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BedWars Bedwars Guide (Updated)

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Known Member
July 2, 2019
Using TNT is bad.
you are setting people up for failure. in most instances using tnt is much more efficient and safe than rushing tools.
Blocking your sword, this does reduce your KB
blocking shouldn't affect kb that much, you're definitely gonna go flying if you're staring at a piece of tnt holding right click. in any case do not do this when someone's around or you'll be incredibly easy to combo
This isn't something that you can "abuse"
😐 ok
Taking fall damage is bad and its easy to prevent it. Just place a ladder a side of a block and land on it.
honestly, it depends, for jumps where you take 0.5-2 hearts of fall damage, ladders aren't a necessity. but for jumps of like 4+ hearts then yeah

You will take no fall damage and if there is a player under you, you will take less KB from them (because you are on a ladder).
abusing fall damage in pvp is incredibly useful, why would you want to ruin your chances of winning by not only a) not taking fall damage, but also b) pvping on a ladder if someone's below you. the fall damage invincibility frames can be life-saving if used correctly, and being on a ladder while someone's directly under you will more often than not result in you being comboed into the shadow realm

Bridging with ladders, if you bought ladders and you don't have enough blocks to finish your bridge, you can use this trick. Place a block, then a ladder right after it, then a block again. This means that you can use laddders as a block in-between 2 blocks. This is a good way to save blocks.
not only is this incredibly slow, it's also substantially more difficult to pull off than regular speedbridging. if you're a decent player you usually won't run out of blocks, and even if you do, you'd just go get more blocks rather than ladderbridge

Don't buy diamond armor,
heavily depends on the situation. don't agree with this at all.
The point of the game is to be done quicker.
well yeah, quick games are preferred but they're not necessary, it's okay if something takes a bit longer because you're fighting someone good, if you rush into things without being prepared enough you'll end up dead.
You shouldn't spend any gold until you get IRON armor.
Don't buy a iron sword, unless if you have spare gold. This gold can be used to make a better deffence
I agree iron swords are overkill but they're definitely useful, and you should buy them if the chance occurs
Iron shouldn't be waster on silverfish or iron golems (only if you have a lot to spare). You should be buying tools,fireballs and a stone sword.
ah yes, the only things you should ever buy with iron: tools, fireballs, and a stone sword!

In conclusion: this "guide" is more focused on PvP than it is on BedWars. You do most of the PvP stuff right, but when it comes to BedWars this whole guide becomes inadequate. Don't follow this. There's a ton of missing information, as well as sentences that are blatantly false. For example, you mention defenses a lot in your guide, but never actually tell people how to defend properly. You mention that pots are good, but never tell people how to use them, etc. Not a good guide.


Addicted Member
November 24, 2019
you are setting people up for failure. in most instances using tnt is much more efficient and safe than rushing tools.
it is, tell me is it worth buying 7 tnt for 7 beds (28gold) or buying axe and a pickaxe (20 iron)

blocking shouldn't affect kb that much, you're definitely gonna go flying if you're staring at a piece of tnt holding right click. in any case do not do this when someone's around or you'll be incredibly easy to combo
well, if you read it. I said "But you will rarely come in a situation where you can use this." and afther that I also said "Best time you can use this is when you place a TNT, you will move less from it and you will take less damage from it." but I guess you didn't read that, did you? 🤦‍♂️

honestly, it depends, for jumps where you take 0.5-2 hearts of all damage, ladders aren't a necessity. but for jumps of like 4+ hearts then yeah
as I said, not every tip can be used 100% of time. I'm guessing the player who reads this guide and has a brain and that they won't be using ladders to save themselfs from 2 block jumps. Not every bedwars player is dumb, but it doesn't suprise me that you are like this way 😐

abusing fall damage in pvp is incredibly useful, why would you want to ruin your chances of winning by not only a) not taking fall damage, but also b) pvping on a ladder if someone's below you. the fall damage invincibility frames can be life-saving if used correctly, and being on a ladder while someone's directly under you will more often than not result in you being comboed into the shadow realm
there is this thing called 🌟 bridge fighting 🌟
not only is this incredibly slow, it's also substantially more difficult to pull off than regular speedbridging. if you're a decent player you usually won't run out of blocks, and even if you do, you'd just go get more blocks rather than ladderbridge
as I said, IF YOU DONT HAVE BLOCKS. But again, you didn't read it correctly. :)
heavily depends on the situation. don't agree with this at all.
I can't make a guide for every situation. But overall, in most games you don't need diamond armor.
well yeah, quick games are preferred but they're not necessary, it's okay if something takes a bit longer because you're fighting someone good, if you rush into things without being prepared enough you'll end up dead.
Well, in most cases quicker games are better, your enemies can't get stacked. If you rush somebody quickly, they wont be stacked and the fight will be fair.
as I said, if you dont spend any gold. you can have iron armor quickly (while most people buy tnt & gapples) giving you the advantage of having better gear . "lmao"
I agree iron swords are overkill but they're definitely useful, and you should buy them if the chance occurs
as I said, if you have spare gold then buy it. You just said the same thing as me, just used different words "lmao"

ah yes, the only things you should ever buy with iron: tools, fireballs, and a stone sword!
well, kinda? Maybe a endstone deffence, but wood should do you fine?

In conclusion: this "guide" is more focused on PvP than it is on BedWars. You do most of the PvP stuff right, but when it comes to BedWars this whole guide becomes inadequate. Don't follow this. There's a ton of missing information, as well as sentences that are blatantly false. For example, you mention defenses a lot in your guide, but never actually tell people how to defend properly. You mention that pots are good, but never tell people how to use them, etc. Not a good guide.
thats your opinon, I can't argue with that. But here is the catch, I don't care about your opinon. Most people found the guide useful, thats what matters. You can keep on hating on the guide, but its still pinned. Not being toxic or anything,but stop acting so childish. 👋


Known Member
Known Member
July 2, 2019
oh oops didn't see your response

it is, tell me is it worth buying 7 tnt for 7 beds (28gold) or buying axe and a pickaxe (20 iron)
damn you get 7 beds every game? also, it's not just about the price, it's also about how safe something is. when I'm fighting sweats or anyone decent, building up and tnt-ing their bed will result in me getting the bed more often than if I break the defense with tools
well, if you read it. I said "But you will rarely come in a situation where you can use this."
that's false also, you will never come in a situation where it's best to just stand there taking hits while blocking
"Best time you can use this is when you place a TNT, you will move less from it and you will take less damage from it." but I guess you didn't read that, did you? 🤦‍♂️
i guess I did, "you're definitely gonna go flying if you're staring at a piece of tnt holding right click. in any case do not do this when someone's around or you'll be incredibly easy to combo"
as I said, not every tip can be used 100% of time.
where did you say this lol
Not every bedwars player is dumb, but it doesn't suprise me that you are like this way
and what do you mean by that? I've seen the average jartex players, I've even seen the "good" or "tryhard" players, most of them do not in fact have a brain
there is this thing called 🌟 bridge fighting 🌟
this is entirely unrelated to what I said
as I said, IF YOU DONT HAVE BLOCKS. But again, you didn't read it correctly.
I guess I didn't, oh wait, "if you're a decent player you usually won't run out of blocks, and even if you do, you'd just go get more blocks rather than ladderbridge"
I can't make a guide for every situation. But overall, in most games you don't need diamond armor.
yeah you can. but overall, in most games you don't "need" emeralds at all really, on jartex you usually only get emeralds to end a game quicker, rather than to safely complete a difficult rush (except when you're against decent/stacked people of course)
Well, in most cases quicker games are better, your enemies can't get stacked. If you rush somebody quickly, they wont be stacked and the fight will be fair.
not necessarily tbh, I find that most people just sit in their base anyway, and if they do get stacked it's usually a) after their bed has been broken
or b) at the very start of a game, which if it's option B, you don't need to worry about much because there is a high chance they are not very good
as I said, if you dont spend any gold. you can have iron armor quickly (while most people buy tnt & gapples) giving you the advantage of having better gear . "lmao"
better gear means nothing if you're on a bridge for example, why wait for iron at the start of a game when you can buy a tnt (after your first rush), complete your second rush with it, and take their gen? way faster to get iron gear that way. don't get me wrong, I agree iron gear is useful in most cases, but if it was the very start of the game (when the time comes for you to do the 2nd rush) and I had to pick between tnt and iron armour i would pick tnt
well, kinda? Maybe a endstone deffence, but wood should do you fine?
wood is the worst defense after sandstone lol, don't waste gold on it when you can use that gold to buy a whole tnt
thats your opinon, I can't argue with that. But here is the catch, I don't care about your opinon. Most people found the guide useful, thats what matters. You can keep on hating on the guide, but its still pinned. Not being toxic or anything,but stop acting so childish. 👋
that is my opinion, yes, and it's fine that you don't care. most people on this site are either just straight up ignorant, or scared to leave criticism. I'm not hating on the guide, I'm telling you what is wrong with it, aka criticising it. i know it's pinned, it is the only reason I left my comment to try and fix the mistakes you made while writing it. if it gets pinned it should at least be a good guide, right? providing criticism on something does not make me childish lol


Addicted Member
November 24, 2019
oh oops didn't see your response

damn you get 7 beds every game? also, it's not just about the price, it's also about how safe something is. when I'm fighting sweats or anyone decent, building up and tnt-ing their bed will result in me getting the bed more often than if I break the defense with tools

that's false also, you will never come in a situation where it's best to just stand there taking hits while blocking

i guess I did, "you're definitely gonna go flying if you're staring at a piece of tnt holding right click. in any case do not do this when someone's around or you'll be incredibly easy to combo"

where did you say this lol

and what do you mean by that? I've seen the average jartex players, I've even seen the "good" or "tryhard" players, most of them do not in fact have a brain

this is entirely unrelated to what I said

I guess I didn't, oh wait, "if you're a decent player you usually won't run out of blocks, and even if you do, you'd just go get more blocks rather than ladderbridge"

yeah you can. but overall, in most games you don't "need" emeralds at all really, on jartex you usually only get emeralds to end a game quicker, rather than to safely complete a difficult rush (except when you're against decent/stacked people of course)

not necessarily tbh, I find that most people just sit in their base anyway, and if they do get stacked it's usually a) after their bed has been broken
or b) at the very start of a game, which if it's option B, you don't need to worry about much because there is a high chance they are not very good

better gear means nothing if you're on a bridge for example, why wait for iron at the start of a game when you can buy a tnt (after your first rush), complete your second rush with it, and take their gen? way faster to get iron gear that way. don't get me wrong, I agree iron gear is useful in most cases, but if it was the very start of the game (when the time comes for you to do the 2nd rush) and I had to pick between tnt and iron armour i would pick tnt

wood is the worst defense after sandstone lol, don't waste gold on it when you can use that gold to buy a whole tnt

that is my opinion, yes, and it's fine that you don't care. most people on this site are either just straight up ignorant, or scared to leave criticism. I'm not hating on the guide, I'm telling you what is wrong with it, aka criticising it. i know it's pinned, it is the only reason I left my comment to try and fix the mistakes you made while writing it. if it gets pinned it should at least be a good guide, right? providing criticism on something does not make me childish lol
to bored to argue here, as I said. I think the guide is good, other (some) people think its good. Idc ;p


February 12, 2021
Once you spawn in, you should wait for the minimum amount of blocks needed to bridge to the enemy base. You do this because you want to suprise them and get their bed while they aren't expecting it. For the first rush you shouldn't bring any tools. If you're quick enough your enemy won't have the time to place any deffence so getting their bed shouldn't be a problem.

Later on in the game, you should have an axe and a pickaxe. Using TNT is bad. Its better to spend that gold on Iron Armor/Iron Sword/KB stick/Golden Apples.

Reducing your KB
So here are some tips on how you can take less knockback (kb):
Ladders, you ladders when you're in a bridge fight. If you shift while you're on a ladder, you will take little to no KB.

Putting a block in front of you and running in it, this can be useful if you're near a edge and you sense that you are gonna get knocked off. If you do this strategy your KB will be reduced and you can block clutch easier.

Putting a block above you, if you don't have ladders, simply put a block above your head. This will make you barely move if you get hit. (Note: the block has the be right to your head,thats 2 blocks)

High CPS & Strafing,if you're on a straight bridge with no blocks. Best way to take as little KB as possible is to have high CPS and strafe. Minecraft mechanics work so when you have higher CPS your character moves more vertically (up). Which reduces the chances of you getting knocked off.

Blocking your sword, this does reduce your KB and you take less damage. But you will rarely come in a situation where you can use this. Best time you can use this is when you place a TNT, you will move less from it and you will take less damage from it.

This isn't something that you can "abuse" but it is a useful thing to know. Once you fall on the ground, you will take fall damage. While you're taking the fall damage,if you get hit by a enemy, your KB will cancel, giving you a chance to start hitting your enemy.

Going up, when you bridge try to go a couple blocks higher then the island you're bridging to. This will make it harder for your enemies to use your bridge (to come to your base).

Ninja/Speed bridging, if you already don't know how to ninja/speed bridge, you should practice it in a single-player world or creative (on Jartex). Having the speed to go to your enemies base quicker is a big advantage.

Once you're in a bridge fight, always keep the high-ground. While you have the high-ground, your opponent can't hit you off.

As you may have noticed, most deaths in Bedwars are void deaths, so dealing more KB is something that you should do. Now this is how you can deal more KB.
-Block-Hitting, this is good because everytime you hit somebody,your sprint resets and you take less damage while blocking
-W-Tapping, This is better then Block-Hitting, you will have more speed and thus you can push your player farther back.
-S-Tapping, this is similar to w-tapping,but it creates a bigger gap between you and the player, which means that its harder for the player to hit you, if you're comboing them.

Using blocks to start a combo:
Well this is a useful technique, in bedwars there aren't any projectiles (except the bow) that can be used to stop the player. But if you place a block in-front of the player this will slow them down (and make them take more KB,because they aren't moving) and you can start a combo on them easier + you will deal more KB to them.

Gapples, these are useful because you get 8 seconds of regeneration + 1:30 of absorption. You should eat gapples before a fight, you will be able to take more hits.

Ladders can be used to reduce your KB but also to reduce your fall damage. Taking fall damage is bad and its easy to prevent it. Just place a ladder a side of a block and land on it. You will take no fall damage and if there is a player under you, you will take less KB from them (because you are on a ladder).

Bridging with ladders, if you bought ladders and you don't have enough blocks to finish your bridge, you can use this trick. Place a block, then a ladder right after it, then a block again. This means that you can use laddders as a block in-between 2 blocks. This is a good way to save blocks.

Emeralds & Diamonds
These are the things you should buy with Emeralds:
-Jump & Speed pots.
Don't buy diamond armor, obsidian or punch bows.
With one set of pots you can destroy a bed and if you have a pearl on top of that, you can escape your enemies.

These are the things you should buy with Diamonds:

Don't buy Iron/Gold/Emerald forge. The point of the game is to be done quicker. If you are quick your enemies wont be stacked and you will have a easier time killing them.

Iron & Gold
You shouldn't spend any gold until you get IRON armor.
Don't buy a iron sword, unless if you have spare gold. This gold can be used to make a better deffence or to buy gapples.

Iron shouldn't be waster on silverfish or iron golems (only if you have a lot to spare). You should be buying tools,fireballs and a stone sword.

Fun things to do!
Bedwars was made to be enjoyed, so don't always tryhard and sweat. Try to do some stupid and dumb things (best with friends). Try TNT jumping or building a giant bed deffence. Try to trap your enemies or try to make a house. After all the most important thing is for you to enjoy playing the game.
it is actually really good and doesn't only scratch the surface . :)


Known Member
Known Member
July 2, 2019
to bored to argue here, as I said. I think the guide is good, other (some) people think its good. Idc ;p
the guide covers only the basics of bedwars, and it leaves out a bunch of stuff and provides false information. while i understand you put effort into this, the "helpful" tag for something like this is just ridiculous


Active Member
May 25, 2019
to bored to argue here, as I said. I think the guide is good, other (some) people think its good. Idc ;p
decent guide i guess but some information isn't that helpful/wrong like Nirahz said. "Using Tnt is bad" and other things

EDIT: Best way for a new player to start playing bedwars and getting good is just bridging over a base and placing a tnt. New players are gonna have trouble breaking with tools. Even for experienced people it's better sometimes to tnt
Last edited:


Addicted Member
November 24, 2019
decent guide i guess but some information isn't that helpful/wrong like Nirahz said. "Using Tnt is bad" and other things

EDIT: Best way for a new player to start playing bedwars and getting good is just bridging over a base and placing a tnt. New players are gonna have trouble breaking with tools. Even for experienced people it's better sometimes to tnt
if you read what I said, you would know why I responded "too bored to argue". I told him that I can't make a guide for every situation. This is a global guide, I also said the best way to get at bedwars is practice.


Active Member
May 25, 2019
if you read what I said, you would know why I responded "too bored to argue". I told him that I can't make a guide for every situation. This is a global guide, I also said the best way to get at bedwars is practice.
I mean telling new players that tnt is bad isn't the best
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