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Accepted Immortal Factions Ideas for Factions (June 2020)

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August 27, 2017
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Ideas for Factions (June 2020)

Hey everybody! Since the Factions season is now over, it's time to think about the next one, and how to make it even better.

[Preface] Before I jump into all the suggestions, I would like to state that these are just my thoughts / thoughts of my friends. If you think differently, or think my ideas should be tweaked, leave a message to let me and the community know!

I will be breaking it down into categories which are: Enchants, Bugs, Rules, Factions, Economy, Cannoning, PVP.


-Obby destroyer: Currently tier 1 is better than tier 3 which is better than tier 5 (1 > 3 > 5). Fix the tiers and their respective speed, and buff it so tier 5 is 100% 1 shot.

-Enchants that do not work (I have tested these with PGUnation): Shock, Confusion (procs for 0.1s, no nausea effect received), Assassin, Viper, Silence, Leadership.

-Rumours (I haven't tested): Barbarian does not actually only do more damage to axe-wielders, it does increased damage to sword-users as well.


-You can gen 1 block inside of enemy/neutral claims, if you are genning facing a block which is inside your claim.

-If you leave your faction and make an alternate one and make a raid claim, if you disband and rejoin the main faction and claim the chunks, they will become raid claims for your first faction. (possibly 2 sets of raid claims at once?)

-If outpost is captured, there are times you can instantly un-cap it, bringing it down to 0%, instead of starting the un-capturing process.

-Ftop updating slow/broken (you can remove the /f setbase and the current value will still exist: Uganda, undecided payout week 3/5, they had 0 spawners placed yet somehow won 3rd).

-It's possible to use /fireball to break watered trapdoors, doors, and cobwebs. Either make a definite rule, or fix the issue.

-Fix pearls (enable in all warzones, when they hit slabs, in water, and have them excluded from Entity Clear).

-When an obliterate sword procs on you, (as the target), if you are in warzone, you will become stuck in the ground, resulting in not being able to pearl/move/bow boost away.

-Fix the daily /f missions only working right after reboot (stops working 12h after reboot?) Also there are missions that are 'active' but are not displayed on the /f missions GUI.


-Clearer rules around what bots are allowed to do (what features are off-limits; balcheck, flist, ftop, fspawners predictive tracking, nearby entities, players joining/leaving)

-Clearer rules around teaming/non-aggression with other factions. Is it allowed to be completely 'neutral' towards other big and powerful factions? Is permanently teaming with factions in PVP allowed? Clarification would be appreciated.

-Clearer rules around raiding/countering (can you setup a counter between raid cannon and base?) (can you setup other cannon to raid counter aimed at your cannon?).

-Some factions (groups of players) end up switching to a different faction to get rid of existing strikes. Would be nice to have staff aware of which groups of players have been striked in the past, so it follows them even to different factions?

-Clearer rules around proxy insiding. Reason: Insiding faction A for the benefit of faction B should result in severe punishment of faction B. Example: faction B steals value from faction A and places it to win ftop.


-Strikes that result in value reduction should penalize the value they currently have placed, not the value they had placed when they received the strike (if they had 100m value and got a -10% strike, if they reach 1bil the strike should penalize their value by -10%, resulting in a 900m value; the percentage deductions change with time/faction value placed)

-Penalties if factions reach tiers of total number of strikes (they don’t have to be active strikes), would be like at 10, 15, 20.

-1 strike for every faction member banned for cheats/hacks.

-Maybe strikes could result in a Faction losing some of their /f perks temporarily? (Just a thought)

-Have enemy/neutral ‘setbase’ area show up on f map. (Could show up as purple?)

-Remove /f fly when players are outside their claims. In my opinion, /f fly should only function in a player’s claims and raid claims. If you think this will be too unfair towards lower-ranked players I totally understand. Perhaps add something where voting will reward you with 2h of /fly? (Just a thought)

-If possible, find a way to exclude creeper explosions from the ‘fortified wall’ 5s feature. It unnecessarily extends the process of cegging spawners.

-Bring back spawner durability (would have durability of 3, and reduce by 1 when mined)

-Maybe adding a rule about disallowing the blocking of spawners? Reason: Factions have a 15x15 chunk area to place value in to win ftop, and 15 chunks is a pretty big area. You could easily make TONS of tiny little compartments, meaning that a faction trying to raid said faction would have to adjust possibly over 30 times, as well as have to reverse down through tons of rev layers to access the placed value. Maybe add ‘Covering spawners / placing them in tiny blocked off areas’ as a strikeable offence? (Just a thought)

-Re-enable over-claiming, as you promised you would do so 2 seasons ago. OR decrease the fortified wall speed from 5s to 4s or 3.5s. Reason: Since factions have nothing to fear from going overclaimable, if they are getting raided they can simply have a few players in gear to keep the attackers tagged / out of fly, and the rest of them can patch naked, and have homes set in the wall to keep coming back and patching. Re-enabling overclaiming would once again bring balance to this. The alternative would be decreasing the fortified wall speed, which would make raiding faster. (Note: with a 4s rule in place, breaching 160 walls would take almost 11 minutes, and that’s without even considering that a cannon needs to be refilled, both sand and tnt. So realistically, with a 4s rule in place, it would take 15-20mins to breach a faction completely unnoticed.)

-Add player statistics. This would include active playtime (if player hasn't moved for 5min, it stops counting?), Total XP grinded, cane hit, maybe damage dealt + damage received?

-New /f perks: Sell bonus -> tiers would be: 1) +1.25% 2) +2.5% 3) +3.75% 4) +5.0%
C.E book success % bonus: 1) +2.5% 2) +5.0% 3) +7.5%

-Balance Faction levels. Reason: It is currently impossible to reach a Faction Level above 12 within 9 weeks. You should reduce the amount of Faction XP needed to reach the higher levels, OR add more experience per mission completed.

-Add more Leveled missions (Total XP grinded, Total Mobcoins collected, Total distance travelled, Total blocks placed, Total damage dealt to players). Also remove the Pig and Chicken permanent missions as they are basically useless.


Things that contributed to last map’s broken economy:

Money boosters, infinity chests, outpost sell bonus, pigmen spawners being too cheap.

-Reduce money booster from 3.0x to 2.0x

-Reduce outpost sell bonus from 1.5x to 1.15x

-Add a cap to infinity chests (I know this is ironic and contradicting, but there is no ‘GKIT infinity chest’ on factions, therefore you could change it and the players wouldn’t be too mad). For the cap, I was thinking 100m items collected, and perhaps you could upgrade it in intervals of 25m to a max of 200m? Or maybe base the limit on predicted profit instead, to make it more fair for smaller factions? Cap would be at $100m? (Just a thought)

-Reduce gold sell prices to 10, OR increase the price of pigmen spawners. Reason: Pigmen spawners cost 900k and their drop (gold) sells for 19 each. Iron Golem spawners cost 1.65mil and their drop (iron) sells for 15 each. Pigmen’s ratio of sell price : cost is 1:47,000 and for IGs the ratio is 1:110,000 . Meaning that Pigmen spawners are over 2.0x more profitable when you consider the profit/cost.


-E/W patch

-Add /printer OR improve printing (false places + kicks + slow printing)

-Allow the use of button bots. Function: a player would type !fire and it would have the bot press the button it's facing.

-Allow factions to claim adjustments with regular claims, or add a way to claim it with raid claims. Reason: a 7x7 or 9x9 raid claim isn't enough space to adjust. Cannons are getting more advanced every week, and having your cannon's adjust range limited by a petty thing such as a claim limit is a shame.

-Add TNT wands with higher uses (150 uses, can be won from ultra + god keys?), and change the 10 use ones in /shop to 25 use (you can bump up the price too, that's valid).


-Remove bow boosting.

-Make /outpost have a warm-up. Unranked/lower-ranked players are using it as a way to instantly tp out of dangerous situations.

-Remove debuff potions from the ‘Potion Extender’ faction perk. Currently you can throw a poison potion from y255 to y0 and you will still get poisoned for 1:30. Personally I think that’s stupid, and makes debuffs useless.

-Nerf potion extender. Reason: Currently with potion extender on tier 2, you can heal for full HP (16 hearts) with a single health potion. This is too strong and destroys the balance between potions and Gapples. Max potion extender (tier 4) should grant a 3 heart buff per insta-health (would heal for 7 hearts).

-Add a 45s Gapple cooldown. Gapple chugging is somewhat of a problem, and this would solve that.

-Modify KOTH times to not exclude NA players (I know the server is mainly EU, but there are no KOTHs after 12pm P.S.T / 3pm E.S.T). Maybe shift some of the KOTHs around to happen during NA night? Players wouldn't mind, and it would keep Factions alive during NA night (when it's usually pretty dead).

-Modify the KOTH corners in favour of those capping? (currently it's pretty easy to knock with a kb 2 obliterate sword and then escape...)

-Add a KOTH with better rewards on Saturdays, would serve as a sort of mini event, I think everyone would enjoy it. (Maybe set the capture time to 8 minutes, and better corners? Just a thought.)

[End] Thanks for taking the time to read the suggestions, leave your thoughts, criticisms, and other ideas for the community to see!

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
Reasons have been explained in the Description section itself.

Extra Information:
p.s. gxbster please go out with me
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Addicted Member
February 11, 2019
+1 I agree with everything, until the current custom jar is fixed ill recommend you Mex to buy Elapsed Spigot which will fix all current issues if the current jar isn't patched until the release because this map we have experienced a lot of problems with cannoning.


Addicted Member
February 11, 2019
and also pls pls pls make it so we can gen sand at 255 at pls


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Known Member
September 17, 2018
Huge +1 for mostly everything, but there's some thing I would like to add.
Don't get rid of bow boosting, its basically the only thing you have left when you get 5+v1'ed. Webbing in wilderness with /f autoclaim is really hard right now even with bow noosing, and would be imposible without it.
And with boosters, perhaps make it 2 or 2.5x and make it so you can't cap outpost while the booster is active (or disable the sell booster when it is) and leave the 1,5x alone since a 1,15x is barely anything for a small faction. Another idea would be adding a 3x or even more drop multiplier, adding more variety to what booster you can get (since who in their right minds buys a mcmmo booster).
Something that could be added as well would be special slots in a faction reserved for bots only, which they will only add half of the power per bot a normal player can add, and the bot will have NO PERMS for absolutely anything (except pressing buttons to add the button bots). Right now, you can choose between a really big faction with more active players but no bots afking spawners, or a faction with less players but you can have your spawners afked constantly.

And for some QoL changes, please add /settings where you can choose different things such as The extra do you get from killing a mob showing up, kill chat, loot pickup timer, who leaves/enters koths, the text that appears when you claim (use raid claims for cannons etc) as well as when you place spawners (you placed outside of your /f set base). /f warnings should have EVERY SINGLE piece of information there, since I'm still clueless if having (Exmaple) 2 strikes (6 days old) and obtaining another 2 for another reason, makes your faction obtain the highest "unique" punishment from the list even if you've already been punished for it or not. (Basically this map people were unsure if homeless were raid banned the very last day since they had 2 strikes for more than 5 days and got another 2, meaning they had 2 days no f shield but it was unsure if they had to be punished for 24h raid ban since they already had 2 strikes before, idk, weird stuff) and if there is a rule that's not in /f warnings, factions won't get striked for that, since there have been some rules not included in the /f warnings. MAKE SURE you highlight some text when creating a faction to get people to check out /f warnings so sople don't cry that they "didn't know that was a rule "
That's all

Wtf I just wanted to say to keep bow boosting and this happened
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