diamond/Crystal Rank, make some that are required for at least minimum gold rank.
If any of you have ideas for new cosmetics, make sure to post them here!
Changes to Loot Boxes ๐Ÿ”
I am pretty sure everyone keeps getting just gems (10-175, you get 100+ only for mythic loot boxes) every time they get a duplicate cosmetic, why not give them brains or Coins even for example?
Idk if anyone will agree, but there should be a extremely rare chance of getting bit of Iron Currency (Around 5-20) when getting a duplicate cosmetic from Loot Boxes
Alongside with that, i believe the Loot Boxes should contain In game cosmetics as well (Thanks to WildAbbee WildAbbee for letting me know about this), nobody really cares about lobby cosmetics at all.
Selling Loot Boxes for Coins๐ŸŒŸ
Let's say that someone without a rank, got a Mythical Loot Box that requires iron rank, or if you just want to sell it to get coins or anything else. You should be able to sell it for one of these 3 options mentioned above.
Or maybe if you just want to sell it because you need coins, and don't want any cosmetics
The amount of coins you should get for selling would go something like this
Common - 100
Rare - 250
Epic - 500
Legendary - 1000
Mythical - 2000
This would be great for people without a rank, as they'll be able to sell the Mythic Lootbox for 2000 coins, getting them closer to buy​
a talent for example.​
Holiday Event Loot Boxes ๐ŸŒŸ
Before you say anything, yes there are beach balls and gifts, but have a chance of giving you a duplicate, even if you have 10-15 cosmetics as mentioned above​
Also i believe they should have some cool names as well like as mentioned below​
Santa's Loot Box Will be available only from December to January, they will have guaranteed Holiday Event Cosmetics that you do not have, they will be in the Daily Calendar only, and should be as rare as Legendary loot boxes in minigames​
Summer Loot Box (Or Beach Ball as called) Will be available after it gets announced, and will end at the start of September
ScareCrow's Loot Box Will be available throughout October, functions just like the other 2 loot boxes above
Easter Egg This actually won't be a loot box, this will be an Egg, that will likely have a chance of getting you a seasonal easter cosmetic, it will have the same rarity as an Rare Loot Box
There could be more of those Holiday Event Boxes since this server celebrates more than just christmas, summer, halloween and easter
Brain Washer Cooldowns ๐Ÿ”
We all know what brain washers are and that they have cooldown, but i believe that this should be a bit changed
Each Brain Washer should have its own cooldown​
Bronze - 10 Minutes
Silver - 20 Minutes
Gold - 30 Minutes
Cooldowns get shortened the higher rank you are, by 5 Minutes
These are proposed cooldowns​
Brain Washer Rework ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ
The amount of coins you get for a duplicate ingame cosmetic is pretty bad, this definitely needs a rework
Bronze - The amount of coins you will get is 75-250
Silver - The amount of coins you will get is 250-500
Gold - The amount of coins you will get is 500-750
If you get bag of coins, you will get the same amount of those just like when you get duplicate cosmetics
The higher the rank, the higher amount of coins you get (multiplies by 1.3 with Iron, 1.6 with Gold, 2 with Diamond, and 2.5 with Crystal)
The amount of brains you will get depending which brain washer you open should also be changed:
Bronze - 10-30
Silver - 20-50
Gold - 50-75
These are the proposed coin amounts, developers can decided what should the prize be​

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
A lot of people are not happy how these features currently work, reworking/balancing them out would be beneficial for unlocking cosmetics faster​

Extra Information:
Last edited:


February 9, 2022
Minecraft Username:

What is your suggestion's title?
Improvements of Loot Boxes, New Cosmetics & More!​

Suggestion Details:
Ill start off with the first idea i came up with, which i also like the most​
New Loot Boxes
Whenever you open a lootbox, you will most certainly expect to get something that you have, no matter if you unlocked only 10-15 cosmetics for example, so i was thinking, why not add 4 more loot boxes that can guarantee you new cosmetics/ingame cosmetics?​
Ranked Loot Boxes will be available only for people who have bought ranks or got them with vote crystals (Aka Iron Rank).​
Now they won't be 100% p2w, since you can easily get the first loot box mentioned below by using Vote Crystals to get Iron first
Iron Loot Box will be available only for people who have from Iron-Crystal Rank, it will have guaranteed Cosmetics that are only useable for Iron ranked players, and oftenly will have cosmetics that are available for Normal Players, the rarity of getting it should be the same as a regular Epic Lootbox​
It will also replace the current Common Loot Boxes in the monthly delivery, there will be 3 Iron Loot Boxes alongside with 1 Rare Loot Box
And if possible, it will be available in the store for $1.50​
Gold Loot Box will be available only for people who have from Gold-Crystal Rank, it will have guaranteed Cosmetics that are useable for Gold ranked players, Commonly cosmetics that require Iron and Player rank the rarity of getting it should be the same as a regular Mythic Loot box.​
It will also be available in the Gold Monthly Delivery (1)​
The color of the loot box will be yellow, and the Legendary Loot Box should be changes to Orange​
And if possible, it will be available in the store for $3.0​
Diamond Loot Box will be available only for people who have Diamond and Crystal Rank, it will have guaranteed Cosmetics that are useable for Diamond ranked players, Commonly cosmetics that require Iron/Player, and rarely Cosmetics that require Gold rank, it should be extremely rare tho.​
It will also replace the Legendary Loot Box you get in the monthly delivery (1 Diamond Loot Box)​
The color of the loot box should be Aqua (saying that because the Rare Loot Box is blue color​
And if possible, it will be available in the store for $5.00​
Crystal Loot Box will be available only for people who have Crystal Rank, it will have guaranteed Cosmetics that are​
useable for Crystal Ranked Players, Usually should have cosmetics that require Gold/Iron, and rarely cosmetics for Diamond ranked players, it will be available in the Monthly and Weekly Crystal Deliveries ONLY
And if possible, it will be available in the store for $7.50​
Insane Loot Box will be available for people who have Gold Rank , this is going to be a new Loot Box, and it will guarantee you a new cosmetic most of the time, but usually should give you one that does not require a rank/requires a rank that you have, it'll be thrice rarer than the Mythical Loot Box it will be Gray Color, and will not be in any monthly deliveries due that it will be too OP​
And if possible, it will be available in the store for $10.00​
New Cosmetics
Category 1: Lobby Cosmetics
I haven't seen any new heads, suits, gadgets, morphs etc in a while. That's why i'd like to suggest to add more! I have a huge list of them, some will be available either for everyone or for people who have a rank
1. Heads
Here's the list of heads:
Discord Head (You will be able to obtain it by linking your account with Discord As well, giving you another head as an reward for that)
Wumpus Head (Can be obtained after linking your in game account with your Discord Account)
Reddit Head
Twitch Head (You will get this head for free if you get Twitch Rank on Jartex, will be available for everyone but much rarer)
YouTube Head (You will get this head for free if you get YouTube Rank on Jartex, will be available for everyone but much rarer)
Twitter Head
Instagram Head
Spotify Head
Google Chrome Head
TikTok Head
Steve Head
Alex Head
TechnoBlade Head (Rest in Peace mate, you will be missed by all of us)
Monkey Head
Capybara Head (Ok i pull up)
Squid Game Head
Monitor/Computer Head
Duck Head
Crown Head
JoltTheBald Head ( JoltTheBolt JoltTheBolt )
UK Head
Russia Head
Serbia Head
Croatia Head
Bosnia & Herzegovina Head
Ukraine Head
Egypt Head
Palestine Head
Pakistan Head
Bangladesh Head
Roblox Default Skin Head
Boyfriend (FNF) Head
Girlfriend (FNF) Head
Daddy Dearest Head
Pico Head
Darnell Head
Nene Head
Sayori Head
Yuri Head
Natsuki Head
Zanta Head
Tord Head
Tom Head
Matt Head
Edd Head
Copper Golem Head (Rest in Peace, you will be missed <3)
Glow Squid Head
Allay Head
Knight Head
Mordecai Head
Corrupted Enderman Head
Windows XP Head
Eteled Head
Austin Head
Matt Head
MrBeast Head
Grass Block Head
Fake Diamond Helmet Head
Smiler Head
Pepe The Frog Head (April Fools Cosmetic)
Trollface Head (April Fools Cosmetic)
Iron Block Head (Iron Rank) (Unlockable when Iron Rank Obtained)
Sunflower (Plants VS Zombies) Head (Iron Rank)
Snow Pea Head (Iron Rank)
Peashooter Head (Iron Rank)
Chomper Head (Iron Rank)
BucketHead Zombie Head (Iron Rank)
Dr. Zomboss (Robot) Head (Iron Rank)
PartyGoer Head (Iron Rank)
Hazmat Helmet/Head (Iron Rank)
Agoti Head (Iron Rank)
Solazar Head (Iron Rank)
Aldryx Head (Iron Rank)
Nikusa Head (Iron Rank)
Red Mist Squidward Head (Based off the Creepypasta) (Iron Rank)
Sans Head (Iron Rank)
Papyrus Head (Iron Rank)
Undyne Head (Iron Rank)
Glare Head (Iron Rank)
Tankman Head (Iron Rank)
Hank J. Wimbleton Head (Iron Rank)
Lost Silver Head (Based off the Pokemon Creepypasta) (Iron Rank)
Huggy Wuggy Head (Iron Rank)
Kissy Missy Head (Iron Rank)
Monika Head (Iron Rank)
Peter Griffin Head (Iron Rank)
Glenn Quagmire Head (Iron Rank)
Joe Swanson Head (Iron Rank)
Cleveland Brown Head (Iron Rank)
Stewie Griffin Head (Iron Rank)
Amanda the Adventurer Head (Iron Rank)
Woolie The Sheep Head (Iron Rank)
Fleetway Super Sonic Head (Iron Rank)
MatPat Head (Iron Rank)
Markiplier Head (Iron Rank)
Freddy Fazbear Head (Iron Rank)
Bonnie Head (Iron Rank)
Chica Head (Iron Rank)
Foxy Pirate Head (Iron Rank)
Tabi Head (Iron Rank)
Tricky The Clown Head (Iron Rank)
Metal Sonic Head (Iron Rank)
Gold Block Head (Gold Rank) (Unlockable when Gold Rank Obtained)
Chara Head (Gold Rank)
Golden Freddy Head (Gold Rank)
Purple Guy Head (Gold Rank)
Shadow Bonnie Head (Gold Rank)
Springtrap Head (Gold Rank)
Cassette Girl Head (Gold Rank)
Zardy Foolhardy Head (Gold Rank)
Cablecrow Head (Gold Rank)
Dr. Zomboss Head (Gold Rank)
Carl Johnson Head (Gold Rank)
Majin Sonic Head (Gold Rank)
Diamond Block Head (Diamond Rank) (Unlockable when Diamond Rank Obtained)
MX Head (Mario PC Port) (Diamond Rank)
Shaggy Rogers Head (Diamond Rank)
Bowser Head (Diamond Rank)
HellClown Tricky Head (Diamond Rank)
Expurgation Tricky Head (Diamond Rank)
Crystal Head (Crystal) (Unlockable when Crystal Rank Obtained)
3 Special Heads:​
JartexNetwork Head - The Developers can make it so you can obtain it by linking your Minecraft Account with your Email
After linking your discord account, you will get a popup ingame saying:
''You successfully linked your Minecraft account with your Email, go visit the mailman for a surprise!''
Once you visit the minigames, you will get a popup saying:
''You successfully got the JartexNetwork Head''
voodootje0/Gunfire Head - You will be able to unlock these heads after playing on this server for more than 1 year, the popup will be:
''It's been 1 year since you played on this server, Congrats! I have an reward waiting for you!''
2. Suits
Tricky Suit (Gold Rank)
Suit will have these colors:
ChestPlate (Gray Color)
Leggings (Gray Color, since Tricky doesn't even have legs, he has round feet only)
Boots (Dark Gray)
Head (Tricky The Clown)
What will this suit do?​
It will spawn 2 Tricky Expurgation Clones (With ''Expurgation'' head from creative, and the color of leather suit will be Black+Dark Gray), they will follow you around for 7.5 seconds (To summon them you must click RMB)​
Tabi Suit (Iron Rank)
Suit Colors:
Chestplate (Blue + Gray + Light Blue)
Leggings (Blue + Black)
Boots (Black + Orange)
Or you can take colors by simply clicking here
What will this suit do?
It will spawn a couple of medium-sized explosives (By Clicking RMB) around you, and after about 2.5 seconds they will blow up and create fire which will disappear after 4.5 seconds
Animdude Suit (Diamond Rank)
Suit Colors​
Chestplate: (White + Light Blue)​
Leggings: (Same as chestplate)​
Boots: (-//-)​
Head: (Animdude/Scott Cawthon)​
What will this suit do?​
By Pressing 4 + RMB, it will summon a 4th wall attack (Snow Blocks will be used) that will push back all the player to the wall or void, wherever they're standing, the 4th wall will be 4 blocks tall and 2 blocks wide just like in FNAF World​
Sonic.EXE Suit (Gold Rank)
Suit Colors
Chestplate: (Blue + 2 Dark Blue Dye)
Leggings: (Same as chestplate)
Boots: (Dark Red, similar to regular sonic's boots)
Head: Sonic.EXE with a dark fur
What will this suit do?
Well this one will be interesting, pressing G + RMB (acronym for God, how Xenophane calls himself) will summon characters tails, knuckles and eggman souls of them. Google for more information and how they look like!
3. Gadgets
Whitty the Bomb gadget (Iron Rank)
What will this gadget do?
Pressing RMB will throw a bomb that will create a large explosion in a radius of about 10 blocks, the players inside the radius will be knockbacked for about 10-20 blocks depending how close they are to the bomb.
The cooldown will be 10 seconds
Peashooter Gadget (Diamond Rank)
What will this gadget do?
Pressing RMB will summon a Flower pot + baby armor stand with a peashooter head (thanks WildAbbee WildAbbee once again) shooting towards the way you were facing at, when people step on the side it will start shooting peas (or arrows that are green color idk) that actually damage them (0 Damage, you will only hear the damage sounds). This is why i decided for it to be available for Diamond, it can be for Crystal too since it's literally a MC Model of a Peashooter
Cooldown will be 13 Seconds
Sonic The Hedgehog Gadget (Gold Rank)
What will this gadget do?
This gadget will have 2 abilities unlike the other ones that have only 1
If you press Shift + RMB, it will give you Speed 5 Effect, making you go very fast (lasts 7.5 seconds)
If you press only RMB, it will spawn Sonic spin dashing for about 20-30 blocks (Head for that will be a blue furball, that will have the size of a Soccer ball from the Soccer/Football Gadget)​
First one will have a cooldown of 20 seconds​
Second one will have a cooldown of 12.5 seconds​
Super Mario Gadget (Iron Rank)​
What will this gadget do?​
Pressing Z will put you in a Mario Suit, and will summon a couple of bricks/mystery block (Chances are random) above your head​
You will be able to break the Regular Bricks, and the Mystery Block will contain a coin, and possibly any other ability from Super Mario Bros​
Cooldown will be 8.5 seconds​
Ban Hammer Gadget (April Fools Cosmetic) (Iron Rank)
What will this gadget do?
It will summon a skin of Rodagave115 Rodagave115 with an axe (closest thing similar to a ban hammer), animated to bonk a player's head, and they will get blow up and disappear (aka get banned).
Cooldown will be 10 seconds
Harpoon Gadget (Iron Rank)
What will this gadget do?
Keybind: H + RMB​
It will summon an harpoon that will fly a really far distance, it can land on floor, player, wall etc. If it lands on a player, it will knock them back 5 blocks away from where have been they standing​
Cooldown will be 10 seconds​
Meteor Shower Gadget (Diamond Rank)
What will this gadget do?
Keybind: M (cuz it'll stand for meteor) + RMB
It will summon a load of fireballs (around 10) in different color variations, when they hit the ground, they'll leave the trace of Netherrack, magma cube etc blocks, then it'll vanish after 3 seconds
Morshu Gadget (Iron Rank)
What will this gadget do?​
Keybind: RMB​
It will spawn and NPC of Morshu (if there is one) Skin from Link: Faces Of Evil. He will ask you this:​
''Lamp oil, rope, BOMBS?! You want it? It's your my friend, as long as you have enough rupees''​
In the chat, there will be 3 options that you can click:​
''Lamp Oil'' ''Rope'' ''Bombs''​
If you try to right click on the options, or don't respond in 15 seconds, he will say this:​
''Sorry [User], i can't GIVE CREDIT! Come back when you're a little... MMMMM Richer!!''​
Then he will explode because he had a bomb prepared, knocking back everyone in the 5x5 radius for 7 blocks​
Also his messages will only be visible to the user who used that gadget​
Tombstone Gadget (Gold Rank)
What will this gadget do?​
Keybind: RMB + Space​
It will spawn a tombstone, that looks similarly to the one from Clash Royale, it will last for 35 Seconds, and will spawn 2 skeletons every 10 (Which will carry Iron Swords), once the tombstone is destroyed, all skeletons spawned will blow up, leaving all the bones splattered around the lobby​
4. Cloaks
HellClown Cloak (Gold Rank)
The shape should look like the same from this image
Troll Face Cloak (April Fools Cosmetic) (Iron Rank)
You know how it will look like​
Nirahz Nirahz would definitely want this added​
Mami Tomoe Cloak (Crystal Rank)
You may be wondering how and what will this even look like in the first place?
Well, she actually has weapons floating around her, and i wanted that to be a cosmetic on jartex
Just draw her weapon with particles like the Sun Cloak one
The weapon looks like this
Also there will be 3 Of these shotguns on the left and right side each, nothing above​
Warner Bros Shaggy Cloak (Gold Rank)
This is how it will look like
Basically you will have green outline like the WB (Warner Bros) Shaggy
Category 2: In Game Cosmetics
1. Kill Messages
You can check them out here
2. Win Effects
Unfortunately, i do not have any experience with suggesting new win effects, BUT you can check out one of the suggestions for that by MaybeItsDestiny_ MaybeItsDestiny_ here
3. Projectile Trails
Nether Projectile Trails (Iron Rank)
Similar to the Iron-Crystal Projectile Trails, this one will just have Netherrack, Magma and Blaze Rods instead
The End Projectile Trails (Iron Rank)
Same thing that i said above with the Nether PT's, this one will have end stone and purpur blocks from end cities
4. ShopKeeper Skins (Bedwars)
Actually, what i think would be good is to make a custom ShopKeeper
For example, if you insert the IGN Rodagave115, the shopkeeper's skin will be Rodagave's.
This feature should definitely be for Crystal Ranks
About Click Effects, please minimize some of the requirements for it, all of them are for Diamond/Crystal Rank, make some that are required for gold/iron
If any of you have ideas for new cosmetics, make sure to post them here!
Kits buyable with Iron Currency!
Since it is easier to obtain Iron Currency now (By voting), i think that the kits in Skywars should be boughtable with the Iron Currency, many people suggested to buy kits with coins, but i think it should be like this instead
Some changes to Loot Boxes
I am pretty sure everyone keeps getting just gems (10-175, you get 100+ only for mythic loot boxes) every time they get a duplicate cosmetic, why not give them brains or Coins even for example?
Idk if anyone will agree, but there should be a extremely rare chance of getting bit of Iron Currency (Around 5-20) when getting a duplicate cosmetic from Loot Boxes
Alongside with that, i believe the Loot Boxes should contain In game cosmetics as well (Thanks to WildAbbee WildAbbee for letting me know about this), nobody really cares about lobby cosmetics at all.
Able to sell Loot Boxes for Coins/Brains/Gems
Let's say that someone without a rank, got a Mythical Loot Box that requires iron rank, or if you just want to sell it to get coins or anything else. You should be able to sell it for one of these 3 options mentioned above.
Or maybe if you just want to sell it because you need coins/brains/gems, and don't want any cosmetics
Pretty simple and good in my opinion
Holiday Event Loot Boxes ๐Ÿฅณ
Before you say anything, yes there are beach balls and gifts, but have a chance of giving you a duplicate, even if you have 10-15 cosmetics as mentioned above​
Also i believe they should have some cool names as well like as mentioned below​
Santa's Loot Box (The name decor is cool Imo) Will be available only from December to January, they will have guaranteed Holiday Event Cosmetics that you do not have, it's name will be just like how i wrote (with a bit different color of course), they will be in the Daily Calendar only (like 2 or 3 times), and should be extremely rare​
Summer Loot Box Will be available from when Devs/Owners announces the Summer Event until September, they will have guaranteed Holiday Event Cosmetics that you~ yeah basically the same thing what i wrote above.
ScareCrow's Loot Box (Doesn't need to be this color just an example and decorational) Same thing mentioned above, therefore i won't repeat what i said
Easter Egg This actually won't be a loot box, this will be an Egg, that will likely have a chance of getting you a seasonal easter cosmetic, it will have the same rarity as an Rare Loot Box
Separate Brain Washer Cooldowns
We all know what brain washers are and that they have cooldown, but i believe that this should be a bit changed
Each Brain Washer should have a different cooldown time, Like for example​
Bronze - 15 Minutes
Silver - 25 Minutes
Gold - 35 Minutes
Cooldowns get shortened the higher rank you are, by 5 Minutes
Whenever you try to open another one it'll say ''The (Whichever) Brainwasher is on cooldown, wait for 6 minutes and 9 seconds''
Brain Washer Rework
Obviously, brain washers need a rework, so first things first i would love to see buffed coin/brain rewards depending on which brain washer you open, for example:
Bronze - If you get duplicate items, the amount of coins you will get is 50-250
Silver - If you get duplicate items, the amount of coins you will get is 200-500
Gold - If you get duplicate items, the amount of coins you will get is 400-750
If you get bag of coins, you will get the same amount of those just like when you get duplicate cosmetics
The amount of brains you will get depending which brain washer you open should also be changed:
Bronze - 10-30
Silver - 20-50
Gold - 50-70
Automatically disable fly when doing parkour
Pretty sure that people with ranks have tried some of the parkours, and sometimes they by accident fly on some certain parts, why not just disable fly automatically when pressing the parkour start pressure plate​
Minor changes to the parkour
As you may see, i teleported to a checkpoint in the bedwars parkour, but the thing is that i am for some reason not facing towards the next jump on the parkour, pretty sure that you know what i mean at this point​

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
I believe all of this above should be implemented considering the fact that people complain about getting duplicate cosmetics from crates since i have joined this network, and barely anything in return, this could potentially improve loot boxes, adding the seasonal ones would make the seasonal cosmetics much easier to obtain, i haven't seen any new cosmetics in a while so i decided to suggest to add some​

Extra Information:
This suggestion gets updated every day, with adding new cosmetics from films, creepypastas, video games and other stuff you would not expect!​
Make sure to vote this one as well!​
I just can't Downvote this suggestion


June 6, 2021
Suggestion - Upvote (+1)

Hey Lolguy376,

I decided to give your Suggestion โ€œImprovements of Loot Boxes, New Cosmetics & More!โ€ an
Upvote (+1)

I hope that this Gets Accepted, And Goodluck with this.



Great Reporter
Great Reporter
August 19, 2020
Suggestion - Upvote (+1)

Hey Lolguy376,

I decided to give your Suggestion โ€œImprovements of Loot Boxes, New Cosmetics & More!โ€ an
Upvote (+1)

I hope that this Gets Accepted, And Goodluck with this.

thank, however please for the love of god just stop, people have more notifs than china its population


June 6, 2021
thank, however please for the love of god just stop, people have more notifs than china its population
heheh, My friend has over 149 Notifs from me- dw im also at that 1k


July 18, 2021
Minecraft Username:

What is your suggestion's title?
Improvements of Loot Boxes, New Cosmetics & More!​

Suggestion Details:
Before you get into the suggestion, just a few things to clarify:​
๐ŸŒŸ - Means that it is a new feature​
๐Ÿ” - Means it should be reworked​
๐Ÿ› ๏ธ - Means it should be slightly changed​
Ill start off with the first idea i came up with, which i also like the most​
New Loot Boxes ๐ŸŒŸ
Loot boxes are a crucial thing in the minigames, they serve the purpose of giving you cosmetics depending on their rarity, however 50%> do not like this due that they get duplicates 90% of the time no matter the loot box, so i propose you...​
Ranked Loot Boxes
They will be available only for people who have bought ranks or got them with vote crystals (Aka Iron Rank).​
Now they won't be 100% p2w, since you can easily get the first loot box mentioned below by using Vote Crystals to get Iron first
Iron Loot Box will be available only for people who have from Iron-Crystal Rank, it will have guaranteed Cosmetics that are only useable for Iron ranked players, and oftenly will have cosmetics that are available for Normal Players, the rarity of getting it should be the same as a regular Epic Lootbox​
It will also replace the current Common Loot Boxes in the monthly delivery, there will be 3 Iron Loot Boxes alongside with 1 Rare Loot Box
And if possible, it will be available in the store for $1.50​
Gold Loot Box will be available only for people who have from Gold-Crystal Rank, it will have guaranteed Cosmetics that are useable for Gold ranked players, Commonly cosmetics that require Iron and Player rank the rarity of getting it should be the same as a regular Mythic Loot box.​
It will also be available in the Gold Monthly Delivery (1)​
The color of the loot box will be yellow, and the Legendary Loot Box should be changes to Orange​
And if possible, it will be available in the store for $3.0​
Diamond Loot Box will be available only for people who have Diamond and Crystal Rank, it will have guaranteed Cosmetics that are useable for Diamond ranked players, Commonly cosmetics that require Iron/Player, and rarely Cosmetics that require Gold rank, it should be extremely rare tho.​
It will also replace the Legendary Loot Box you get in the monthly delivery (1 Diamond Loot Box)​
The color of the loot box should be Aqua (saying that because the Rare Loot Box is blue color​
And if possible, it will be available in the store for $5.00​
Crystal Loot Box will be available only for people who have Crystal Rank, it will have guaranteed Cosmetics that are​
useable for Crystal Ranked Players, Usually should have cosmetics that require Gold/Iron, and rarely cosmetics for Diamond ranked players, it will be available in the Monthly and Weekly Crystal Deliveries ONLY
And if possible, it will be available in the store for $7.50​
Along with that, there should be a new loot box called...​
Insane Loot Box
It will be available for people who have Gold Rank ,and it will guarantee you a new cosmetic most of the time, but usually should give you one that does not require a rank/requires a rank that you have, it'll be thrice rarer than the Mythical Loot Box it will be Gray Color, and will not be in any monthly deliveries due that it will be too OP​
And if possible, it will be available in the store for $10.00​
New Cosmetics
Category 1: Lobby Cosmetics
1. Heads
Here's the list of heads:
Discord Head (Obtainable by linking your discord account, through loot boxes it is quite rare)
Wumpus Head (Obtainable by linking your discord account)
Reddit Head
Twitch Head (Obtainable once you get Twitch Rank, very rare in loot boxes though)
YouTube Head (Obtainable once you get YouTube Rank, very rare in loot boxes though)
Twitter Head
Instagram Head
Spotify Head
Google Chrome Head
TikTok Head
Steve Head
Alex Head
TechnoBlade Head (Rest in Peace)
Monkey Head
Capybara Head
Squid Game Head
Monitor/Computer Head
Duck Head
Crown Head
JoltTheBald Head ( JoltTheBolt JoltTheBolt )
Roblox Default Skin Head
Boyfriend (FNF) Head
Girlfriend (FNF) Head
Pico Head
Darnell Head
Nene Head
Zanta Head
Tord Head
Tom Head
Matt Head
Edd Head
Copper Golem Head (Rest in Peace, you will be missed <3)
Allay Head
Knight Head
Mordecai Head
Corrupted Enderman Head
Windows XP Head
Eteled Head
Austin Head
Matt Head
MrBeast Head
Grass Block Head
Fake Helmet Head
Smiler Head
Noh Mask Head
Pepe The Frog Head (April Fools Cosmetic)
Trollface Head (April Fools Cosmetic)
Iron Block Head (Iron Rank) (Unlockable when Iron Rank Obtained)
Sunflower (Plants VS Zombies) Head (Iron Rank)
Snow Pea Head (Iron Rank)
Peashooter Head (Iron Rank)
Chomper Head (Iron Rank)
BucketHead Zombie Head (Iron Rank)
Dr. Zomboss (Robot) Head (Iron Rank)
PartyGoer Head (Iron Rank)
Hazmat Helmet/Head (Iron Rank)
Agoti Head (Iron Rank)
Solazar Head (Iron Rank)
Aldryx Head (Iron Rank)
Nikusa Head (Iron Rank)
Red Mist Squidward Head (Based off the Creepypasta) (Iron Rank)
Sans Head (Iron Rank)
Papyrus Head (Iron Rank)
Undyne Head (Iron Rank)
Tankman Head (Iron Rank)
Hank J. Wimbleton Head (Iron Rank)
Lost Silver Head (Based off the Pokemon Creepypasta) (Iron Rank)
Peter Griffin Head (Iron Rank)
Glenn Quagmire Head (Iron Rank)
Joe Swanson Head (Iron Rank)
Cleveland Brown Head (Iron Rank)
Stewie Griffin Head (Iron Rank)
Fleetway Super Sonic Head (Iron Rank)
Markiplier Head (Iron Rank)
Freddy Fazbear Head (Iron Rank)
Bonnie Head (Iron Rank)
Chica Head (Iron Rank)
Foxy Pirate Head (Iron Rank)
Tabi Head (Iron Rank)
Tricky The Clown Head (Iron Rank)
Metal Sonic Head (Iron Rank)
Gold Head (Gold Rank) (Unlockable when Gold Rank Obtained)
Chara Head (Gold Rank)
Golden Freddy Head (Gold Rank)
Purple Guy Head (Gold Rank)
Shadow Bonnie Head (Gold Rank)
Springtrap Head (Gold Rank)
Cassette Girl Head (Gold Rank)
Dr. Zomboss Head (Gold Rank)
Majin Sonic Head (Gold Rank)
Diamond Head (Diamond Rank) (Unlockable when Diamond Rank Obtained)
Shaggy Head (Diamond Rank)
Bowser Head (Diamond Rank)
HellClown Tricky Head (Diamond Rank)
Expurgation Tricky Head (Diamond Rank)
Crystal Head (Crystal) (Unlockable when Crystal Rank Obtained)
There will also be heads that you can achieve without needing to open loot boxes, here are the ones i proposed:​
JartexNetwork Head - The Developers can make it so you can obtain it by linking your Minecraft Account with your Email
After linking your discord account, you will get a popup ingame saying:
''You successfully linked your Minecraft account with your Email, go visit the mailman for a surprise!''
Once you visit the minigames, you will get a popup saying:
''You successfully got the JartexNetwork Head''
voodootje0/Gunfire Head - You will be able to unlock these heads after playing on this server for more than 1 year, the popup will be:
''It's been 1 year since you played on this server, Congrats! I have an reward waiting for you!''
2. Suits
Tricky Suit (Gold Rank)
Suit will have these colors:
ChestPlate (Gray Color)
Leggings (Gray Color, since Tricky doesn't even have legs, he has round feet only)
Boots (Dark Gray)
Head (Tricky The Clown)
What will this suit do?​
It will spawn 2 Tricky Expurgation Clones (With ''Expurgation'' head from creative, and the color of leather suit will be Black+Dark Gray), they will follow you around for 7.5 seconds (To summon them you must click RMB)​
Tabi Suit (Iron Rank)
Suit Colors:
Chestplate (Blue + Gray + Light Blue)
Leggings (Blue + Black)
Boots (Black + Orange)
Or you can take colors by simply clicking here
What will this suit do?
It will spawn a couple of medium-sized explosives (By Clicking RMB) around you, and after about 2.5 seconds they will blow up and create fire which will disappear after 4.5 seconds
Animdude Suit (Diamond Rank)
Suit Colors​
Chestplate: (White + Light Blue)​
Leggings: (Same as chestplate)​
Boots: (-//-)​
Head: (Animdude/Scott Cawthon)​
What will this suit do?​
By Pressing 4 + RMB, it will summon a 4th wall attack (Snow Blocks will be used) that will push back all the player to the wall or void, wherever they're standing, the 4th wall will be 4 blocks tall and 2 blocks wide just like in FNAF World​
3. Gadgets
Heavy Bombard Gadget (Iron Rank)
What will this gadget do?
Pressing RMB will throw a bomb that will create a large explosion in a radius of about 10 blocks, the players inside the radius will be knockbacked for about 10-20 blocks depending how close they are to the bomb.
The cooldown will be 10 seconds
Peashooter Gadget (Diamond Rank)
What will this gadget do?
Pressing RMB will summon a Flower pot + baby armor stand with a peashooter head (thanks WildAbbee WildAbbee once again) shooting towards the way you were facing at, when people step on the side it will start shooting peas (or arrows that are green color idk) that actually damage them (0 Damage, you will only hear the damage sounds). This is why i decided for it to be available for Diamond, it can be for Crystal too since it's literally a MC Model of a Peashooter
Cooldown will be 13 Seconds
Sonic The Hedgehog Gadget (Gold Rank)
This gadget will have 2 abilities unlike the other ones that have only 1
If you press Shift + RMB, it will give you Speed 5 Effect, making you go very fast (lasts 7.5 seconds)
If you press only RMB, it will spawn Sonic spin dashing for about 20-30 blocks (Head for that will be a blue furball, that will have the size of a Soccer ball from the Soccer/Football Gadget)​
First one will have a cooldown of 20 seconds​
Second one will have a cooldown of 12 seconds​
Super Mario Gadget (Iron Rank)​
It will put you in a Mario Suit, and will summon a couple of bricks/mystery block (Chances are random) above your head​
You will be able to break the Regular Bricks, and the Mystery Block will contain a coin, and possibly any other ability from Super Mario Bros​
Cooldown will be 10 seconds​
Ban Hammer Gadget (April Fools Cosmetic) (Iron Rank)
It will summon a skin of Rodagave115 Rodagave115 with an axe (closest thing similar to a ban hammer), animated to bonk a player's head, and they will get blow up and disappear (aka get banned).
Cooldown will be 10 seconds
Harpoon Gadget (Iron Rank)
It will summon an harpoon (Made out of cobblestone brick walls) that will fly a really far distance, it can land on floor, player, wall etc. If it lands on a player, it will knock them back 5 blocks away from where have been they standing​
Cooldown will be 10 seconds​
Meteor Shower Gadget (Diamond Rank)
It will summon a load of fireballs (around 10) in different color variations, when they hit the ground, they'll leave the trace of Netherrack, magma cube etc blocks, then it'll vanish after 3 seconds
Morshu Gadget (Iron Rank)
It will spawn and NPC of Morshu (if there is one) Skin from Link: Faces Of Evil. He will ask you this:​
''Lamp oil, rope, BOMBS?! You want it? It's your my friend, as long as you have enough rupees''​
In the chat, there will be 3 options that you can click:​
''Lamp Oil'' ''Rope'' ''Bombs''​
If you try to right click on the options, or don't respond in 15 seconds, he will say this:​
''Sorry [User], i can't GIVE CREDIT! Come back when you're a little... MMMMM Richer!!''​
Then he will explode because he had a bomb prepared, knocking back everyone in the 5x5 radius for 7 blocks​
Also his messages will only be visible to the user who used that gadget​
4. Cloaks
HellClown Cloak (Gold Rank)
The shape should look like the same from this image
Troll Face Cloak (April Fools Cosmetic) (Iron Rank)
You know how it will look like​
Nirahz Nirahz would definitely want this added​
Category 2: In Game Cosmetics
1. Kill Messages
You can check them out here
2. Win Effects
Unfortunately, i do not have any experience with suggesting new win effects, BUT you can check out one of the suggestions for that by MaybeItsDestiny_ MaybeItsDestiny_ here
3. Projectile Trails
Nether Projectile Trails (Iron Rank)
Similar to the Iron-Crystal Projectile Trails, this one will just have Netherrack, Magma and Blaze Rods instead
End Projectile Trails (Iron Rank)
Same thing that i said above with the Nether PT's, this one will have end stone and purpur blocks from end cities
4. ShopKeeper Skins (Bedwars)
I don't have any shopkeeper skin ideas, however what i think would be good is to make a Custom ShopKeeper Skin
For example, if you insert the IGN Rodagave115, the shopkeeper's skin will be Rodagave's.
This feature should definitely be for Crystal Ranks
About Click Effects, please minimize some of the requirements for it, all of them are for Diamond/Crystal Rank, make some that are required for gold/iron
If any of you have ideas for new cosmetics, make sure to post them here!
Changes to Loot Boxes ๐Ÿ”
I am pretty sure everyone keeps getting just gems (10-175, you get 100+ only for mythic loot boxes) every time they get a duplicate cosmetic, why not give them brains or Coins even for example?
Idk if anyone will agree, but there should be a extremely rare chance of getting bit of Iron Currency (Around 5-20) when getting a duplicate cosmetic from Loot Boxes
Alongside with that, i believe the Loot Boxes should contain In game cosmetics as well (Thanks to WildAbbee WildAbbee for letting me know about this), nobody really cares about lobby cosmetics at all.
Selling Loot Boxes for Coins๐ŸŒŸ
Let's say that someone without a rank, got a Mythical Loot Box that requires iron rank, or if you just want to sell it to get coins or anything else. You should be able to sell it for one of these 3 options mentioned above.
Or maybe if you just want to sell it because you need coins, and don't want any cosmetics
Pretty simple and good in my opinion
Holiday Event Loot Boxes ๐ŸŒŸ
Before you say anything, yes there are beach balls and gifts, but have a chance of giving you a duplicate, even if you have 10-15 cosmetics as mentioned above​
Also i believe they should have some cool names as well like as mentioned below​
Santa's Loot Box Will be available only from December to January, they will have guaranteed Holiday Event Cosmetics that you do not have,they will be in the Daily Calendar only, and should be extremely rare in minigames​
Summer Loot Box Will be available from when Devs/Owners announces the Summer Event until September, It will function the same as the christmas version of itself
ScareCrow's Loot Box Will be available throughout October, functions just like the other 2 loot boxes above
Easter Egg This actually won't be a loot box, this will be an Egg, that will likely have a chance of getting you a seasonal easter cosmetic, it will have the same rarity as an Rare Loot Box
Brain Washer Cooldowns ๐Ÿ”
We all know what brain washers are and that they have cooldown, but i believe that this should be a bit changed
Each Brain Washer should have its own cooldown​
Bronze - 15 Minutes
Silver - 25 Minutes
Gold - 35 Minutes
Cooldowns get shortened the higher rank you are, by 5 Minutes
These are proposed cooldowns​
Brain Washer Rework ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ
Obviously you saw this coming, the amount of coins you get for a duplicate ingame cosmetic is pretty bad, this definitely needs a rework
Bronze - The amount of coins you will get is 50-250
Silver - The amount of coins you will get is 250-500
Gold - The amount of coins you will get is 500-750
If you get bag of coins, you will get the same amount of those just like when you get duplicate cosmetics
The amount of brains you will get depending which brain washer you open should also be changed:
Bronze - 10-30
Silver - 20-50
Gold - 50-70
These are the proposed coin amounts, developers can decided what should the prize be​

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
A lot of people want new stuff, reworked brain washers, loot boxes etc, there is no need to explain​

Extra Information:
bro is doing the devs work. i would actually love to see this implemented +1


Addicted Member
August 3, 2020
+1, There should be more cosmetics added since I've got all of them.
