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  1. Norking

    Ban evader like hell

    I am not mad because hackers , but I am so angry cause it is the same hacker after 8 bans and u cant know his next name until he kill u with his cheap sword whereas you have immo set , GG
  2. Norking

    Ban evader like hell

    Or he can just use "staff finder " hacks , so he can knows when staff come or " anti-vanish" , it is just so ridiculous
  3. Norking

    Ban evader like hell

    You can obviously see his hacks turned on , and barely to see staff in kitpvp , so you have to go othergames and msg them and give them the name and when they come to kitpvp the hacker does /staff and see them , and gg yay they turn off hacks ( 2 times happened same guy)
  4. Norking

    Ban evader like hell

    I lost my summer sword ):
  5. Norking

    Ban evader like hell

    At least you dont lose OP stuff for a hacker to take them and hide them
  6. Norking

    Ban evader like hell

    Also why tf the anticheat is not detecting him , he was hacking like for 3hours
  7. Norking

    Ban evader like hell

    Should I go back to minigames though , I have hero at kitpvp worked hard to get it and now ....
  8. Norking

    Ban evader like hell

    But it will affect all players
  9. Norking

    Ban evader like hell

    Not if we could create something that delay them
  10. Norking

    Ban evader like hell

    BruhBank or one of his names , he is hacker with speed and aimbot at kitpvp , I saw him yestrday , I called staff from Minigames , and the staff banned the hacker , 3 min later , I got killed by someone called , BruBank ( 1 letter miss) , that was the same guy , he took all my sets and told me L...