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I am quitting Jartex


April 11, 2023
Matty116 Matty116

Mhm.. I had good years in jartex like I played jartex in the last 4-5 years I started as a practice main, and I played uhc really enjoyed that game mode and after they added bed wars, I moved into it and was a noob at the start but more I played more better I gotten. So far I have been a decent bedwars player has 3 Accounts
Dragon_boy987, Si1ver_fox, speedy_beast28. I rly enjoyed Jartex even I got really addicted to the server and this might its end. As a reason I'd say mostly I got selected into u19 national team in our country. It is very rare to have that opportunity, and cause that I might get a lot of busy and I had planned like grinding on top clans recently Most of those clan members really supported me to get better and they were very loved and kid to me I'd rather say IDC if u think this is a child idea etc. But the thing is that felt me sad to leave this community and you know the ranks I paid, whatever so I'm pretty sad to stop playing on jartex . Might not be the end I might get back not sure though. So Last not least I'd like to say thank you for all of my friends who have been a good friend in last few years. Can't really mention so Yeah, I might be active on Forums and Discord. I guess it's time to me to leave. Cya bbgs TY for all your support


June 11, 2016
Hey oSilver_Fox oSilver_Fox , Jartex community will always welcome you back I advise you to concentrate on your journey and what your purpose in life more than gaming, games will stay and the server will not go anywhere it will always stay the same, I am glad that you had a good journey in Jartex making new friends having fun, Jartex made a lot of memories to everyone but everything is temporary in life nothing is permanent, please concentrate on your life and what you want to achieve and reach in the future, make a plan and follow your plan always make sure you do not lose motivation, focus and consistency for you to reach the success you have to be able to motivate yourself and focus on your plan, I wish you the best of luck, Jartex will always welcome you back but please as I said before, work on things that will benefit you in the future <3


May 24, 2022
Hey oSilver_Fox oSilver_Fox , Jartex community will always welcome you back I advise you to concentrate on your journey and what your purpose in life more than gaming, games will stay and the server will not go anywhere it will always stay the same, I am glad that you had a good journey in Jartex making new friends having fun, Jartex made a lot of memories to everyone but everything is temporary in life nothing is permanent, please concentrate on your life and what you want to achieve and reach in the future, make a plan and follow your plan always make sure you do not lose motivation, focus and consistency for you to reach the success you have to be able to motivate yourself and focus on your plan, I wish you the best of luck, Jartex will always welcome you back but please as I said before, work on things that will benefit you in the future <3
Stop glazing him you dont even know him 🤣🤣🤣
April 21, 2024
Mhm.. I had good years in jartex like I played jartex in the last 4-5 years I started as a practice main, and I played uhc really enjoyed that game mode and after they added bed wars, I moved into it and was a noob at the start but more I played more better I gotten. So far I have been a decent bedwars player has 3 Accounts
Dragon_boy987, Si1ver_fox, speedy_beast28. I rly enjoyed Jartex even I got really addicted to the server and this might its end. As a reason I'd say mostly I got selected into u19 national team in our country. It is very rare to have that opportunity, and cause that I might get a lot of busy and I had planned like grinding on top clans recently Most of those clan members really supported me to get better and they were very loved and kid to me I'd rather say IDC if u think this is a child idea etc. But the thing is that felt me sad to leave this community and you know the ranks I paid, whatever so I'm pretty sad to stop playing on jartex . Might not be the end I might get back not sure though. So Last not least I'd like to say thank you for all of my friends who have been a good friend in last few years. Can't really mention so Yeah, I might be active on Forums and Discord. I guess it's time to me to leave. Cya bbgs TY for all your support <3
