Minecraft Username:
Minecraft Version:
What is the bug you are reporting?
What did you do in order for this bug to happen?
Extra Information:
also donators can't fly in main lobby.
Minecraft Version:
Clicking on items in hotbar while playing parkour
What is the bug you are reporting?
So when you are playing on parkour you get two items in hotbar, you can either "teleport to latest checkpoint" or "quit parkour". And there is pretty annoying bug when you click on them. It brings up either "server selector menu" or "profile menu" (it depends on which one you click). Its annoying when you are on start of parkour and you want to teleport to start and because of that bug it starts parkour again (because you are standing on plessure plate) and potentially you lose some time because of that. Take a look at video I have attached for more information.
What did you do in order for this bug to happen?
1. start parkour
2. try to click on "teleport to latest checkpoint" or "quit parkour" item in hotbar.
3. It brings up either "server selector menu" or "profile menu"
2. try to click on "teleport to latest checkpoint" or "quit parkour" item in hotbar.
3. It brings up either "server selector menu" or "profile menu"
Extra Information:

also donators can't fly in main lobby.