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Denied PracticePvP Chat System & Lag Issue & Anti-Cheat & Other Bugs

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September 5, 2020
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?
Chat System & Lag Issue & Anti-Cheat & Other Bugs

You know I'm getting real tired, I don't want to sound I hate this server or anything, it just genuinely ruin my game experience, so please just someone read this and understand it's affecting our playing time and that's not just me but many other people.

1. Chat System :

- Please I beg you to remove the plugin that require you to paraphrase everything u said previously you can have a slot for more useful plugins, what more annoying is that if you type a bit too fast it says that your time limit for typing is still not over, sure but after that ii typed a brand new word unrelated to its previous one and it still says that it was too similar to my last text. I seriously don't see it solving any problem in the server besides wasting time, you already have a time limit for texting plugin why do you need another one that requires you to use synonyms ??? Like seriously just add an additional feature to the text delay plugin like if someone try to bypass it, it kicks them.

- Please allow us to type sentences with 3 caps letter in it. I don't get it because like you can type LOL, LMAO, etc. But not have it with sentences. Ex: Omg what you said was funny, LOL. It doesn't let u type like that you have to say it individually, like separated in line.

2. Lag Issue :

- I seriously don't get why lag in PracticePvP is such an issue, you can have other servers with like 400 players in it and it would still be smooth and fine and here it has like 50-100 players and it lag as hell. Here's what you can do, set a limit for the server, have 2 of it maybe like PracticePvP 1 and PracticePvP 2, 1 is server connection from US, 1 is from EU. I'm not sure if this is also the cause to this but it probably is, other servers such as KitPvP, Faction, Survival, Skyblock, etc have too many players, it seems like you guys have server ram focused on them but not PracticePvP, because of that it can't handle the players. I suggest adding a player limit to all servers, set a reasonable amount so it can be equally, if the most played gamemode is KitPvP for example then set a player limit higher than the others. Please do this, we can't handle this lag any longer, community getting toxic for this one reason and it affect all of us too.

3. Anti-Cheat:

- I have no clue if the server has an Anti-Cheat or not, if yes then I recommend fixing it because hackers were killaura'ing to maximum last time, along with strafe the entire game and he did not get banned, neither are alerted. If not work on one and add it.

4. Other Bugs:

- Fix your hit detection, it actually hurt, because sometimes i pvp, my hits don't register even when i'm not lagging, it's seriously annoying and i lose rounds because of it.

- Fix the one hole in brackets events please, people literally go up there and camp for the entire game.

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
1. Chat System:

- Make you type faster without having to stop and paraphrase each sentences and would still have no problem with spammers.

- It would only make sense like if you can type 3 cap letters like i mentioned, then why can't we use it for our sentences.

2. Lag Issue:

- Community get less complain and less toxic, people enjoy their gaming experience and don't stuck on the ground, or seeing players tp'ing or hit delay including sword and bow.

3. Anti-Cheat:

- So there are no doofus that can't practice to get better so download hacks and start ruining everyone's days and so it can deal with them while the staffs are gone.

4. Other Bugs:

- Small bugs but fix it please, it will seriously help so that I can actually combo people

- We literally have to wait for at least 20 minutes for it to end so please fix it, it's just one hole, it's been there for who knows a year.

Extra Information:


Great Reporter
Great Reporter
January 4, 2020
Nice Effort

The Only Thing that i want it to be Removed/Updated is the New Chat System
Also Updating the kb will be Nice


Great Reporter
Great Reporter
January 4, 2020
Also Fix The Broken Lava Please ?

am sure there is already 100 people talked about that


Addicted Member
August 27, 2019
I seriously need an answer to this what benefit from adding that plugin anyway u could have a slot for a more useful one.
1st of all they won't remove the chat filter thing and second of all there is alr a new anticheat with fixes on PPvP.


September 5, 2020
1st of all they won't remove the chat filter thing and second of all there is alr a new anticheat with fixes on PPvP.
So you want everyone to be like
Players: Hacker!
Players: Hacker!
Chat filter: I ' m s o r r y b u t y o u c a n ' t t y p e t h e s a m e s e n t e n c e s a s y o u r p r e v i o u s o n e
Players: *Type faster than a bit* Hax!
Chat filter I ' M S O R R Y B U T Y O U C A N ' T T Y P E T H E S A M E S E N T E N C E S A S Y O U R P R E V I O U S O N E
Like seriously though you already have a cooldown for typing, why add another plugin that needs you to paraphrase each sentences you said, not to mention sometimes i type a bit too fast and the chat cooldown plugin would stop me from saying it and say that I'm still under cooldown, sure but after i type again IT SAID THAT MY MESSAGES WERE TOO CLOSE TO MY PREVIOUS ONE, like I can't even use the up key to bring back my previous sentences and say it again, I thought it was a small glitch but it effect for a very long time, even if i say it again entirely different, it would still do that, just remove it, please. 1 is enough, 2 is unnecessary.
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