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  1. Hithy

    Update Informative Factions - We need your help!

    ngl this part actually sounds pretty interesting, would love to see a small twist and bows actually being used now
  2. Hithy

    Update Informative Factions - We need your help!

    totally agree with the ce part, like come on do as all a favour and change stuff up, so the next season is actually enjoyable, who knows maybe jaretx factions will be better than ever
  3. Hithy

    Update Informative Factions - We need your help!

    Make your IGN displayed in the faction relationship colour, for example, an enemy would be red in the tab and when you see him, ally would be pink, truce - purple and faction members would be green
  4. Hithy

    Update Informative Factions - We need your help!

    forgot to say, optimize the anticheat so printing is easier and you dont get kicked for sending too many packets in 2018 bro. and make a rule stating that youre not allowed to print or gen walls while youre getting raided, if caught, a punishment for 7 days shall happen
  5. Hithy

    Update Informative Factions - We need your help!

    do something about faggots that do anti raid claims so you have to cannon 30+ chunks away from the base, like actually give them warnings not just ignore reports
  6. Hithy

    Update Informative Factions - We need your help! you can never call me a skid again
  7. Hithy

    Update Informative Factions - We need your help!

    Oh ye, i hope u like my insane cannon in x1's footer
  8. Hithy

    Update Informative Factions - We need your help!

    totally agreed, remove all pvp ce's, it removes all the fun in pvp, focus more on pot pvp