So i logged on Prison and only thing that can i see is that my tokens and crystals are missing..I remember night before i left afk i had like 3/3,5m tokens and around 350 crystals.When i logged this morning i had around 1m tokens and 298 crystals(photos)..I mean its not problem if this happened once but this is 2nd time something is missing,first time my 2x token booster disapeared but i tought myb i used it and i forgot about it but now my tokens and crystals disapeared idk why.I must say that i have 64,5m blocks mined on pickaxe but on /blocks its showing 56m and i know that i mined more than that because i had last night around 58m and also i rarely give someone my pick to mine.So mostly i broke all blocks that are shown on pickaxe.