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Accepted Immortal Factions Faction Immortal Suggestions/Rules and more!

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December 30, 2019
Minecraft Username:

What is your suggestion's title?
Faction Immortal Suggestions/Rules and more!​

Suggestion Details:
This suggestion is made to help improve factions immortal and hopefully, it makes it more competitive.​
- Increase TNT drop chances from creepers because TNT is hard to get and cannons use a lot more than this especially on 4 obsidian durability.​
-Increase the faction TNT bank upgrades so they are like this :
*First upgrade 100k ---> 500k​
*Second upgrade 500k ---> 1mil​
*Third upgrade 1mil ---> 2mil​
*Fourth upgrade 2mil ---- > 5mil​
*Fifth upgrade 5mil -- > 10 mil ( max upgrade )​
PS: 1 mil TNT bank is not enough to raid a 20 man faction on a 20 chunks buffer.​
- Change the gen buckets to be gen blocks, these gen blocks can be canceled when you miss place them and can be printable for faster genning . ( pretty sure the plugin is easy to get or even to code).​
- /Transfer improvements:
*Add level 2 tray and trench pickaxes​
Make it so we can buy more than one thing at once (specifically the creeper eggs) just like /shop ( the static transfer).​
*Add infinite obsidian block ( 1k mob coins) gives you a stack of enchanted obsidian that does not end(charges you on every use ).​
- Fix the ghost blocks ( when you print a cannon or anything some blocks will appear if it was placed but it's not and we have to do /hub multiple times to find these blocks ) would be nice to fix it.​
-Change obsidian durability to 3​
-Fix the sandbots so we can use them while being muted ( right now you cant shift deposit or withdraw money from them because of a mute) you can change it so it takes money from the faction bank also.​
-Add the following blocks to /printer: strings /chests.​
-Change it so we can break any block that we printed from the second we did /printer.​
-Add infinite water buckets on /shop ( raiding section ) charges you on every use . ( when used it does not give you empty buckets in your inventory too).​
-Change it so the enchant Obsidian Destroyer is only one level and 100% chance of breaking (it's an important thing on factions and should be easier to get ).​
-Fix the confirmation button /shop when buying Fast sandbots (whether you click cancel or confirm you still get it ).​
-Change the normal player power to be 60 per player.​
-remove MCMMO booster from /f upgrade.​
-Add /f setbaseregion , what this does is it sets all the connected claims on that area to claims that will be protected by f shield only ( this helps a lot since you can raid traps all the time and the most important thing is when raiding your shots won't get blocked by a random claim of a faction that is on the way so no misunderstanding happens ).​
-Change the /raid claim cooldown to 10 minutes, because sometimes you get countered in less than 5 minutes and it just does not make sense to wait for 30 minuntes to raid again keep in mind if you shot once and the faction got timer they will be on longer grace since its 15 minutes timer followed by 30 minutes grace. ALSO when you /f raid claim and you already had a raid claim it still puts you on cooldown for the command so fix it so it only puts you when you actually claim a land.​
-Add 2 minutes of enchanted golden apple cooldown.​
-Change the enchants on the Immortal kit sword ( make it fast turn V and Paralyze V and remove wither).​
-Remove the exp bottles from all kits ( no one uses them lol ).​
-buff raider gkit so it gives you a 100k TNTvoucher that will be deposited on your faction bank. ( don't forget to remove the 4 stacks of TNT from it too).​
-IMPROVE the Mob chests the hoppers because most of the time it does not collect the items like nothing appears inside the chest.​
-Add depth strider 3 too raider set.​
- Change the combat tag time to 18 seconds.​
-Add chunk busters to the static transfer for ( 50 mob coins each ) chunk busters are really really important.​
-Make it so it shows the coordinates of every faction base claim on /f who ( so no one comes and makes a base on the wild on 5kx5k worlds ).​
-REMOVE THE punishment Raid ban. SO if a faction breaks a rule on the last days of the map they don't lose the map instantly and the map won't be dead by that time and it's just stupid to ban raiding on factions. ESPECIALLY because you don't enforce the rule hiding value on your server as we saw in the many past maps the faction called Somalia places last week and with them holding most of the value always having raid bans will kill the competitive aspect at the last 7 days of the map. instead of raid bans, you can change the Strike system to something better. or you can add it as a severe punishment like if a faction abuses too much they get a raid ban​
-Completely prohibit back countering on raiding cannons. ( you can back counter a side counter )​
-NO AntiNukes / finsters allowed on your base walls​
- maximum of 5 chunks of walls on your buffer counter.​
- maximum of 1 buffer counter per side.​
-Buffer counters cant be 360 ( shoots on all ways) and can"t be an over stacker.​
-Base should be 1 big box of a minimum 3x3 and a maximum of 10x10.​
-No spawner boxes are allowed inside the base shell only allowed for blazes.​
-Trench/Gen/Printer Trapping The use of a Trench Pickaxe, Chunkbusters, Gen buckets, Printer/Schematica and Lever's to trap people is prohibited​
• Punishment: 1 Day Ban to players involved​
-Switching Cannons You need to wait a minimum of 10 minutes before switching to another raiding cannon. Side counters to side counters are 5 minutes. Side counters and buffer counters are 5 minutes. You are allowed to switch between 1-10 stackers and RevHybrid every 1 minute.​
-You cant not buffer counter while on grace/shield you can only side counter .​
-You cant side counter a raiding cannon from the back or the border side. however, you can side a side counter from any direction.​
-AFKing Walls​
You are not allowed to AFK walls. If a staff member msgs you, you must reply within 30 seconds.​
- you must unclaim all the claims you have on someone's buffer ( claims that are bigger than 3x3 including any type of claims that prevents other factions to set up).​
-All factions must register their factions in a leaders discord in order to compete to f top ( have to be active during the map too not and individual coming last 3 days to place his value on a wild base to win ftop 2 , like ******* did :giggle:)​
-GET A STAFF MEMBER with perms to enforce the rules above with permissions to unclaim and etc.​
-THE RULES, getting strikes for spamming 3 wild blocks on the wild should not be a strike smh / doing something wrong on accident, and then fixing it should not be either.​
-Raid claims are only needed when raiding anything inside the base claims.​
there is still more rules that I want to add but if you agree on them i can make a google docs for jartex factions immortal and the staff team can take a look at it just msg me on Discord: DiscordBot#2958​

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
explained on each point above and also most of these rules will make factions more competitive​

Extra Information:
For any questions DM on discord DiscordBot#2958​
And Please read carefully>​
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Addicted Member
August 27, 2017
I must admit this is one very biased suggestion. I will give my thoughts:

-TNT Drops are fine as they are. If you can manage to afk 100 creepers overnight you have enough for a raid.

-TNT Bank size are too small, completely agree. 10mil is a bit much for max, I'd say 4mil is a good max bank size.

-Ghost blocks will never completely be solved, but go crazy ig. Neutral

-Obby dura change barely matters, just adjust nukes for jartex, which has 4 dura. Neutral

-Insta-break /printer, Neutral. You can break blocks you just placed, but you only have a short window since they have to keep track of all the blocks you've recently placed. If they tracked all blocks you ever placed with /printer they would need the ram of nasa.

-/f setbaseregion agree, trap claims shouldn't be protected by shield.

-raid claim delay from 30min to 10min, disagree. It's a 7 week map and big factions have 12 hours of shield. That means you have 504 hours of time when they are off shield during the map. Waiting 30 minutes is really not an issue.

-gap cd sure but make it 1min. the damage is still quite broken and random.

-Raider gkit 100k tnt voucher, neutral. Could be abused if one has tons of this gkit.

-Mob chests work, idk what you're on about.

-Base claims on /f show, disagree. Finding bases is still a part of factions. What I think should change is the map sizes. Reducing map sizes would make checking worlds for a certain faction's base much faster. Instead of 7k x 7k for most worlds, it could be reduced to 5k x 5k

-Raid ban punishment removal, disagree. Literally just don't fucking break the rules, I don't understand what is so hard about this. Strikes are supposed to be serious, and therefore should have serious consequences. Somalia did indeed place its value the last week, along with every other faction that had a chance to win. Placing last week is currently the meta, you cannot blame Somalia for this lmao.

Your Faction Rule changes are very clearly aimed at making it easier to raid, even though it is very much possible to raid.. I disagree with all of what you said here besides:
- faction leaders joining a discord, and needing some level of activity throughout the map to be eligible for payout
- only needing raid claims to raid a base claim.
- rule about afking walls, but 30s is extreme.
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December 30, 2019
-raid claim delay from 30min to 10min, disagree. It's a 7 week map and big factions have 12 hours of shield. That means you have 504 hours of time when they are off shield during the map. Waiting 30 minutes is really not an issue.
i am not going to say anything . your just trying to keep it easy for you


Known Member
Known Member
February 18, 2017
Not him trying to disagree with my statement cuz he lacks potting skills and doesnt want his noob pvpers getting killed 24/7 LOL... I mean my guy died in a max p5 with full overload while having perfect pot registration 20 MS or less

Not you exposing urself using damage indicators cuz ure brainless, just wondering what ure also hiding 😂

not u having to complain about me teaming with cheaters when I never ever pvped with anyone but barryallen and meon / apatitle.

nOT YOU trying to complain about shit when u have 10+ people in koth pre gapping / spam gapping generation V 24/7 but still losing against 3 people.

Also not you talking about that false ban that happened once in the entire season + got no proof of the person cheating but called him a cheater for killing ur noob friend that cant pot + I never even interfered in any fights with him nor helped him with anything, just chilled with people as decoys since u always gank. Yet still says i team with cheaters when that accusation happened in 1 koth over 100+
Don't you team with cheaters 🤥


March 18, 2019
How should gap cooldown be 1 minute? that's like 30 seconds of cooldown since you get regeneration V for 30 secs + dmg isn't broken,
Minecraft Username:

What is your suggestion's title?
Faction Immortal Suggestions/Rules and more!​

Suggestion Details:
This suggestion is made to help improve factions immortal and hopefully, it makes it more competitive.​
- Increase TNT drop chances from creepers because TNT is hard to get and cannons use a lot more than this especially on 4 obsidian durability.​
-Increase the faction TNT bank upgrades so they are like this :
*First upgrade 100k ---> 500k​
*Second upgrade 500k ---> 1mil​
*Third upgrade 1mil ---> 2mil​
*Fourth upgrade 2mil ---- > 5mil​
*Fifth upgrade 5mil -- > 10 mil ( max upgrade )​
PS: 1 mil TNT bank is not enough to raid a 20 man faction on a 20 chunks buffer.​
- Change the gen buckets to be gen blocks, these gen blocks can be canceled when you miss place them and can be printable for faster genning . ( pretty sure the plugin is easy to get or even to code).​
- /Transfer improvements:
*Add level 2 tray and trench pickaxes​
Make it so we can buy more than one thing at once (specifically the creeper eggs) just like /shop ( the static transfer).​
*Add infinite obsidian block ( 1k mob coins) gives you a stack of enchanted obsidian that does not end(charges you on every use ).​
- Fix the ghost blocks ( when you print a cannon or anything some blocks will appear if it was placed but it's not and we have to do /hub multiple times to find these blocks ) would be nice to fix it.​
-Change obsidian durability to 3​
-Fix the sandbots so we can use them while being muted ( right now you cant shift deposit or withdraw money from them because of a mute) you can change it so it takes money from the faction bank also.​
-Add the following blocks to /printer: strings /chests.​
-Change it so we can break any block that we printed from the second we did /printer.​
-Add infinite water buckets on /shop ( raiding section ) charges you on every use . ( when used it does not give you empty buckets in your inventory too).​
-Change it so the enchant Obsidian Destroyer is only one level and 100% chance of breaking (it's an important thing on factions and should be easier to get ).​
-Fix the confirmation button /shop when buying Fast sandbots (whether you click cancel or confirm you still get it ).​
-Change the normal player power to be 60 per player.​
-remove MCMMO booster from /f upgrade.​
-Add /f setbaseregion , what this does is it sets all the connected claims on that area to claims that will be protected by f shield only ( this helps a lot since you can raid traps all the time and the most important thing is when raiding your shots won't get blocked by a random claim of a faction that is on the way so no misunderstanding happens ).​
-Change the /raid claim cooldown to 10 minutes, because sometimes you get countered in less than 5 minutes and it just does not make sense to wait for 30 minuntes to raid again keep in mind if you shot once and the faction got timer they will be on longer grace since its 15 minutes timer followed by 30 minutes grace. ALSO when you /f raid claim and you already had a raid claim it still puts you on cooldown for the command so fix it so it only puts you when you actually claim a land.​
-Add 2 minutes of enchanted golden apple cooldown.​
-Change the enchants on the Immortal kit sword ( make it fast turn V and Paralyze V and remove wither).​
-Remove the exp bottles from all kits ( no one uses them lol ).​
-buff raider gkit so it gives you a 100k TNTvoucher that will be deposited on your faction bank. ( don't forget to remove the 4 stacks of TNT from it too).​
-IMPROVE the Mob chests the hoppers because most of the time it does not collect the items like nothing appears inside the chest.​
-Add depth strider 3 too raider set.​
- Change the combat tag time to 18 seconds.​
-Add chunk busters to the static transfer for ( 50 mob coins each ) chunk busters are really really important.​
-Make it so it shows the coordinates of every faction base claim on /f who ( so no one comes and makes a base on the wild on 5kx5k worlds ).​
-REMOVE THE punishment Raid ban. SO if a faction breaks a rule on the last days of the map they don't lose the map instantly and the map won't be dead by that time and it's just stupid to ban raiding on factions. ESPECIALLY because you don't enforce the rule hiding value on your server as we saw in the many past maps the faction called Somalia places last week and with them holding most of the value always having raid bans will kill the competitive aspect at the last 7 days of the map. instead of raid bans, you can change the Strike system to something better. or you can add it as a severe punishment like if a faction abuses too much they get a raid ban​
-Completely prohibit back countering on raiding cannons. ( you can back counter a side counter )​
-NO AntiNukes / finsters allowed on your base walls​
- maximum of 5 chunks of walls on your buffer counter.​
- maximum of 1 buffer counter per side.​
-Buffer counters cant be 360 ( shoots on all ways) and can"t be an over stacker.​
-Base should be 1 big box of a minimum 3x3 and a maximum of 10x10.​
-No spawner boxes are allowed inside the base shell only allowed for blazes.​
-Trench/Gen/Printer Trapping The use of a Trench Pickaxe, Chunkbusters, Gen buckets, Printer/Schematica and Lever's to trap people is prohibited​
• Punishment: 1 Day Ban to players involved​
-Switching Cannons You need to wait a minimum of 10 minutes before switching to another raiding cannon. Side counters to side counters are 5 minutes. Side counters and buffer counters are 5 minutes. You are allowed to switch between 1-10 stackers and RevHybrid every 1 minute.​
-You cant not buffer counter while on grace/shield you can only side counter .​
-You cant side counter a raiding cannon from the back or the border side. however, you can side a side counter from any direction.​
-AFKing Walls​
You are not allowed to AFK walls. If a staff member msgs you, you must reply within 30 seconds.​
- you must unclaim all the claims you have on someone's buffer ( claims that are bigger than 3x3 including any type of claims that prevents other factions to set up).​
-All factions must register their factions in a leaders discord in order to compete to f top ( have to be active during the map too not and individual coming last 3 days to place his value on a wild base to win ftop 2 , like ******* did :giggle:)​
-GET A STAFF MEMBER with perms to enforce the rules above with permissions to unclaim and etc.​
-THE RULES, getting strikes for spamming 3 wild blocks on the wild should not be a strike smh / doing something wrong on accident, and then fixing it should not be either.​
-Raid claims are only needed when raiding anything inside the base claims.​
there is still more rules that I want to add but if you agree on them i can make a google docs for jartex factions immortal and the staff team can take a look at it just msg me on Discord: DiscordBot#2958​

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
explained on each point above and also most of these rules will make factions more competitive​

Extra Information:
For any questions DM on discord DiscordBot#2958​
And Please read carefully>​
How should gap cooldown be 1 minute? that's like 30 seconds of cooldown since you get regeneration V for 30 secs + u get resistance that makes you a tank and you know that. 2 minutes of gap cooldown + 1 min of resistance is good + traps to support you incase you need to run. It's also faction so you have a team to help you out. Or you can just not be on gap cooldown and learn how to play without res which is rly easy but u never put the time to it but just complain, then just gap when u need to run or when ure getting low.


Great Reporter
Great Reporter
December 8, 2017
How should gap cooldown be 1 minute? that's like 30 seconds of cooldown since you get regeneration V for 30 secs + dmg isn't broken,

How should gap cooldown be 1 minute? that's like 30 seconds of cooldown since you get regeneration V for 30 secs + u get resistance that makes you a tank and you know that. 2 minutes of gap cooldown + 1 min of resistance is good + traps to support you incase you need to run. It's also faction so you have a team to help you out. Or you can just save up the gap cooldown and learn how to play without res which is rly easy but u never put the time to it but just complain.
Or how about pvp becomes normal so you dont need gapps, i wouldnt mind basic ce and basic sets


March 18, 2019
Or how about pvp becomes normal so you dont need gapps, i wouldnt mind basic ce and basic sets
That's whats gonna make jartex not special. Pvp this way will be boring just like any normal server and you can't even get a kill this way. Jartex pvp is made to give players a chance to get a kill and get satisfaction when they kill someone. There are tactics u can explore and enchants that can help u win fights too. I seen people who play premium and came in jartex then started playing jartex cuz its different.


March 18, 2019
Or how about pvp becomes normal so you dont need gapps, i wouldnt mind basic ce and basic sets
believe me when i say this is one of the best custom enchant servers I ever played. It's good the way it is, and dont make it basic.


Great Reporter
Great Reporter
December 8, 2017
That's whats gonna make jartex not special. Pvp this way will be boring just like any normal server and you can't even get a kill this way. Jartex pvp is made to give players a chance to get a kill and get satisfaction when they kill someone. There are tactics u can explore and enchants that can help u win fights too. I seen people who play premium and came in jartex then started playing jartex cuz its different.
So what you are saying that it gives you satisfaction to kill someone in chance pvp with no skill involved
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