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BedWars BedWars Suggestions and Questions

July 15, 2018
What is this thread for?
Hi! I am A5, one of the helpers on Jartex! I am writing this post to sum up all the changes that everyone is asking for in the minigame BedWars, and what can be done differently, then what everyone asks, to make it more fun and also to answer one of the most frequently asked question WHEN IS THE UPDATE? This post is targeted towards no one and all the players and the members who makes posts are offended in no way.

The Changes you ask!
So this is the list of all of the asked changes to BedWars:

1. New Maps - Before we start anything with getting something changed, BedWars NEED new maps. This is by far the most requested update to BedWars throughout the whole forums. With all the stuff going on with the server, I know its not easy to get time to add some new maps, but tbh, there are many maps that are out on websites like PlanetMinecraft and YouTube, and to add new maps, having a BedWars plugin, its 10 Mins max, from downloading the map to making it able to run it completely fine. How I know this? Cause I have set up many maps with many different plugins. So please add New Maps.

2. Fireball Nerf/Buff - This is one of the most controversial thing cause many people love the OP type of Fireball which Jartex currently has and some want the Fireball which does less damage, but pushes people more. As per my opinion, I agree with reducing the Fireball damage by 50%, with that, to make it more balanced there should be a increase in the knockback of Fireball by 30% and radius of the Fireball by 5-10%. This will allow the Fireball jump strategy, but yes, you will die if you are too high because of the Fireball damage combines with the fall damage.

3. TNT Nerf - This is one of the most asked/requested change in the BedWars forums, and I know why, if you drop a TNT, it is powerful enough to kill you instantly if you are in 1 block radius of the TNT, or will take you to 1/2 - 2 hearts if you are in 4-5 block radius, and also the knockback is way too much till 4 block radius to push you off the map. To make TNT really nerfed, the entity damage should be reduced by 60%, the block damage radius -0.5 - -1 block to the current radius.

4. Shop upgrades - This is divided again into sub parts:
Normal Shop
a. More Axes - If you have played BedWars on Jartex and found Wooden, Stone and Iron Axes missing? well, cause they are not in the shop. It would be good to see more Axes in the shop so the Wood strategy will no longer be a "trend" as the first defense layer at the start of the game. This is not necessary but, to stop players with 3 OP TNT's is harder than a person with a diamond axe (because 1 Axe's cost = 3 TNT's).

b. Bridge Eggs - Well, since "Hypixel" (Sorry to name it but was important) has released the Bridge egg, which look like simple chicken egg, but builds a bridge when thrown, has became a trend to expect that here on Jartex. Let me get it straight to the players, I agree that Jartex BedWars Maps looks perfectly identical to Hypixel's but have you thought that the maps Hypixel used in the first place were not built by them? So if someone wants to say that Hypixel did this so we need it on Jartex as well cause the Maps looks similar, I will straight say "NO" cause u say it first there doesn't mean that they created it. I am not against players asking to add things, but I am against of players asking for adding stuff because "Hypixel" did it. Bridge Eggs, yes, add it, but implement it differently, like it builds a temporary bridge instead of permanent bridge, to make it more original.

c. More Potions - Many people want to have invis potion in the game, and I get it, it opens a whole new style of gameplay to BedWars. but, instead of invis pot, why not add some potions such as potion of strength for 10 sec for 1 emerald, or potion of damage resistance for 3 sec for 2 emeralds? Invis pot is also a good choice to have with this potions tbh. xD

d. Fixing the price of wooden Pickaxe - In many games when a player tries to buy the wooden pickaxe, it says 10 iron required, but you cannot buy it even if you have 40 iron in your inventory. Please fix the pricing of that pickaxe.

e. Shop GUI update - The Shop GUI, tbh, is OLD we need some new way of representing the stuff, like a favourite section where a player can save the items that he/she buys frequently and so he/she doesn't have to different sections in the shop. This is a really good feature and was mentioned recently.

a. Fix the prices that show on the screen - This is one of the biggest issue in BedWars especially if you play on OverPowered mode in BedWars because you will not know how much diamonds (in normal gamemode) or crystals (in OverPowered gamemode) you will need to get the team upgrades. This is really annoying when you are playing for the first time on the server or first time ever got 4 diamonds to get Maniac Miner -I and the look in the team upgrades and it shows 6 diamonds. and then when you have six and click it, it only uses 4. This is a easy fix which can be done in the plugin config/shop file.

b. New Trap - There is not a necessary need of new traps, but it would be good to have some new traps such as Teleport Trap which teleports a player from the defender team who is the farthest or nearest from the base when an enemy sets the trap off (for 3-4 diamonds).

5. Party system upgrade - I would really love to see the Party system being upgraded for not only BedWars but also SkyWars. people in one party should join same team in both the game modes so there is less chance for cross teaming, and obviously, you can play with the person whom you wanted to.

6. Leaderboard in the BedWars Lobby - There is a place in the BedWars lobby where it says "Lead" but there are no holograms for the players to see the leaderboards, to see the leaderboards, you need to visit website's Leaderboards section and search for your name or others name. That is good for the website to get more engaging with players, but as a player, to just see some of the Top players, it is inconvenient. If a Holographic leaderboard is place there in BedWars Lobby, it would be really good for the players.

And also, the scoreboard which should be on the left of the players screen in the lobby is not working unless you enter the waiting lobby of a game. It should be also fixed to ler player see their own stats without having to enter a game.

7. Game end victory system - When a game ends and there are more than one team, a random team get the victory instead of the player with the top kills, this lead many people to post it in suggestions to make it how they want, i.e., the team with most kills win. I puerly agree with them, because no one wants to loose to one single person who went missing from the beginning of the game when his/her bed was broken.

8. Introduction of the build limit - Have you ever played with a player who is a CAMPER? One who buys stacks and stacks of wool and starts going straight up in the sky and stays 200-300 blocks up in the sky throughout the game and wins because top kills doesn't matter (as per aboves recommendation, it should be fixed)? It is really frustrating and annoying. To solve this, a build limit should be implemented which will stop players from going Too high in the sky, Camon its not "Sky"-Wars.

9. Death Inventory pass on system - This is a simple system where players get the inventory items (only includes in game currency, i.e., Iron, Gold, Diamond and Emeralds) of a player they kill. This is a simple and really helpful feature especially when a player who was farming on a map where there are only 2 emerald generator and you kill him when he/she had 6 emeralds and those emeralds are lost.

10. Cosmetics - This is a really optional feature and does not affect the gameplay at all. But instead it opens the gates to use the 'USELESS' coins that everyone gets in the game of BedWars. The Cosmetics can include Lobby cosmetics such as hats, morphs, etc. and ingame cosmetics can include items such as Island Toppers and glyphs.

11. Inventory Split system - Another most asked update is to make the material spawn at islands split between all the players standing in the forge. This can help players playing in teams when they don't have enough resources because someone killed all of them with TNT's.

12. Remove all the glitches from the BedWars - There are many glitches in BedWars, so far I found 3 and are all listed with proofs in the Bug reports and will be fixed soon. But I thought it will be good to mention it here because I have seen 1 - 2 posts on the forums saying this.

So, this are the top 12 suggestions I found in BedWars Forums which when implemented can take BedWars to a whole new level. Some of this are not at all a requirement but are just to make the game more lively. If you are any developer or Staff member reading this, and is like, this is so much to ask? Well, Yes it is so much to ask, but it is really worth it.

Some Frequently asked Questions
This section will cover some of the most frequently asked questions about BedWars.

Q1. What are the coins used for?
Ans. Nothing. The coins are used for nothing at the moment, but if the cosmetics are implemented, you can buy cosmetics with the help of coins.

Q2. When is the BedWars update?
Ans. The BedWars update is in the ToDo list of the owners and it should be really close now, so watch out for my and Owners (Gunfire and Voodootje) updates on the forums and Discord.

Q3. Why is no staff watching out for Hackers in BedWars nor do they play on BedWars?
And. This question, as a staff, is really annoying because people ask me this every day. We as Staff Members do our best to help you all, but most of the times, there are players who want to just annoy the staff without any reason by asking weird stuff or doing something that is inappropriate. This slows us down and also increases chances for wrong people to get banned or punished. If you are one of those person who do this, please I request you on behalf of the whole staff team to Stop doing it. And if you don't, you will be punished really bad. When someone says no staff plays BedWars, then my friend, you are wrong, it can just be time zone different, because I play BedWars on Jartex everyday for 1-2 hours (and more on Weekends). So please don't think that staff is useless or worth nothing.

Q4. Are there glitches in BedWars?
Ans. Yes, there are glitches and bugs in BedWars. These bugs and glitches are really game breaking and so if you find one please report it on Forums, and if you are found using the Glitch or Bug (in any game, not just BedWars) then you might get Banned. So please do not use the glitches, instead report them on the forums.

I appreciate all those who suggested everything mentioned in this post. If your suggestion is not covered here, please let me know in DM or on Discord at @TheElemental_A5#0444 and I'll review it and add it in next weeks BedWars Post. Thanks everyone for reading it!

Have a great day!


August 10, 2018
I know I already messaged TheElemental, but this is for much more people that may read this post and/or reply.

Anyhow, here are 11 suggestions(stuff you missed):

• Not only the wooden pickaxes are(?) worth 40 Iron, but they also disappear from your inventory when you die.
• The server frequently despawn/s Diamonds and Emeralds at their respective generators(not sure what interval they're on.)
• I noticed that on the 'Broken' map-- or any other map with breakables(ie. grass, cobwebs, etc.), by using water, you can remove the cobwebs and get string. The same goes for the grass in 'Lilypad', which you can get seeds from.
• In the case of the 'Game End' system, they actually pick the winning team based on your place on the scoreboard. If you're on the bottom, you're always gonna win by 'Game End'.
• Water freezes in high altitudes. And because it's not counted by the server that it's a _block that you placed__, it can't be broken.
• Contradicting the last statement, on a map with wood-- most noticeably 'City' or 'Rooftops'-- the wood can be burnt by a Fireball's explosion(which summons fire).
• Another bug is, when you die in 'Hobbit'(a trips map), you spawn in a Mesa, specfically in an underground pool of water. You can get to this Mesa by building to around X-1000 Y~ Z~. In the other axis,(neg X) you get to a cut-off part of the world, which are ocean islands with a cut-off Mineshaft(I can't prove. Ask Greggs for the clip.)
• Shears break. Swords break. Tools don't. I wish that these are Unbreakable, honestly.
• In the 'Lilypad' map, the Barrier cage that you spawn in before you start the game can be get to, thus making an (kind of)unfair advantage for campers.
It is located about 25 blocks above the middle of the middle.
• The infamous 'Spawndie'. Speaks for itself. I also noticed that you die by fall damage.
• Sometimes when you die, your text is in white. This makes you spawn high up(in the position of the Barrier cage) in the middle, making you die and spawning again. When you spawn by this, you don't have any items in your inventory.

Well, if you took the time to read this, thank you! Have a good day/night, and stay cool!
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Great Reporter
Great Reporter
October 30, 2018
I have reported the glitch for lilypad (the barrier one) and it was viewed by Gunfire and he said it would be fixed after the minigames update.

And I agree with the glitches and bugs and it is appreciated you took your time to write them and I really like your suggestions.


Great Reporter
Great Reporter
October 30, 2018
I also reported the Hobbit glitch.
but there are no replies on it.
July 15, 2018
I know I already messaged TheElemental, but this is for much more people that may read this post and/or reply.

Anyhow, here are 11 suggestions(stuff you missed):

• Not only the wooden pickaxes are(?) worth 40 Iron, but they also disappear from your inventory when you die.
• The server frequently despawn/s Diamonds and Emeralds at their respective generators(not sure what interval they're on.)
• I noticed that on the 'Broken' map-- or any other map with breakables(ie. grass, cobwebs, etc.), by using water, you can remove the cobwebs and get string. The same goes for the grass in 'Lilypad', which you can get seeds from.
• In the case of the 'Game End' system, they actually pick the winning team based on your place on the scoreboard. If you're on the bottom, you're always gonna win by 'Game End'.
• Water freezes in high altitudes. And because it's not counted by the server that it's a _block that you placed__, it can't be broken.
• Contradicting the last statement, on a map with wood-- most noticeably 'City' or 'Rooftops'-- the wood can be burnt by a Fireball's explosion(which summons fire).
• Another bug is, when you die in 'Hobbit'(a trips map), you spawn in a Mesa, specfically in an underground pool of water. You can get to this Mesa by building to around X-1000 Y~ Z~. In the other axis,(neg X) you get to a cut-off part of the world, which are ocean islands with a cut-off Mineshaft(I can't prove. Ask Greggs for the clip.)
• Shears break. Swords break. Tools don't. I wish that these are Unbreakable, honestly.
• In the 'Lilypad' map, the Barrier cage that you spawn in before you start the game can be get to, thus making an (kind of)unfair advantage for campers.
It is located about 25 blocks above the middle of the middle.
• The infamous 'Spawndie'. Speaks for itself. I also noticed that you die by fall damage.
• Sometimes when you die, your text is in white. This makes you spawn high up(in the position of the Barrier cage) in the middle, making you die and spawning again. When you spawn by this, you don't have any items in your inventory.

Well, if you took the time to read this, thank you! Have a good day/night, and stay cool!

Thanks for our time to reply, but what all you mentioned are glitches/bugs and not the stuff that is asked as an update. A report with all the glitches and bugs was in my ToDo list but, saying some bugs in the game may result to some unwanted persons using them as unfair advantage in games until fixed. But if you need me to make a similar list for all the bug/glitches in them, let me know! Some of these bugs are already known by the Owners and are working to remove them.

About axes and pickaxes being removed from the inventory when you die, is not a glitch/bug, it is supposed to happen.


Addicted Member
September 11, 2018
What is this thread for?
Hi! I am A5, one of the helpers on Jartex! I am writing this post to sum up all the changes that everyone is asking for in the minigame BedWars, and what can be done differently, then what everyone asks, to make it more fun and also to answer one of the most frequently asked question WHEN IS THE UPDATE? This post is targeted towards no one and all the players and the members who makes posts are offended in no way.

The Changes you ask!

So this is the list of all of the asked changes to BedWars:

1. New Maps - Before we start anything with getting something changed, BedWars NEED new maps. This is by far the most requested update to BedWars throughout the whole forums. With all the stuff going on with the server, I know its not easy to get time to add some new maps, but tbh, there are many maps that are out on websites like PlanetMinecraft and YouTube, and to add new maps, having a BedWars plugin, its 10 Mins max, from downloading the map to making it able to run it completely fine. How I know this? Cause I have set up many maps with many different plugins. So please add New Maps.

2. Fireball Nerf/Buff - This is one of the most controversial thing cause many people love the OP type of Fireball which Jartex currently has and some want the Fireball which does less damage, but pushes people more. As per my opinion, I agree with reducing the Fireball damage by 50%, with that, to make it more balanced there should be a increase in the knockback of Fireball by 30% and radius of the Fireball by 5-10%. This will allow the Fireball jump strategy, but yes, you will die if you are too high because of the Fireball damage combines with the fall damage.

3. TNT Nerf - This is one of the most asked/requested change in the BedWars forums, and I know why, if you drop a TNT, it is powerful enough to kill you instantly if you are in 1 block radius of the TNT, or will take you to 1/2 - 2 hearts if you are in 4-5 block radius, and also the knockback is way too much till 4 block radius to push you off the map. To make TNT really nerfed, the entity damage should be reduced by 60%, the block damage radius -0.5 - -1 block to the current radius.

4. Shop upgrades - This is divided again into sub parts:
Normal Shop
a. More Axes - If you have played BedWars on Jartex and found Wooden, Stone and Iron Axes missing? well, cause they are not in the shop. It would be good to see more Axes in the shop so the Wood strategy will no longer be a "trend" as the first defense layer at the start of the game. This is not necessary but, to stop players with 3 OP TNT's is harder than a person with a diamond axe (because 1 Axe's cost = 3 TNT's).

b. Bridge Eggs - Well, since "Hypixel" (Sorry to name it but was important) has released the Bridge egg, which look like simple chicken egg, but builds a bridge when thrown, has became a trend to expect that here on Jartex. Let me get it straight to the players, I agree that Jartex BedWars Maps looks perfectly identical to Hypixel's but have you thought that the maps Hypixel used in the first place were not built by them? So if someone wants to say that Hypixel did this so we need it on Jartex as well cause the Maps looks similar, I will straight say "NO" cause u say it first there doesn't mean that they created it. I am not against players asking to add things, but I am against of players asking for adding stuff because "Hypixel" did it. Bridge Eggs, yes, add it, but implement it differently, like it builds a temporary bridge instead of permanent bridge, to make it more original.

c. More Potions - Many people want to have invis potion in the game, and I get it, it opens a whole new style of gameplay to BedWars. but, instead of invis pot, why not add some potions such as potion of strength for 10 sec for 1 emerald, or potion of damage resistance for 3 sec for 2 emeralds? Invis pot is also a good choice to have with this potions tbh. xD

d. Fixing the price of wooden Pickaxe - In many games when a player tries to buy the wooden pickaxe, it says 10 iron required, but you cannot buy it even if you have 40 iron in your inventory. Please fix the pricing of that pickaxe.

e. Shop GUI update - The Shop GUI, tbh, is OLD we need some new way of representing the stuff, like a favourite section where a player can save the items that he/she buys frequently and so he/she doesn't have to different sections in the shop. This is a really good feature and was mentioned recently.

a. Fix the prices that show on the screen - This is one of the biggest issue in BedWars especially if you play on OverPowered mode in BedWars because you will not know how much diamonds (in normal gamemode) or crystals (in OverPowered gamemode) you will need to get the team upgrades. This is really annoying when you are playing for the first time on the server or first time ever got 4 diamonds to get Maniac Miner -I and the look in the team upgrades and it shows 6 diamonds. and then when you have six and click it, it only uses 4. This is a easy fix which can be done in the plugin config/shop file.

b. New Trap - There is not a necessary need of new traps, but it would be good to have some new traps such as Teleport Trap which teleports a player from the defender team who is the farthest or nearest from the base when an enemy sets the trap off (for 3-4 diamonds).

5. Party system upgrade - I would really love to see the Party system being upgraded for not only BedWars but also SkyWars. people in one party should join same team in both the game modes so there is less chance for cross teaming, and obviously, you can play with the person whom you wanted to.

6. Leaderboard in the BedWars Lobby - There is a place in the BedWars lobby where it says "Lead" but there are no holograms for the players to see the leaderboards, to see the leaderboards, you need to visit website's Leaderboards section and search for your name or others name. That is good for the website to get more engaging with players, but as a player, to just see some of the Top players, it is inconvenient. If a Holographic leaderboard is place there in BedWars Lobby, it would be really good for the players.

And also, the scoreboard which should be on the left of the players screen in the lobby is not working unless you enter the waiting lobby of a game. It should be also fixed to ler player see their own stats without having to enter a game.

7. Game end victory system - When a game ends and there are more than one team, a random team get the victory instead of the player with the top kills, this lead many people to post it in suggestions to make it how they want, i.e., the team with most kills win. I puerly agree with them, because no one wants to loose to one single person who went missing from the beginning of the game when his/her bed was broken.

8. Introduction of the build limit - Have you ever played with a player who is a CAMPER? One who buys stacks and stacks of wool and starts going straight up in the sky and stays 200-300 blocks up in the sky throughout the game and wins because top kills doesn't matter (as per aboves recommendation, it should be fixed)? It is really frustrating and annoying. To solve this, a build limit should be implemented which will stop players from going Too high in the sky, Camon its not "Sky"-Wars.

9. Death Inventory pass on system - This is a simple system where players get the inventory items (only includes in game currency, i.e., Iron, Gold, Diamond and Emeralds) of a player they kill. This is a simple and really helpful feature especially when a player who was farming on a map where there are only 2 emerald generator and you kill him when he/she had 6 emeralds and those emeralds are lost.

10. Cosmetics - This is a really optional feature and does not affect the gameplay at all. But instead it opens the gates to use the 'USELESS' coins that everyone gets in the game of BedWars. The Cosmetics can include Lobby cosmetics such as hats, morphs, etc. and ingame cosmetics can include items such as Island Toppers and glyphs.

11. Inventory Split system - Another most asked update is to make the material spawn at islands split between all the players standing in the forge. This can help players playing in teams when they don't have enough resources because someone killed all of them with TNT's.

12. Remove all the glitches from the BedWars - There are many glitches in BedWars, so far I found 3 and are all listed with proofs in the Bug reports and will be fixed soon. But I thought it will be good to mention it here because I have seen 1 - 2 posts on the forums saying this.

So, this are the top 12 suggestions I found in BedWars Forums which when implemented can take BedWars to a whole new level. Some of this are not at all a requirement but are just to make the game more lively. If you are any developer or Staff member reading this, and is like, this is so much to ask? Well, Yes it is so much to ask, but it is really worth it.

Some Frequently asked Questions
This section will cover some of the most frequently asked questions about BedWars.

Q1. What are the coins used for?
Ans. Nothing. The coins are used for nothing at the moment, but if the cosmetics are implemented, you can buy cosmetics with the help of coins.

Q2. When is the BedWars update?
Ans. The BedWars update is in the ToDo list of the owners and it should be really close now, so watch out for my and Owners (Gunfire and Voodootje) updates on the forums and Discord.

Q3. Why is no staff watching out for Hackers in BedWars nor do they play on BedWars?
And. This question, as a staff, is really annoying because people ask me this every day. We as Staff Members do our best to help you all, but most of the times, there are players who want to just annoy the staff without any reason by asking weird stuff or doing something that is inappropriate. This slows us down and also increases chances for wrong people to get banned or punished. If you are one of those person who do this, please I request you on behalf of the whole staff team to Stop doing it. And if you don't, you will be punished really bad. When someone says no staff plays BedWars, then my friend, you are wrong, it can just be time zone different, because I play BedWars on Jartex everyday for 1-2 hours (and more on Weekends). So please don't think that staff is useless or worth nothing.

Q4. Are there glitches in BedWars?
Ans. Yes, there are glitches and bugs in BedWars. These bugs and glitches are really game breaking and so if you find one please report it on Forums, and if you are found using the Glitch or Bug (in any game, not just BedWars) then you might get Banned. So please do not use the glitches, instead report them on the forums.

I appreciate all those who suggested everything mentioned in this post. If your suggestion is not covered here, please let me know in DM or on Discord at @TheElemental_A5#0444 and I'll review it and add it in next weeks BedWars Post. Thanks everyone for reading it!

Have a great day!


November 19, 2018
if all these things i are not added i am gonna start a communist revolution OURcraft OURjartex OURserver


November 28, 2018
wut about tnt jumbing if tnt is nerfed can i tnt jumb or just lose hearts ?


August 10, 2018
wut about tnt jumbing if tnt is nerfed can i tnt jumb or just lose hearts ?
I'm certain that they'll nerf TNT/Fireball damage, as well as fix the issue about their knockback towards players and entities alike.

Thanks for our time to reply, but what all you mentioned are glitches/bugs and not the stuff that is asked as an update. A report with all the glitches and bugs was in my ToDo list but, saying some bugs in the game may result to some unwanted persons using them as unfair advantage in games until fixed. But if you need me to make a similar list for all the bug/glitches in them, let me know! Some of these bugs are already known by the Owners and are working to remove them.

About axes and pickaxes being removed from the inventory when you die, is not a glitch/bug, it is supposed to happen.
Sorry! Didn't read clearly that these are "top suggestions". Nonetheless, I also want to state/ask some other things.
• If TNT/Fireball knockback is buffed, will we be able to "team-kill", or are they neutral to teammates?
• We'll get more items added to the shop, as you stated. Does that count blocks? Would be cool if we had more emerald-exclusive blocks. For example, a sponge to dry up an opponent's water defense.
• How about swords(also shears) being able to break? I assume that they're also intended, but it sucks when your sword breaks when you're in the middle of combo'ing someone into the void :shrug:
• Will we be able to customize our Shop GUI, like the way you do in Practice? If so, will it be separate with the default categories?
• Lastly, can you estimate/average how high/low will the block limit be?

I can finally see something big being done with Bedwars. I know I'm not one to talk, but I really appreciate the work you guys have been doing!

Three other queries/suggestions that might be crucial:
• Will you be able to make a player's ender-chest items drop into their generator or to the person who killed them?
• Can you make so that when we drop items into a place where we can no longer get them, it will return back to us?
> A theoretical bug that will make so that if you put items into a dropper/dispenser, you can duplicate it using a redstone torch(by using a water bucket to destroy redstone torches somewhere in 'Rooftop'/'City')
(I know I've already asked but to elaborate further, will we take damage/knockback from teammate's TNTs or Fireballs?)
• Could you nerf Iron Golems? Their HP(150 health points) would be advantageous, but may be countered with Fireballs, knockback(sticks), water, bows, and their AI. But if they place it down on you, it will destroy you, disregarding how much you tried.
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