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- April 7, 2023
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How to apply for Trial ?
I have seen alot of players nowdays willing to help JartexNetwork By becoming staff member and for staff member we all know we have to pass Trail time period but for applying trial there are some requirments you have to done otherwise if you visit to Staff Application
their will be a message pop up "Something went wrong" and many people came and ask in discord server why is that happening, Thats why I thought to make a thread here to explain more clearly.
Requirments To be Able to apply
You need 2 badges on forums to be able to unlock trial applications
- 100 messages
- Beginner Reporter
How to Get begginer Reporter badge? For beginner reporter Badge you have to report 25 Rule breakers , Reports system is divided in 2 colums
1st : Chat - Reports : If u saw someone with such disrespectful / rude attatuide so take screen shot and report here ->https://jartexnetwork.com/forums/chat-reports.59/
2nd : Gameplay - If you are playing game and u notice anyone using any sort of hacks or breaking rules such as Cross - Teaming so Record him and report on this link -> https://jartexnetwork.com/forums/gameplay-reports.60/
How To get 100 Messages Badge? To get 100 messages badge pay a visit in Forums https://jartexnetwork.com/forums/ and open others threads or create your own and leave ur comment their to get messages.
Now after you are done with these requirments you will be able to visit Staff Application page to apply, but manager and sr.mod's are also expecting good from new upcoming trials, here I'll attach screen shot of what they really required from player
Kind Regards,
I have seen alot of players nowdays willing to help JartexNetwork By becoming staff member and for staff member we all know we have to pass Trail time period but for applying trial there are some requirments you have to done otherwise if you visit to Staff Application
their will be a message pop up "Something went wrong" and many people came and ask in discord server why is that happening, Thats why I thought to make a thread here to explain more clearly.
Requirments To be Able to apply
You need 2 badges on forums to be able to unlock trial applications
- 100 messages
- Beginner Reporter
How to Get begginer Reporter badge? For beginner reporter Badge you have to report 25 Rule breakers , Reports system is divided in 2 colums
1st : Chat - Reports : If u saw someone with such disrespectful / rude attatuide so take screen shot and report here ->https://jartexnetwork.com/forums/chat-reports.59/
2nd : Gameplay - If you are playing game and u notice anyone using any sort of hacks or breaking rules such as Cross - Teaming so Record him and report on this link -> https://jartexnetwork.com/forums/gameplay-reports.60/
How To get 100 Messages Badge? To get 100 messages badge pay a visit in Forums https://jartexnetwork.com/forums/ and open others threads or create your own and leave ur comment their to get messages.
Now after you are done with these requirments you will be able to visit Staff Application page to apply, but manager and sr.mod's are also expecting good from new upcoming trials, here I'll attach screen shot of what they really required from player
Kind Regards,