In order to get Diamond rank you first need to get gold Rank. you can get gold rank by voting daily 1 month and get 200 or above votes and exchange them into iron currency using command /votes than buy gold rank from Gold Shop > Rank Upgrades.
Now How to get diamond rank?
after getting gold rank u need 4.5k iron currency to upgrade ur rank to diamond from Rank-Upgrades vote 3 months and stack vote Keys ( Do not use any of the key in these 3 months) in first 2 months u can use ur iron currency in anything u like

but the 3rd month when u vote everyday and gets over 200 votes and recieve 2k iron currency exchange them into iron-currency. and now u have 2k Iron currency + 3 months Vote keys now start opening all ur vote keys and if u are lucky you would get 3 times 31 days Iron rank from vote crate and each 31 day iron rank gives u 500 iron currency. this is the only way to get 4.5k iron = Free Diamond Rank.