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Denied Minigames Clan Minigames (SW & BW) (Full info & commands)

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October 29, 2018
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What is the suggestion about?
Clan Minigames (SW & BW) (Full info & commands)

Hello, just quick info about how the 'Clan' works: Basically make a Clan invite your friends, You and your Clan members will have to play in the Minigames (SW & BW) To level up the Clan level to be on the leaderboards! (yes there should be leaderboard for Clans) When the Clan levels up there will be a coins booster to the whole Clan members which will be 3x coins booster only to the Clan members and more special stuff to claim when the Clan levels up such as loot boxes, Coins & XP! And the prize get's better and better when the Clan levels up to a higher level!

Let's get to the commands now.

/Clan create <name>

/Clan disband <There will be a confirmation saying 'are you sure you want to disband your Clan?'

/Clan join <Clan name>

/Clan leave

/Clan invite <username>

/Clan kick <username> <reason>

/Clan promote <username> Leader (Max leaders are 2)

/Clan promote <username> Co-Leader (Max Co-Leaders are 5)

/Clan ban <username> <reason>

/Clan unban <username> <reason>

/Clan bans <Will show the banned players in a Gui and when you hop over it will show player username, Ban reason And who banned them>

/Clan kicks <<Will show the kicked players in a Gui and when you hop over it will show player username, kick reason And who kicked them>

Permissions For Co-Leaders: It's a choice chosen by the Leaders they decide if they give them ban perms or not kick perms or not.

Let's go into Clan settings now. (All of these commands will be inside of /Clan settings)

/Clan settings

/Clan set level <Level number> (Basically setting a level number so only the players with the required level you set can join or higher levels.)

/Clan set Private (Only Invited people can join the Clan)

/Clan set Open (Anyone can join the Clan as long as they meet the Required Minigames Level as the Clan sets it)

/Clan permissions Co-Leader (A GUI will pop up showing the permission you want to set to Co-Leaders which the only perms are kicks and bans)

/Clan Description (After you type that command it will send a message saying 'Please type the Clan description and enter')

Let's get into Clan chat.

Clan chat color will be Light pink or just Pink in General

Clan chat commands >

/Clan chat <message>

/Clan chat (Will toggle Clan chat so you won't have to type /Clan chat every time you want to send a message in Clan /Clan chat again to toggle it off)

/Clan chat disable (You won't see any messages sent in the Clan chat)

/Clan chat enable (You will be able to see messages sent in the Clan chat again)

/Clan chat mute (Will mute Clan chat so no one will be able to talk, Why that command is important? In case someone is spamming)

/Clan chat unmute (Everyone will be able to send a message in Clan chat again)

/Clan leaderboards (Will show the Top 10 Clans)

/Clan level (Will show your current Clan level)

/Clan level <Clan name> (Will show the selected Clan's Level)

/Clan info (Will show the Description for your own Clan & Required level to Join the Clan)

/Clan info <Clan name> (Will show the Description for the selected Clan & Required level to Join the Clan)
Max number of members is 40, starting with 10 members upgrading to 40 members with clan coins, you get clan coins by playing games.

And that's it I wrote everything hope you liked it! <3
Would be cool if we can have a payout for the 1st clan.

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
It will improve the activity of the Minigames, even more, to be on the Clans leaderboards and win wonderful prizes by working & tryhard as a team to level up It's all about teamwork at the end and In general will improve the activity of the Minigames.

Extra Information:
Lord suggested to make it Clans since 'Guild' is already used on another server so thanks to him.
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Known Member
Known Member
October 16, 2016
That seems like a very good idea actually +1
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