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Accepted Minigames Another suggestion :)


June 28, 2020
Minecraft Username:

What is the suggestion about?
Another suggestion :)

Everything in these suggestions are just addons and stuff. These suggestions are probably suggested by someone. And let me know about your opinions.

And please take time to read to this another suggestion made by Andeh Andeh
It talks about talents,slots and gameplay changes.

The Suggestion is divided into 3 Parts:
New Minigame

Map Changes
-Add new maps, so far only Aztec is the only fun map for me. The maps are getting boring
-Remove Paint, that map is buggy I even fell in the void for no reason.
-Balance and Revamp the other maps, the maps are too bumpy and deals with fall damage.

Kit Changes
-I find other kits unbalanced, some are useless, some are too overpowered.
-Add the seasonal kits like "Easter Bunny","Fairy","Shark","Lifesaver","Witchcraft","Clown","Santa" and "Krampus"

The kits mentioned above has different appearance and uses:
Easter Bunny
Armor - Bunny Head,Leather Armor (Protection II), Iron Leggings and Iron Boots
Items - Splash Potion of Leaping II (30 Sec.)

Armor - Magenta Leather Armor (Protection II)
Items - 1 Splash Potion of Healing II , Fairy Stick (Sharp II)

Armor - Shark Head,Leather Armor (Thorns I),Diamond Leggings and Diamond Boots
Items - None

Armor - Lifesaver Head, Leather Leggings (Thorns I, Protection I)
Items - 1 Splash Potion of Healing I

Armor - Violet Leather Armor (Protection II)
Items - Broom Stick (Knockback I, Sharp I)

Armor - Killer Clown Head, Leather Armor (Protection I)
Items - Stone Sword (Sharp II)
Armor - Santa Head, Leather Chestplate and Boots (Protection I), Iron Leggings
Items - Santa's Gift (when used gives +1 Chest)

Armor - Krampus Head, Leather Armor (Protection II)
Items - Iron Axe (Sharp II)

The leather armors should be colored by their own variant and style.
Basically add seasonal kits not necessary what the kits should be mentioned above.

Talent Changes
-Maybe balance the perks if you have to
-Add new talents
-Add new talent slot
Ingame effects
-Add more ingame cosmetics and stuff
-Add seasonal ingame effects like bow trail,etc.

Map Changes
-Add new maps
-Please consider the sizes of the maps

Item Changes
-We all know that tools are now permanent which is good, and the tool lower its level when you die and respawn.
I'll do an example to ellaborate the problem with this.
Diamond Pickaxe - Iron Pickaxe
12 Gold - 8 Gold
You respawn with Iron Pickaxe right? But when you wanted to buy the diamond pickaxe it cost 12 Gold still. So how about upgrading instead. When you buy Diamond Pickaxe again (and your current pickaxe is Iron) You only need 4 Gold to Upgrade to Diamond Pickaxe.
-Make Chain Armor to 35 Iron. It can change rusher's gameplay

-Maybe add more cosmetics, Casual or Seasonal
-And add another cosmetic types "Banner Head" which you can wear on top of your head with different kinds of variant, even seasonal.
-Level Colors, I have a suggestion about the new color levels

05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Level 5-50 isn't bold while Level 55-100 is bold since player gave effort by leveling up. And it will make the chat more colorful.
Add more color variants too especially Seasonal variants luckily I have some in mind.

Easter Variants
-Pastel Pink: 55,60
-Pastel Blue: 65,70
-Pastel Orange: 75,80

Summer Variants
-Whale: 55,60
-Crab: 65,70

Halloween Variants
-Pumpkin: 55,60
-Witch: 65,70

Christmas Variants
-Santa: 55,60
-Elf: 65,70
-Snowman: 75,80

It does apply in Bold only for people above 55+ and the Seasonal Colors does not apply in levels 1-9.
And maybe transfer Level Colors as a Lobby Cosmetic for minigames.

-Add another leadboard that deals with winstreak counts
-Make a toggle npc to switch into daily,weekly,monthly,lifetime, and lastly add seasonal.

Seasonal Leadboard
This leadboard happens every Easter,Summer,Halloween and Christmas.
And it comes with different leadboard:

Final Kills - Beds Destroyed - Wins - Winstreak

Final Kills - Beds Destroyed - Wins - Winstreak - Collected Heads (Easter Eggs,Beachball,Candies,Presents)

Collected Heads spawns in Emerald Generator,Diamond Generator and Iron Generator. Most Heads collected by players will be included in the Collected Heads Leadboard

Prizes for Collected Heads Leadboard will be:
1st,2nd,3rd - Exclusive Cosmetics(Mythical), 5,000 Coins, 35 Brains and 100 Gems
4th until 10th - Exclusive Cosmetics(Legendary), 2,500 Coins, 20 Brains and 50 Gems

It applies to both Skywars and Bedwars.
Ingame Skywars Cosmetics
-Add more bow trails
-Add ingame cosmetics called "Mob Skins" (kits that comes with a mob)

Mob Skins
(From Wolf kit) Wolf- The dyed variants from the collar of the wolf
(From Greneade kit) Creeper- Particles around it when it explodes (Charge Creepers too)
Blazes- Different variants for particles around the blazes instead of the normal smokes

Ingame Bedwars Cosmetics
-Add Shopkeeper skins

Casual- Mario,Sonic,Browser,etc.
Seasonal- Bunny,Santa,Witch,etc.

-Add custom/new blocks for bedwars
Wood Planks - Spruce Wood,Jungle Wood, Spruce Planks, Jungle Planks
Sandstones - Sandstone, Chiselled Sandstone, Red Sandstone, Red Chiselled Sandstone
Glassblocks - Immune to Fireballs and TNT (10 Glassblocks-24 Irons)

That's it for now let me know down below about your opinions about this and please do check out the thread made by Andeh Andeh , it's more of a gameplay improvement suggestion.

New Minigame
We all know that Jartex did a poll and New minigame won.
So I'll make another poll BASED on the most recent said minigames that wants to be added.
The poll is above this thread so check it out.
But personally i'll either go for The Bridge/Build Battle.

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
Somewhat an update for minigames

Extra Information:
Have a good day and hype for minigames!!
Last edited:


Lead Developer
Staff member
July 30, 2016
Suggestion - ACCEPTED

Hello, GrafzPie​
Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion for the network. It is my pleasure to tell you that your suggestion has been decided to be accepted. Your suggestion will be implemented with the upcoming minigame update.
Sadly we will not implement your full suggestion but we will be looking into kits, level colors, and more cosmetics.​

Have fun playing on JartexNetwork!​

Good night,
