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Great Reporter
May 5, 2020
Hello ovq,

If you are wondering how to link your account I will tell you it's very simple!

On JartexNetwork you have the ability to connect your Minecraft account to your Discord account. Linking your account gives you perks both in game and in discord.

- Linking your account will give you a blue dot next to your name in game. This does nothing special, just shows you have linked your account.

- If you have bought a rank on Jartex or any other item and link your account, you will receive the donator role on discord. With the donator role you will have access to Donators chat where you can send pictures and videos as well as talk freely. You also have access to music bots. These bots can join voice channels and play music for you to listen to while you do whatever you want.

- If you have boosted the Jartex discord server and linked your account, a pink dot will appear next to your Minecraft name. This dot represents the booster role. Jartex boosters have specials kits in game modes, these kits are called booster kits and they'll help you while playing Jartex.

Now that you know what the benefits are linking your accounts are, I'll explain how to do it.

~ Make sure you are in the jartex discord server before you do this ~

~ Join Jartex. (
~ Go to any game mode as long as it is not in the lobby and do the command /linkaccount
~ You will be given a token. Copy this token and paste it in the #linkaccount channel with the following format:

.linkaccount token

Enjoy Your Linked Account,

~ Yanique1 ~


Known Member
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Great Reporter
May 5, 2020
Hello ovq,

If you are wondering how to link your account I will tell you it's very simple!

On JartexNetwork you have the ability to connect your Minecraft account to your Discord account. Linking your account gives you perks both in game and in discord.

- Linking your account will give you a blue dot next to your name in game. This does nothing special, just shows you have linked your account.

- If you have bought a rank on Jartex or any other item and link your account, you will receive the donator role on discord. With the donator role you will have access to Donators chat where you can send pictures and videos as well as talk freely. You also have access to music bots. These bots can join voice channels and play music for you to listen to while you do whatever you want.

- If you have boosted the Jartex discord server and linked your account, a pink dot will appear next to your Minecraft name. This dot represents the booster role. Jartex boosters have specials kits in game modes, these kits are called booster kits and they'll help you while playing Jartex.

Now that you know what the benefits are linking your accounts are, I'll explain how to do it.

~ Make sure you are in the jartex discord server before you do this ~

~ Join Jartex. (
~ Go to any game mode as long as it is not in the lobby and do the command /linkaccount
~ You will be given a token. Copy this token and paste it in the #linkaccount channel with the following format:

.linkaccount token

Enjoy Your Linked Account,

~ Yanique1 ~


Known Member
Known Member
Great Reporter
May 5, 2020
Hello ovq,

If you are wondering how to link your account I will tell you it's very simple!

On JartexNetwork you have the ability to connect your Minecraft account to your Discord account. Linking your account gives you perks both in game and in discord.

- Linking your account will give you a blue dot next to your name in game. This does nothing special, just shows you have linked your account.

- If you have bought a rank on Jartex or any other item and link your account, you will receive the donator role on discord. With the donator role you will have access to Donators chat where you can send pictures and videos as well as talk freely. You also have access to music bots. These bots can join voice channels and play music for you to listen to while you do whatever you want.

- If you have boosted the Jartex discord server and linked your account, a pink dot will appear next to your Minecraft name. This dot represents the booster role. Jartex boosters have specials kits in game modes, these kits are called booster kits and they'll help you while playing Jartex.

Now that you know what the benefits are linking your accounts are, I'll explain how to do it.

~ Make sure you are in the jartex discord server before you do this ~

~ Join Jartex. (
~ Go to any game mode as long as it is not in the lobby and do the command /linkaccount
~ You will be given a token. Copy this token and paste it in the #linkaccount channel with the following format:

.linkaccount token

Enjoy Your Linked Account,

~ Yanique1 ~


Known Member
Known Member
Great Reporter
May 5, 2020
Hello ovq,

Sorry to hear you may have encountered a cheater while playing on our network. When you find a cheater on Jartex there are several things you can do.

First off, record the player if possible. Recording a cheater and reporting them here on forums is quick and easy. Using any program you want (OBS, Xbox Gamerbar, etc..) get proof that a player is cheating. Once you have proof, upload it to a website such as YouTube, Streamable, Imgur, or From there you can take the link and use it in your report. The place to report cheaters on Jartex is HERE. Make sure when reporting you follow the reporting rules listed HERE.

If you are not able to record the cheater, or do not know how, here is what you can do. If you find a cheater in a mini game server such as Bedwars, Skywars, TheBridge, or UHC, you can invite a staff member to your party and have them deal with it. If you don't know which staff are online you can always do /staff. From the /staff list invite a staff member (Preferably one Helper+) using the /party invite command. Once they are in your party tell them the suspected cheaters username, or /party warp them if they allow it.

Finally please remember that the server's anticheat is not perfect. Some clients can slip under the radar, staying undetected. With the help from players like you, we can punish many more hackers. If you have any more questions feel free to ask them. Furthermore, if additional help is needed join the JARTEX DISCORD and ask there.

I hope you have fun playing on JartexNetwork,

~ Yanique1 ~
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