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Denied SBD Adding cooldown/limit boss spawning to prevent too much bosses.

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December 2, 2020
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What is the suggestion about?
Adding cooldown/limit boss spawning to prevent too much bosses.

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So with the recent bossworld update, there has been a lot of bugs and stuffs that i think need improvements, but this one is necessary.

So, basically, adding cooldown of 5-10 mins or limits to just prevent a boss from spawning if there was 1 or more bosses nearby (In a range further than a normal boss area). This apply to natural spawning or either totem spawning. The reason for this is to prevent too much boss spawned in a small area causing it very hard to finish and extremely hard with just a few people around. Fighting 2 bosses at once is 3x-4x much harder because the separated manpower and 2 sided attack.
Important short points if this got added:​
1. For cooldown (Not recommended without limits), in case some player don't like limits (still ok for 2 bosses as long not in same time), adds 5-10 mins and that counts not starting from last boss spawn but from the first combat tag with that boss (So the next boss can be spawned after combat ends). The bad thing is if the combat continues without a break, it still invite more players which is one bad thing from more bosses itself.​
2. For limits ( recommended), it only allows 1-3 (depends on what staffs or players thinks the best) bosses in a small area. What i mean from small area is not just a boss area, but further, at least (for bronze) make a 5 area consisting from each boss areas to other boss areas then a middle area between the 4 areas, because the bosses still can travel long and this can be made to bypass the system. This will not just prevent totem spawn, but also natural spawn.​
3. Limits + Cooldown + border (very recommended). Basically combines all from limits, cooldown ( prob just 5 mins ), and also borders! This will cover the weakness from limitations, which is to prevent bosses to travel more than the area of limit and intersect with other boss fights. Borders can be made similar to how minions got tp back, but tp the bass back only 10 blocks more or less to easier boss fights.​
The other explanations will be explained below to answer some questions:

1. Fighting more bosses will separate the crowded players so everyone has more chance to get rewards.

Ans: I agree, but it will make it harder to finish them in a small area. If more people agree with statement above, then set the limit for 2 bosses or 3 the most in a small area to prevent too much bosses spawning.

2. If there are more than one boss, direct each boss to stay away from each other.

Ans: It's like No1, but the difficulty is slightly easier (boss can't help each other). But, directing a boss needs most people's workmanship and skills. Most player just gangbang the boss, and bosses sometimes have skills that run to other players (including those near 2nd boss) so it's very hard. Less people may make this easier, but harder to defeat the boss.

3. The bosses are not that strong.

Ans: I've seen a lot player complaining how hard to defeat bosses, and even impossible for most solos. Imagine 2 or more bosses, it's far much harder, so i think that's not the case.

4. Boss won't spawn that fast/There's already a cooldown/There's already space reqs for totem spawn.

Ans: 3 hours ago, there was a bit of 'christmas gifts' in bossworld where there was like 5-8 bosses spawned shortly by a player. So, they still can spawn fast. On last occasion before, the cooldown and space req does not work for natural spawn (a natural bear spawn soon after a totem bear spawn) and not work/can be bypassed for totem spawn (someone added pirate near the 2 bear fights, it's a mess)

5. More bosses just needs more players.

Ans: Now, where do I begin? If you think waiting a boss spawn is hard and you felt happy when one does spawn, well you won't think so if you experienced what i had. On usual crowded boss fights, too many people made my vision and hits blocked and not registered to the boss. Not mentioning the lags though. If a boss fight become too long, more people will come and this will justust getting worse. You are more likely to survive, but you have to worry about top 10 damagers.

Now, this is the story of the early 'christmas gifts' 3 hours ago. Someone suddenly summons 5-8 bosses (bronze, sliver, gold) when I was there in the bronze zone. So I was one of the early victims that insta died by werewolves (yes, 2 werewolf) for 5 mins. then, a havoc happened. there was like 50 people more or less that present on there, on a very small area inside the spawn to map, making the laggiest moment of the bossworld ever. It was so lag that the boss damage to us didn't register anymore. I literally just grinding hits like mob grinds without worry of health, and eating porkchops in the middle of fights. Good news, early 'christmas gifts' for me and other top damagers. Bad news, it wasn't supposed to happen like that, the boss damage to us didn't register mostly (it registers every like 10 seconds but low damage) on the lag moment, and that's not a bug.

Conclusion: Adding cooldowns or boss limit within a small area will help a lot of player to prevent from meeting such critical situations. I know it adds more chalenges and distribution, but there are a lot of bad sides.

If there's anything wrong with my grammar, very sorry i was rushing as i was gtg to bed. Sorry for no colours or bolds, I am typing this from incompatible device. Sorry for the long and story telling explanation, I'm not that good explaining stuufs.

Let me know below for any suggestion, comments, and critics. Thanks for reading, really appreciate it.

How can this idea help to improve JartexNetwork?
Will help prevent players meeting a very hard situation in boss fights due to bosses spawning too much, Prevent lagging for accumulative players within small area, and also prevent glitches/bugs occuring due to lag.

Extra Information:
My first suggestion, Not really good, not too bad. Thanks for reading :)
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February 3, 2018
The bosses by default are already 4 per zone, And the totems are extremely rare, and a reason over we have a Low FPS mod in the /settings incase you feel laggy, alot of players have to fight together giving the bosses HP, so This suggestion needs improvement, this one will be denied for now, so make some improvements on the next one.


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February 3, 2018
Suggestion - DENIED
Hello, The_W​
Thank you for your interest in JartexNetwork by creating a suggestion for the network. After reviewing your suggestion, I have decided to deny it.
Have fun playing on JartexNetwork!​
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