- Joined
- February 3, 2018
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- 24
- MoudTage_
Minecraft Username:
What is your suggestion about?:Punishment system
What section is this suggestion for?:Global
Describe your suggestion:So this suggestion is about a punishment system for ex , player1 is spamming in the main chat and a Trial or any staff caught him doing that , so usually we will have to check his hist then punish him following the rules , so why don't we add a system where we just do /punish player1 , then a menu opens in minecraft with multiple sections , in our case we choose the Chat Punishments then we have multiple options like (caps , spam , flood , swearing ect ...) so we just click on the Spamm punishment and he get his punishment automatically by depending on if its 1st offense or 2nd offense ect and on the gamemode he is playing on ...
How could this help to improve JartexNetwork?:This will help alot like when there is multiple rule breakers at the same time , and it will prevent false mutes ect ... like muting a player for 1d and not 1h ect this system is more precise and will help alot
Is there anything else we should know?:it can be applied on gameplay rule breakers and not only main chat , and here is an ex of the menu: