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Accepted Global /guide

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Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?

In most game-modes, like Factions, Prison, Skyblock Dream and Fantasy, UHC etc. there are always players that have no clue how to play, don't know the commands well and tend to spam questions which people often ignore in the chat. I am aware that /help exists, but it doesn't explain what to do very well in the game-mode, even if there is /help (topic) it only gives a short example, nothing too clear. My suggestion is that instead of having separate commands like in Prison example, /crystals which tells you what crystals are and what you use them for or /c help (page). The commands are separate and they only explain certain things in the game-mode. But not how to play the game-mode. I often see players asking how do you play a game-mode, what do you do there and much more. So I think that there should be a /guide command, it would give a short walk-through on how to play the game-mode, and it would show all of the separate commands, on one page. For example you would get a small pop-up on the screen after doing /guide and it would have everything written on the basics, how to play, what most stuff are used for, where to sell items, basically everything that would come in handy. It would be helpful because players could use the command and they would know how to play the game-mode which they are playing, instead of spamming, often in caps, flooding the chat asking how you do stuff. I pretty commonly see players either ignore the user or get annoyed by the spam and most of the time, they tell the player to shut up or something instead of helping them. The /guide command shouldn't have to have too much detail and explanation added in, atleast just enough to explain some stuff in the game. I think it should only be added in game-modes that you could actually use it in like, Factions, Prisons, Skyblock etc. but not easy ones like Bedwars, Skywars, KitPvP and plenty more, since those are very simple to understand what to do there.​

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
This idea could help to improve JartexNetwork by reducing spam and flooding from new players and ones who are wondering what to do while they are playing. It would also help by getting less people to spread hate on members asking questions in chat as they wouldn't have to reply with "Stop spamming!", "Stfu" , "Nobody cares" and many things that get people annoyed. In replacement they could just say /guide and their concerns would all be solved just by one command.​

Extra Information:
The command wouldn't need to be added in all game-modes, just ones that would need it. The command would display a mini guide on what to do and would leave a little note as well about doing /help if you need help with any certain topics a user might come across. I'm not sure if this has already been requested before, but as far as I know It hasn't ( I could be wrong ).​


January 22, 2019
Suggestion - ACCEPTED

Hello Shayy,
Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion for the network.
I am glad to tell you that your suggestion is accepted and it is implemented on Prison & Factions, and it is going to be implemented on more gamemodes.

Have fun playing on JartexNetwork!

Good afternoon,
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