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How to get good at bedwars (The Ikasdj way)


March 10, 2020
So like I've been playing Jartex for almost a year now and After all this experience I present to you the Ultimate Bedwars Guide (Atleast I think so lmao) Please note that this guide is focused on Solos so this can be used in other modes but might not be as effective

Basics lol

So the first thing you do in a bedwars game is first know your map and know how to play it gamesense is very Important the maps you play might look like maps to change the tide but even the simplest of details can help you win Example In the mario map 16 block rushing is a good idea because jartex has mostly new players so they will just wait for 64 blocks or smth and you can get very fast kills with it But I get 32 blocks to be safe and If they rush me I can get a advantage however other maps like Yoshi will take 64 blocks and even more if you didn't use your blocks wisely this makes it quite hard to navigate around the map and usually your enemy's have a good defense depending on the average Jartex player so I recommend getting a pick no need for a axe yet you can just punch wood not too hard and other maps like angry birds balloon map 48 block rush is enough balloon map its also noted to go on top of the balloon and rush from there it uses less blocks and it gives you a massive high ground advantage compared to the enemy this is why I usually win in a fight like that

Sweats (Ah shit here we go again)
Now this strat may work on normal players but not as well as better players or sweats ig and basically most sweats rush teams fast like 48 block rush so you should always whenever facing a sweat is trying to buy more blocks then him just by looking when the sweat bridged that gives you enough time to get more blocks and he will run out after that you can get a high ground and kill him this doesn't work regularly there much better depending on which sweat your facing and I cant say much but as you play bedwars you will get better and beat them (But then they will be better but I really don't know what to say)

What happens if my bed gets destroyed?
Don't panic if your bed is gone try to get stacked so you have a higher advantage then other players like getting diamond upgrades diamond armour sword etc Usually when my bed breaks it might seem like I panic and yes I do panic a little but if anything it forces me to play better cause I have only 1 life so if I die I lose (If you didn't know that lol) Also If theres another team reasonably stacked or good take them out unless there at there base best combination I prefer is pearl and pots if two teams are attacking each other kill the attackers bed and let the attacker kill the other teams bed you will have more gear and they won't have enough time to get geared properly if the attacker hasn't killed the other team try going for him but stacked and if hes somewhere else other then his base you should attack you should get a pearl distract him and pearl at his base

ok like this took like half a hour of my life and like I can't remember anything else then this so like after using this guide hopefully it got you better i guess lol and also this guide will only improve your gamesense not your overall skill also try learning speed bridge breezily is good but its takes quite long to Master it and speed bridge is good enough for the job hopefully this makes you play better and good luck in your games lol

or you can use vape and ignore my effort and if you do that I will hate you forever
