Thank you very much for this, Rodagave116Hello there. All of the votes get double checked and verified at the end of the month, therefore any player who obtained any amount of votes through an exploit gets disqualified and not counted within the rewards.
All regular voters put our thanks to you.Hello there. All of the votes get double checked and verified at the end of the month, therefore any player who obtained any amount of votes through an exploit gets disqualified and not counted within the rewards.
You know my friend ahh disqualify someone can't helpSo, most people might not have realized, including Flexier, (who thinks leaderboards AREN'T unusual...)
And that if no one mentions this, owners are going to pay a vote duper.
What a bad situation, am I right?!
On the first day of the month, you can get up to 14 votes, and the rest of the month, you get 9 votes a day (now 10 because there's a new link, as of 7th Oct) but what this guy is doing, is duping the shit out of the votes every 4 days, to make it not blatant and legit.
so I'm going to expose this votetopper named, MollyMC123456789.
First of October:
Pretty usual start, no one cheating whatsoever...
2nd Of October:
Pretty much the same, only 9 added votes to the day.
And then...
3rd of October:
Early morning of a beautiful sunday... and BOOM! 26 votes straight off the bat.
He wasnt even on the 1st or 2nd day of October on the leaderboards.
Some of us of course knew he was duping it, but when we told staff.... to no avail.
4th of October:
He disappeared from the LBs. He didn't vote. Looks like he's trying not to get caught. Staff didn't notice anyway, they said it doesn't seem unusual...
5th of October:
Didnt show up either... some of us thought he wouldn't vote again...
and then...
6th of October:
BOOM! there he is again. with 58 votes!! (DATE PROOF ON BOTTOM RIGHT)
And of course, staff haven't noticed because they don't check leaderboards at all. So when we tell them, "doesn't seem unusual" is what you'll expect.
7th of October:
HOLY SHIT?? Not only did he dupe, but 10 extra votes above us?! (DATE BELOW TOO)
Credits toJarvisGamerYT , this is an early screenshot of 7th October.
This is proof he is duping the votes. He is going to get 55 euros for that. We need to let the owners know, to disqualify him.
Please let staff know so they would tell Gunfine/Mex. He is cheating, it is unfair, and he gets to win.
Thank you!
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