I have a method.
First you will need gold rank through voting which is easy.
So like you can get 200 votes easily (7x30 = 210).
That gives you 2000 iron. Just claim gold rank.
After that you will need to save vote keys for 1-2 month.
When you have 400+ keys do voting for 1 month again. That gives you 2000 iron.
Head over to top.gg and vote for the stats bot 40 times. (you can vote on top.gg every 12 hours.)
Now that you have 3000 iron.
(Only claim iron at last day of month e.g 30/31.)
Normal iron from top.gg and voting expires in 14 days while other (from create keys) expire in 7 days.
Wait for 7th of next month and that gives you in total 3.5k iron.
Now you need 1k more iron, Start opening create keys and if you are extremely lucky you can get
Diamond rank.
You need to be lucky enough to get 1k from creates which will most likely happen (I failed ;-