LmaoOptifine boost fps, it dont give u killaura and scaffold
Optifine doesn't give you many advantages over the zoom feature and the fps boost it gives you, but the hacked clients are an unfair advantage over anyone else such as Reach, Killaura and other hacks. There are even more malicious hacked clients that can give you the ability to see a server's plugins, DDoS other players, crash servers and other.Hello
My name is Pincer
After much thought, I was confused over 1 thing. Hacked Clients. A big problem on Jartex? Check. Well is optifine an unfair advantage. No. So why should hacked clients be?
I mean think about it, anything anyone can download. Why are they Bannable? If they're something everyone can get why should they be considered 'Unfair'?
Please Note this Thread IS NOT meant to endorse HACKING/Cheating in any form or way. I do not encourage the use of hacked clients. This thread is written to just see what the community has to say on the matter.
they watched tenebrous videoSince when is optifine and unfair advantage xd
vpn blocker exists in jartexIn jartex ? doubt man
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