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Denied Global [Global] New jartex gamemode


April 4, 2018
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?
New jartex gamemode

Game-mode(s) / Platform(s):

well this is a gamemode which will give you the taste of survival
But not like the one you play
This will have money,trading,kingdoms,and many more features! :DD
Let's start off with armour

Armour- Armour can be made by mining or by spending money.You can earn money by mining and selling resources to villagers or trading with
other players, then you can buy from the shops which can be found in villages.

Enchanting- Enchanting has the same logic,but there is something more cooler.If you let the villagers enchant your stuff there is a 45% chance
that you will get extraordinary enchantments such as Protection x for armor and other enchants as well.
It will cost money for the villagers. The amounts will be typed later on

Maps- The reason I added maps is because that you will need maps to make sure that you are not in a players territory because you will be
chased by the owner of that specific territory.You can also steal that territory by killing the owner/king

Respawn- Respawning is gonna be a little over kill but what ever I guess,well when you die you will have to wait 10 minutes until you are
completely reincarnated.So deal with it.

Mods- There will be some mods needed for this gamemode.But for now the only mod I can think of is the map mod.
And with somemore features,like colours to indicate that this territory is taken and villages and etc.

Territory- Territory can be earned by killing the wither.When you spawn in the wither and you will get 200 block territory and if someone kills the
wither your territory will be his/hers (raider)

Commands- There are some commands which we need to add for this gamemode.
1. /random (this command will spawn you some where random in the world.)
2. /t extend (this will extend your territory)
3. /spawn wither (this will spawn the wither you need to get territory)
4. /builds (this will open a shop that will show some builds you could buy for the territory to trade,buy etc.You will need the money
you earned by mining or trading)
5. /buy (this command is to buy blocks and resources if you have money)
6. /v buy (to buy villages)

Villages- Villages are the places where you trade or enchant,and you can buy them using the /v buy command.

Shop- There are many kinds of shops.
1. /builds -As I said this is the shop where you buy the builds of the villages
Blacksmiths,homes etc.
These are how expensive they are (the money you got from the game not real money) 1000/=
II.Blacksmiths- 5000/=
III.banks where you keep your loot 7500/=

2./buy-As I said this is the shop where you buy blocks and more stuff like coal and ores and etc.
Here are the amounts

1. Building blocks- 100/= (10 blocks)
2. Decoration blocks- 150/= (10 blocks)

3. Armour- 1.Leather- 175/= (whole kit)
2.Chain- 200/= (whole kit)
3.iron- 300/= (whole kit)
4. diamond- 750/= (whole kit)

4.ores- 1. coal - 10/= (10)
2. iron- 20/= (10)
3. redstone- 30/= (10)
4. diamond- 50/= (10)
5. glowstone- 100/= (10)
6. lapis- 25/= (10)
7. bonemeal and the other ores cost 5/= (10)

(you could buy or sell these ores)

I think that's about all of it

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
This type of thing is what players want because plain old survival is very boring
but with territories and more exiting stuff?
This is will attract more players like me getting attracted to my grandma's pumpkin pie! :DDD


Active Member
September 1, 2018
Suggestion - DENIED

Hello there,

Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion for the network.

Unfortunately, I will be denying your application at this time due to reason(s):
• It will take too much development time.
• Lots of down votes.
• Really no point to this. It would be like a whole bunch of ideas stacked together.

If you have any questions regarding this rejection, feel free to send me a message on Discord (3XPOH#4330).

Have A Good Day,
