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Faction's Guide (Helpful)


Addicted Member
August 7, 2021
Faction's Guide

Introduction: -

Factions is a game mode in which you create a team with your friends or randoms. You gradually get better gear and start fighting other factions. Making bases. Factions is an addictive game mode to play. It includes different subjects like PvP, Survival, Grinding.

(This guide is mainly for jartex eternal factions!)

Lets Start!

Voting: -

First off I would recommend you to vote. You can vote every day and in exchange, the jartex network gives you 1k coins and vote keys. You can open the vote keys in the vote crates. You can get a lot of starter items through it.

Starter Base: -

After voting you want to create a faction ( /f create <faction name> ) and you can invite your friends or play it solo.To start you can do /wild to teleport to the wilderness. You can travel 100 - 200 - 1000 blocks away. As for a starter base, I would recommend making an underground base. Which is your gonna dig down to bedrock and dig out blocks and place chest's, crafting tables, all the basic items.

Money Making: -

For money-making, farms are the best.Sugarcane farms give a lot of money as they sell for 70$.They can give you easy early money to buy things.You can also claim your weekly and monthly kit.If you get any spawners you can do /f claim for your whole base and your spawner room.Place your spawner in an 7x7 area in my recommendation.You can grind mobs for heads which you can use for faction value, mobcoins, and mobsuits.You can also sell the mobcoins for money.After you make your sugarcane farm you can grind them.

Making Friends And Getting A Team: -

Once you have it all down you can start inviting people you trust.Do NOT invite random's until you trust them.You might get insided.You can invite you're friends. You can also invite randoms if you trust them. Together you can trade sets for money etc. By voting, you have a chance of getting a full vote set.Which might be protection 3 or 4.You can try getting some kills in warzone as you have a team for backup.You can also go solo if you want to.For pots you can do /pots and buy them.You can use the money you got from grinding sugarcane.Also if your solo and have no friends then no need of inviting

Making A Border Base: -

If your a sweat and started faction's when faction new season got opened and travelled to the corner and claimed it.You can make a corner base.If you didn't then you have to travel to the border with your friends or solo.You can do /border to see the coords.You can watch a tutorial on youtube on how to create one.You use gen buckets to make one. You can create different warps for your faction too.E.g- Sugarcane Farm, Spawners etc.

F top: -

You can deposit heads into the faction head deposit. You have to do /f heads. Then place it in a 5x5 place. You get heads by grinding mobs. Each mob head gives a different faction value. The best is villager's which you need villager spawner for.

Making A G-Set: -

For making a G-Set aka God Set you can grind exp from mobs through spawners. Then you can do /ce and buy overload, endurance, inquisitive, speed, clinch, etc. Inquisitive and clinch are used for making grinder swords. Overload is added to armor pieces.

Koth: -

You can capture koth by doing /Koth. You can understand which Koth is thereby doing /Koth next. By capping koth you can get items for your faction. The items are pretty OP. You can also capture outpost for exp boost, money boost, and book success rate increase.

Now Repeat!

Disclaimer-This is my first guide so i don't have experience writing an guide sorry.