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Update Factions - We Need Your Help! | March the 29th 2020

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March 9, 2020

Hello, players of JartexNetwork,

Its that time again, we are currently working hard on a brand new reset for factions. Within this post, we would like to talk about your suggestions for the next reset.

We already read through all the suggestions that have been currently placed on the suggestions page on the forums, and we would like to say we have already chosen a couple of ideas that for sure will be added! We already worked out some suggestions that are listed in the following post; So maybe is your suggestion already added on the todo list!

We, however, think there is still plenty of other suggestions that you will come up with. Since not everyone has seen that post, will we create this post, so everyone gets a chance to make a suggestion or a bug report.

You can use this thread to discuss anything with other people in our community that you think would be beneficial. But please be descriptive when giving feedback.
So we are now taking all player feedback and suggestions for factions so that we can develop something that the community would like to see.

Some ideas we/you have and will be implemented.
  • /f raid <claim|unclaimall>
  • /printer ( Do we add it yes or no? )
  • Fix Beserk, Penetrate, Lightweight, and Blood Thirsty CE
  • Improve TNTwand
  • Raid event this map
  • Added /grace command
  • Bigger wild radius
  • And more!

Please note: stick to the topic! Any off-topic comments will be deleted.
Please note: Do not ask when this reset/update will happen we do also not know, we still have to work on the server. So for more information, make sure you're keeping an eye on the forums!


If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
The JartexNetwork Staff Team​


August 15, 2018
Welcome to back to jartex Hristy Hristy I though you will never come back like you hated jartex especially mc


December 30, 2019
The slownes from trap does not last long at all so it wont be on u long and u will need how to pott with it and cactus should be a chance to prock to save u from inseane combos and ganks

Hardened is hard to get right now and main reason is because there are too many epic books thats why i put it up as unique where its more likely to get use that also gsets are too easy to get like half my faction can make em 1st day and where is the fun in that? Cuz on tnt enable half server has good sets already.

Done for now cba explaining everything when u just think for ur own benefits thats why its not good xD
1585669897609.pngi mean i said that before.... more enchants more harder


December 30, 2019
The slownes from trap does not last long at all so it wont be on u long and u will need how to pott with it and cactus should be a chance to prock to save u from inseane combos and ganks

Hardened is hard to get right now and main reason is because there are too many epic books thats why i put it up as unique where its more likely to get use that also gsets are too easy to get like half my faction can make em 1st day and where is the fun in that? Cuz on tnt enable half server has good sets already.

Done for now cba explaining everything when u just think for ur own benefits thats why its not good xD


  • Screenshot_8.png
    3.3 KB · Views: 2


January 2, 2018
Ok so a few things you should add:
F warps for members
Recruit ranks In faction(Worse than member)
Supply drops in warzone
Better mystery books (More chance to get a gkit)
Better crates*(Remove protection 6 from ultra crates and improve god crates)
Gkits treausre and spawners are overpriced and useless
, eihter improve them or lower their prices
Better /transfer. Add mistery books and other good stuff to it.
Fix Penetrate it heals enemies
Console kicks in combat should not result in death.
Add more custom enchants
Add upgradable farming hoes and more enchants for hoes.


December 30, 2019
Ok so a few things you should add:
F warps for members
Recruit ranks In faction(Worse than member)
Supply drops in warzone
Better mystery books (More chance to get a gkit)
Better crates*(Remove protection 6 from ultra crates and improve god crates)
Gkits treausre and spawners are overpriced and useless
, eihter improve them or lower their prices
Better /transfer. Add mistery books and other good stuff to it.
Fix Penetrate it heals enemies
Console kicks in combat should not result in death.
Add more custom enchants
Add upgradable farming hoes and more enchants for hoes.
i like the console thing +1


December 30, 2019
Max Max I also think that u can add custom enchants on transfer with different rates and changes every day with reasonable prices


August 15, 2018
Well, Faction is based on PvP, Raid and bases, there are many suggestions that I could suggest

My Suggestions:

Cane Eco:

You should add Sugar-Cane eco, as far as I've seen tokens are useless /transfer doesn't get any good item expect kit(s) that if you mind they are useless as well. People with God kits doesn't need the Kits on /transfer since they get armor from their gkit(s), so my point is that tokens will have a use if you add Cane eco. So people will grind the Canes they will get tokens from grinding canes and they could either use them for upgrading their Harvesting hoe or sell them to other players (through /ah)
Note: Enchants should be added for the Harvesting Hoe, as you upgrade the level of an enchant it will get better and better until it reachs max (50 or 100 levels) Keep in mind that you will decide the max level of Harvesting Hoe enchants, I just suggest an number.

Add New Enchants:
New enchantments would make the PvP more fun, since Factions is based on PvP and so on. I know a lot of players that would like to pvp and win their enemy just so they will get more gsets to win the next fights. There are enchants that I think they should me on a new category Named (Immortal or Heoric) you decide how it will be called, for the enchants I think they should be on that category I will actually say "Immortal or Heroic" it should be with Red Color but you can color it as you want, I will also color the enchants I think that fit into that category with Red.
I have a list of enchants that I think they will make the PvP more fun (However they are not my creation)
Note:I will leave some space for each enchant so it can be readable without losing where you were reading.
Chain Lifesteal V (5) - Immoral or Heroic Enchant - Sword Enchant - A chance to to regain health from multiple enemies near your damaged target. (Based on the level you use)

Titan Trap III (3) - Immoral or Heroic Enchant - Sword Enchant - A chance to give a longer lasting buffed slowness effect.

Lethal Sniper V (5) - Immoral or Heroic Enchant - Bow Enchant - High chance of headshots with projectiles to deal atleast 3.5x damage up to 4.5x. Must have Sniper V(5) in order to be applied.

Godly Overload III (3) - Immoral or Heroic Enchant - Armor Enchant - A very large permanent incerase in hearts. Must have Overload III(3) in order to be applied.

Master Inquisitive V (5) - Immoral or Heroic Enchant - Weapon Enchant - Massively increases EXP drops from mobs. Must have InquisitiveV(5) in order to be applied.

Demonic Lifesteal V(5) - Immoral or Heroic Enchant - Weapon Enchant - Heals much more HP at greatly increased rate compared to normal Lifesteal V(5). This cannot be applied with Chain Lifesteal V(5) Or Lifesteal V(5) (Into the same Weapon).

Leadership V(5) - Immortal or Heroic Enchant - The more allies near you, the more damage you deal.

Implants III(3) - Immortal or Heroic Enchant - Helmet Enchant - Passively heals +1 health and restores +1 hunger every few seconds.

Guardians X(10) - Immortal or Heroic Enchant - Armor Enchant - Chance to spawn Iron golems to assist you and watch over you.

Armored IV(4) - Legendary Enchant - Armor Enchant - Decreases damage from enemy swords by 1.85% per level.

Enlighted III(3) - Legendary Enchant - Armor Enchant - Can heal while taking damage.

Durability IV(4) - Legendary Enchant - Armor Enchant - This will gain durability while you are fighting.

Eagled Eye V(5) - Legendary Enchant - Bow Enchant - Chance to deal 1-4 durability damage to ALL armor pieces of enemy player.

Ice Aspect III(3) - Legendary Enchant - Sword Enchant - A chance of causing the slowness effect on your enemy.(Sorry if this enchant is already added and I didn't notice it.

Unfocus V(5) - Unique Enchant - Bow Enchant - Chance to Unfocus target player, reducing their outgoing bow damage by 50% for up to 10 seconds.

Longbow IV(4) - Unique Encahnt - Bow Enchant - Greatly increases damage dealt to enemy players that have a bow in their hands.

Marksman IV(4) - Unique Enchant - Bow Enchant - Increases damage dealt with bows.

Arrow Lifesteal V(4) - Unique Enchant - Bow Enchant - A chance to steal health from opponent while fighting.

Arrow Deflect IV(4) - Unique Enchant - Armor Enchant - Prevents you from being damaged by enemy arrows more often than once every level x 400 milliseconds.

Undead Ruse X(10) - Rare Enchant - Armor Enchant - When hit you have a chance to spawn zombie hordes to distrackt and desorient your opponents.

Spirit Link V(5) - Rare Enchant - Chestplate Enchant - Heals nearby Faction/allies when you are damaged.

Reforged X(10) - Rare Enchant - Weapon Enchant - Protects weapon durability, items will be take longer to break.

Poisoned IV(4) - Rare Enchant - Armor Enchant - A chance to inflict poison on your enemy.

Cactus II(2) - Rare Enchant - Armor Enchant - Injures your attacker but does not affect your durability.

Lifebloom V(5) - Uncommon Enchant - Leggins Enchant - Completely heal allies and truces on your death.

Curse V(5) - Uncommon Enchant - Chestplate Enchant - Chance to cause mining fatigue.

Ender Shift III(3) - Uncommon Enchant - Helmet Enchant - Gives Speed/Health Boost at low HP.

Revenous IV(4) - Uncommon Enchant - Axe Enchant - Chance to regain hunger whilst in combat.

Plague Carrier VIII(8) - Uncommon Enchant - Leggins Enchant - When near death, summons creepers and debuffs to avenge you.

#2Note: I only suggested all those Enchants, that doesn't mean that all of them are going to get accepted, you should leave your option down below which enchant should get added and why.

Enchantment ORBS:
ORBS are used to add more enchats on a weapon or armor. EX: You can add 10 enchants on both Weapons and Armor, so you apply Orb(s) to add more enchants in order to make your weapon armor more powerable and make pvp more fun.

Epic Armor:
So you should add 2 new Epic armors called:
Grinding: This armor should give you 10% more EXP while you have the armor on.
Koth:This armor can be found on koth rewards, and it will give 25% more damage, 15% less damage and no food loss.

Those are my suggestion, any opinion about them is acceptable you should tell me your opinion down below and because I suggested them that doesn't mean they have to be added 100% the community and you can decide if anything should be added next season, also I would like to claim that these are not my creation andI just knew about them and I thought they would be a nice addition to next season of JartexNetwork Factions.

Bow Boosting:
You should add bow boosting because it will make people escape pvp fights, that they might die if they don't use it.

Old FPS:
You should brind the old /warp fps because how it is right now, people escape easily, as far as I know /warp fps is an warp that you want to have a fight and it is like "Who is better on pvp, wins"

"Souperior" Heads:
You should add souperior heads that if you apply them on your armor they give you a small buff (Only available for special sets) for example
Exapmple: You have a souperior head that gives you a buff +3% damage, so you get the buff of the special set you had + that small ammount of buff the head it gives.

Koth KIT:
This should be obtainable on store monthly crates, or you can decide where.
Basically this kit is a really cool addition, when you have one you can activate an Koth that time, and it will aslo not affect the scheduled koths.

You should add bosses, they will make pvp funnier and they will also give op items such as big ammount of money, xp, piece of special sets, etc. It would also be a reason for factions start big fights in order to win their enemy and the Boss, You can decide where bossed could be obtainable.

People can use tags like "Flex, Hacker, Op, etc) in my opinion it would be a nice addition.

This is a updated massive suggestion from hakim251 hakim251 's post "we need your help for factions reset"

I think and hope the same time that all the pvp suggestions get added becuase they will make pvp cool.

I would like to see your opitions about any of those suggestions.

I hope you have a good day!

Yours Sincerely,
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