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  • Users: Faz_DLB
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Faz_DLB

    Discord Stopping Token Logged Accounts

    Minecraft Username: Faz_DLB What is your suggestion's title? Stopping Token Logged Accounts Suggestion Details: Hello fellow JartexNetwork Players and Staff! My suggestion is rather straightforward, and will save the staff team lot's of time, and keep our community safe from phishing links...
  2. Faz_DLB

    1,000,000th Post

    This is the 1000000th message on the JartexNetwork Forums. GG
  3. Faz_DLB

    I finally got a new gaming setup!

    I got a new gaming setup! Anyway, here is a picture of a cow I found on
  4. Faz_DLB

    Player Intro( I got nothing else to do )

    Hey there person I might/might not know. I'm Faz, but feel free to call me Freebie! I've been playing on Jartex for approximately 2 years, I've started playing a lot more this year due to the quarantine period. In this thread I'll just tell a bit about myself and what I like to do. I am from...
  5. Faz_DLB

    I still need Donator rank

    Ahoy!I have been waiting 2 months for my donator badge here. I have begged and bugged and pinged multiple staff . I am sad now :(