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How to guide on bedwars for new players. [Beginner Strategy]


September 6, 2018

Note: I am making this thread for new players. I will make an advanced strategy soon. Stay tuned!

Hello. Are you new to bedwars? Are you tired of losing every game to try hards? Then this guide is made for you!

First off, we need to learn how the game works. There are 4 gamemodes of Bedwars. Solo, Doubles, Triples and Quadruples. Today we will go over strategies for 2 gamemodes, solo, and doubles.

Keep in mind that your opinion might differ from mine. So please don't send me hate if you don't like my strategy on how to play the game.

Oh and keep in mind, this guide does not teach you how to "pvp". It only teaches you the basics of the game itself and how to play it.

Beginner Strategy For Solo
Always keep an eye out for attackers in solo. Your bed is the key to winning. If your bed gets destroyed, play defensive and don't engage in a lot of fights. And don't pick fights at first, it may sound stupid but it might cause them to go for you. As long as you have a bed, you can go for any team you want. Remember to protect your bed before picking fights. Like i said, having a bed in solo increases your chances of winning by a lot. 1 small mistake when you don't have a bed might just be game over for you. (Q/A) What should i do if i get cornered and my bed gets destroyed? A: Try to avoid fighting them and play safe. 1 Small mistake will might just end up with the game over screen for you! Q2. What should i do if a team has diamond gear, team upgrades, and obsidian? A. Go for them while they're not paying attention. Catch them off guard. I know this might come out as targetting, but if you want to win, then you must go for teams that you think have the most chances of winning.

Beginner Strategy For Doubles
There is a high chance that a team might rush you. One person should stay at base, and one person should go for the next team, either infront of you, or beside you. Don't over-do your defense. It does not matter how over-done your defense is if the attacker has tnt. 2 pieces of tnt can blow up your whole defense. So over-doing your defense does not make a difference most of the time. However if you see a team rushing for you, you should go for them if possible. Obsidian can help a lot in doubles. First off, go to middle and get 8 emeralds. Then go to any diamond generator and get 2 diamonds. Then go to base and get miner fatigue and 8 obsidian. Then cover your bed with the obsidian. And make sure you don't only have 1 layer of obsidian. If you accidentally place a block of obsidian in the wrong spot, you can easily break with a diamond pickaxe from the shop. (Q/A) (I dont have any questions add questions in the replies)


Addicted Member
May 26, 2020
decent if you are a bad player who just plays occasionally for fun, but if you want to get good at the game don't follow this
