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BedWars How to win MOST of your BedWars games.


March 15, 2019
First Step, Bed Defense. You want to have a good bed defense. What I mean by this is at the beginning of the game don't just get wool and rush someone. This is a bad strategy because you can easily get rushed by a team next to you or any other team. Your generator might not be the fastest, but, if you wait and get enough materials you should buy wool for the first layer, and wood for the second. This will help for people rushing you because not many people think to buy an axe. Even if they don't buy an axe it will take 5 seconds to break witch is the same time it takes to respond, with that being said if you see someone rushing you it will give you plenty of time to jump off the map and kill them once they reach your base.
A layer of wool is perfect in early game, If you spend most of your time covering your bed with Expensive materials/blocks your opponent will either get a pickaxe and TNT and you're done for. what you actually have to do is

1. Layer of wool
2. Kill the team that's beside you asap, if they're a good bedwars players they will rush you and kill you.

Second Step, Upgrades. Upgrades are probably one of the main things of BedWars. Upragdes can give you way more advantages over your opponent. For example you can get up to protection 4 with upgrades! Upgrades can be obtained with Diamonds you can get diamonds by finding a diamond generator, diamond generators are most likely the closest island to your base. They spawn diamond every once in a while and progressively get faster and faster. If you still don't know what upgrades to get I would recommend these upgrades in order: It's a trap: alarm trap, cost: 1 diamond, Protection 1, cost 2 diamonds, Sharpened Swords, cost 4 diamonds, Heal pool (only if you camp at your base), cost: 1 diamond, Protection 2, cost: 4 diamonds, Protection 3, cost: 8 diamonds, Protection 4, cost: 16 diamonds.

No problems here, but it depends on your PVP skills and how much you want the upgrade, I personally only get upgrades mid/late game because I do not need them most of the time.

Third Step, Items/Gear. Items and gear are the best things you can get to help you win. You can get swords, armor, blocks, and explosives! Once you join the game you will want to get one stack of wool.

No? Depending on the map you can either get 32 wool or 42 wool. If it's a small map and in a solo game as you said it will take 10 years to get 16 iron ingots, and by then if you're opponent has a good idea of the game you can say bye to your bed mate.

once you have the essentials protect your bed as mentioned above, You will want to bridge to diamonds and get the first 3 upgrades I said above.

Again, NO. You should of called this thread "How to lose most of your bedwars games". In early game your 1 enemy is your neighbor, to prevail, you need to kill your neighbor asap, if you don't do that, well. you're dead. Simple. Diamonds aren't needed in early game. They're mostly needed in mid game. smh..

Once you have gotten those upgrades I recommend getting Iron armor witch costs 12 golden ingots and a stone or iron sword. After you feel confident enough to go to the Emerald generator you should go. With emeralds you can buy Potions, Diamond armor, Enderpearls, Diamond Sword, Punch 2 Power 2 bows, and much more. I call these items "god items" it's mostly for long BedWars games or in a 1v1 position.

I seriously have no clue where you get this shitty information from, maybe it's because you get neighbors that are trash and always camp their base? I highly doubt anyone would play like this if they want to win some bedwars. This was the stupidest bedwars thread I have ever seen. No hate, but for real.

Ok bye


I seriously have no clue where you get this shitty information from, maybe it's because you get neighbors that are trash and always camp their base? I highly doubt anyone would play like this if they want to win some bedwars. This was the stupidest bedwars thread I have ever seen. No hate, but for real.
Last statement in his "guide" is actually good for clutching games, even pro players will buy potions, diamond picaxe, pearls etc. because they want to CLUTCH and WIN a game. It's not always about using "normal items" but it's about game sense and knowing what to buy and how to easily clutch. Lets say you lost bed in triples and you are the only one who is still alive in your team; would you rush with some pots, pearls etc. or would you just camp at your base without even trying to clutch because you know you don't have a chance against 3 people? Think about it


March 15, 2019
Last statement in his "guide" is actually good for clutching games, even pro players will buy potions, diamond picaxe, pearls etc. because they want to CLUTCH and WIN a game. It's not always about using "normal items" but it's about game sense and knowing what to buy and how to easily clutch. Lets say you lost bed in triples and you are the only one who is still alive in your team; would you rush with some pots, pearls etc. or would you just camp at your base without even trying to clutch because you know you don't have a chance against 3 people? Think about it
Yes, but I was too lazy to include that bcz class so :p


January 9, 2021
My winning poison: Just play defensive and a little bit of offensive. Just wait for others to destroy others beds, and after that just go for final kills. That should work if you play solo, but for 4v4v4v4 is quite different.

This is just my opinion.


October 4, 2020
