yea exactly
what i mean to say is that matching the scoreboard with the layout of the map will help a lot in analyzing the game and how it will proceed.
Especially for solos and duo's players. If you use the scoreboard correctly, you can figure out your next potential rush or threat.
DO you remember the layout throughout the match???
WHat i mean to say here is that this scoreboard thing dosent make the game unplayable but it just causes a little inconvinience.
they could make specific scoreboards for those maps cause as long as they are in order with the map layouts, the major issue will be resolved.
If not then as you said it is a fine sacrifice to make
memorizing the layouts is way more of an inconvinience than simplay changing the the layout of the scoreboard. I mean the map layouts are different for different maps and if an indivisual manages to learn them they have to keep it in their memory and with the map rotation it would be more of an...
according to what ik the map layout is basiclly same for the maps except a few old ones so maybe they could take them out of the rotation.
And even so changing the layout of a few maps would not cause much of an inconvinience to most of the players.
ikr half the time i have to crank up my
ikr i mean i am confused half the game of who to rush and have to crank up my render distance to 16 chunks to see who's next is gone or still there.
overall it will help a lot in knowing the estimated position of the players and whats gonna happen next in...
clockwise would be fine
and as for the position of the bases on the maps are the same for almost all the maps so they could pull these maps out of change the positions of the bases to match the scoreboard.
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What is the suggestion about?
Bedwars Scoreboard
I have been facing this problem for a long time. The teams on the scoreboard are not in the same order as the bases are and this creates a lot of problems in deciding who to rush next or who will rush...
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