Punishment Offenses
Minor Moderate SevereFlooding the chat with messages, making it hard to read out what other players might be saying, or simply disrupting the chat is not allowed. It is not allowed to send 4/5 or more messages in a really short time span. This means that you cannot send short messages when in reality you could have said the same thing in one long message. We also consider Flood sending around 15+ random characters, such as 'e3wwohohabfgDFG'
- Warning
- 1 Hour IP-Mute
- 1 Day IP-Mute
- 2 Days IP-Mute
Telling players to do specific actions in return of an item which is fake which results into them being forcefully disconnected is disallowed, for eg 'ALT + F4 = FREE COOKIE'
- Warning
- 1 Hour IP-Mute
- 1 Day IP-Mute
- 2 Days IP-Mute
When complaining about a certain punishment that you have received, you may feel free to calmly and respectfully contact the staff member in question, asking them why you have been punished, etc. Doing so in a disrespectful and immature way, however, is forbidden. You will receive a verbal warning beforehand, though if you keep going, the punishments will follow the ladder listed below. Regardless of how you handle this situation, if you feel that a staff member hasn't properly punished you, you may always feel free to report them on the forums, under "Staff Reports".
- Warning
- 1 Hour IP-Mute
- 1 Day IP-Mute
- 2 Days IP-Mute
Continuously asking staff members for items, perks, or anything of that nature is not allowed. You may ask them for a better sword, a donator rank, or some money in-game, though if they deny said request, you may not ask for it again. If you do so, you might receive a verbal warning for this rule. After the verbal warning, the punishments will follow the ladder listed below.
- Warning
- 1 hour IP-Mute
- 1 day IP-Mute
- 2 days IP-Mute
Asking people to contact you on another platform or through another means to advertise something to them in order to bypass the advertising rule is not allowed.
- Warning
- 1 hour IP-Mute
- 1 day IP-Mute
- 2 days IP-Mute
Using inappropriate names for a team is not allowed and the owner of the team will receive a punishment.
- Respective rule punishment
- 1 Day IP-Ban
- 7 Days IP-Ban and a Team Disband
- 31 Days IP-Ban and a Team Disband
Sending the same advertisement message in chat, whether it's for a shop, a trade, or a buycraft deal repeatedly during long periods of time, in a way that floods the chat is prohibited. While this rule is mainly put in place for game modes such as skyBlock Dream, Prison & Survival, it can also be punishable elsewhere. As a member of an island, gang/cell, clan, or Faction, you may ONLY send ONE automated / repeated message per group. This means that two or more players of the same group cannot advertise the same shop on two or more accounts in order to attract more players. If you are independently advertising your own trade (buycraft or not), you can only do so on one account, whether it's an alt or your main account. Regarding how often players can send a message manually to advertise their shop/trade, they can only do so once every 5 minutes. Players may also use an external program to automate these messages, but they will only be allowed to send it once every 15 minutes. Regarding how many messages you are allowed to send per "wave" of advertisement, you can send up to 2 messages back to back in order to have a longer message.
Note: If you are caught sending any of these messages in a game mode where they don't belong in, such as the Lobby, you will be punished regardless if they follow the rules listed above.
- 1 Hour IP-Mute
- 1 Day IP-Mute
- 3 Days IP-Mute
- 5 Days IP-Mute
Encouraging, asking, or incentivizing any player to break any rule, regardless of its severity, or if it's a chat/gameplay rule.
- 1 hour IP-Mute
- 1 day IP-Mute
- 3 days IP-Mute
- 5 days IP-Mute
Sending a message / multiple messages with either: 5+ words or 15+ characters capitalized. Sending 3 messages with 1 capitalized word each also will count towards the rule and can get you punished; that means no splitting up and trying to bypass it. You might also be punished if you send a bit less than 15 characters in caps lock, depending on the context
- Warning
- 1 hour IP-Mute
- 1 day IP-Mute
- 2 days IP-Mute
Being rude towards other players or members of the community, regardless of the platform the communication is taking place in. This also includes messages which do not include any certain swear words but are still rude towards players in general.
Note: This rule still allows players to trash talk, although only to a certain point. You also must keep in mind that this rule is not enforced in the Factions game mode.
- Warning
- 1 hour IP-Mute
- 1 day IP-Mute
- 2 days IP-Mute
You may not talk in public chat in another language other than in English. This rule includes to any message, even if it's only one word. There are however certain commonly known words, such as "Hola", "Bonjour", etc.
While we do not mean to discriminate or block certain languages from being used, we do need for the English language to be the only one used publicly, both for moderation purposes, as well as to give the chance for all the players to be able to understand what everyone else is saying. You can feel free to speak in other languages in other private communication channels, such as /msg, /fmsg, party chat, faction/gang/team/island/clan chat, etc.
Note: If you break any other more severe rule in another language, you will also be punished accordingly, such as swearing with a disability in another language.
- Warning
- 1 hour IP-Mute
- 1 day IP-Mute
- 2 days IP-Mute
Mentioning a server username or abbreviation is against the rules of our Network. This rule also includes the mention of Hacked Clients. Exempt from this rule are the mentions of Hypixel, PikaNetwork, and SnapCraft.
- Warning
- 1 hour IP-Mute
- 1 day IP-Mute
- 2 days IP-Mute
Revealing a Staff Member while they are vanished for /staff, using any kind of exploits/bugs will get you punished under this rule. If a Staff Member has vanished from /staff, they are usually doing so since they will be performing their duties, so we ask you not to reveal them since it might disrupt their work.
- Warning
- 1 hour IP-Mute
- 1 day IP-Mute
Attempting to start riots in an attempt to cause conflict and chaos is disallowed in the Network. If you are caught trying to create a riot or participating in one, you will be punished according to the punishment chart.
- 1 hour IP-Mute
- 1 day IP-Mute
- 3 days IP-Mute
Sending the same messages three times or more will get you punished for Spamming. Any attempt to bypass this rule will also get you punished for it, for example, waiting some seconds before sending the same message or sending a different message in between, either that being a dot or a whole sentence.
- Warning
- 1 hour IP-Mute
- 1 day IP-Mute
- 2 days IP-Mute
This rule only applies to Factions. Being rude or disrespectful toward our Staff Members is disallowed and will get you punished according to this rule.
- 1 day IP-Mute
- 2 days IP-Mute
- 3 days IP-Mute
Advertising Social Media, whether it is by mentioning the name or by sharing a link to it, other than JartexNetwork's media is strictly prohibited.
Note: In the case of a player's username breaking this rule, the username will be permanently banned from the in-game server.
- 1 day IP-Ban
- 3 day IP-Ban
- 5 day IP-Ban
Impersonating any community member is something we take very seriously and is completely disallowed on our Network. Any attempt to impersonate a player will get you punished under this rule.
Please note the following:
If the user impersonating the Staff member or Content creator is impersonating them through a message, a mute will be applied.
If the user impersonating the Staff member or Content creator is doing it through a nickname, a mute will be applied.
If the player's username is similar to a Staff Member or Content creator's username, the player will be permanently banned.
- 1 day IP-Mute
- 3 days IP-Mute
- 5 days IP-Mute
Using any kind of disease or disability to attack a player is completely forbidden on the Network, regardless of the communication platform.
- 1 day IP-Mute
- 3 days IP-Mute
- 5 days IP-Mute
- 7 days IP-Mute
Having sexually-orientated conversations or sending sexual messages. This also includes anything that may be considered NSFW (Not Suitable For Work), such as talks of performing, conducting, or encouraging sexual activities.
NOTE: Severe inappropriate behavior with or regarding minors may result in a more severe punishment by the management such as complete exclusion from the network.
- 1 Day IP-Mute
- 3 Days IP-Mute
- 5 Days IP-Mute
- 7 Days IP-Mute
Posting inappropriate/unapproved links on any part of our Network is completely prohibited and will get you muted no matter the circumstances.
- 1 Day IP-Mute
- 3 Days IP-Mute
- 5 Days IP-Mute
- 7 Days IP-Mute
We do not allow or condone any sort of discrimination towards how someone looks, or what their beliefs are. You must be respectful, open-minded, and understand other people's differences. You also must not insult or give prejudicial treatment to different groups of people, whether it's because of their race, age, gender, sexual orientation, or others.
When it comes to racial slurs, we are extremely strict. You cannot say something that resembles the actual word, regardless if you meant it or not, meaning you cannot say "Nigeria / Niger, etc. are countries" without any prior context. Any attempt of bypassing this rule will end up having you punished.
Note: This is a severe rule, which, if broken multiple times and depending on its severity, can end up having a longer and more severe punishment than normal.
- 7 days IP-Mute
- 14 days IP-Mute
- 21 days IP-Mute
Downplaying the seriousness of tragic events, and directing them towards or associating them with other players maliciously is strictly prohibited throughout the network.
"Tragic Events" include incidents from wars or geopolitical conflicts as well as historical tragedies.
- 7 days IP-Mute
- 14 days IP-Mute
- 21 days IP-Mute
Making any kind of threats toward members of the community is completely forbidden on our server, no matter the place of communication. This also includes direct or indirect threats.
- 7 days IP-Mute
- 14 Days IP-Mute
- 21 Days IP-Mute
Using an alternative account or any in-game channel to bypass your mute is wholly disallowed on our Network. This rule is not only limited to using alternative accounts but using any other method of evading your mutes.
- 1 Day IP-Ban
- 3 Days IP-Ban
- 7 Days IP-Ban
Threatening a player to reveal their personal information (dox) or to DDoS (Definition here) is strictly prohibited, even when it is more than clear that it was a joke. If this was done on Discord, a Permanent Ban will be applied.
- 7 Days IP-Ban
- 31 Days IP-Ban
- Permanent IP-Ban
Distributing or asking a player for nudes is strictly prohibited, regardless of whether it is perceived as a joke or not.
Note: Asking a player to perform sexual actions on tape (especially a minor) will result in a permanent IP Ban.
- 14 days IP-Ban
- 31 days IP-Ban
- Permanent IP-Ban
You are not allowed to send discord invite links to other servers other than the Official Jartex Network Discord Server. You are also not allowed to have them in signs, renamed items, or Faction, Gang, or Clan descriptions.
- 31 Days IP-Ban
- Permanent IP-Ban
Selling or buying in-game items for PayPal is completely disallowed on the Network. Attempting to sell/buy items for PayPal will also get you punished under the same rule. This rule is not only limited to PayPal but any third-party service like Discord Nitro but also cosmetics on other games etc.
- Warning
- 31 Days IP-Ban
- Permanent IP-Ban
Selling an account for any sort of currency, whether it's IRL money, gift cards, buycraft, or in-game items isn't allowed, regardless if it was said as a joke or not. If the account which you have bought has been banned, we will take no action to unban it just because they're under a new owner.
Note: We do not recommend you buy other players' accounts, as they can easily scam you and we will not be helping out in these sorts of trades. We also will not guarantee any sort of safety for the account once you've bought it, as it can be password changed with ease.
- Warning
- 31 Days IP-Ban
- Permanent IP-Ban
Encouraging players to use, purchase or install a hacked / ghost client by either giving them the download link, the website name, or sending a message that pushes an advertisement to the player(s). Keep in mind that if the advertisement doesn't include a website or isn't strictly encouraging players to use said client, it would fall under Light Advertising.
- Permanent IP-Ban
Sharing the IP's of other servers, either in-game, discord, and/or the Forums is completely forbidden, and will result in a permanent IP-Ban from the platform. This includes any images/videos containing an unblurred IP.
- Permanent IP-Ban
Using an inappropriate, sexual, or offensive username will get you permanently banned from our Network.
- Permanent Ban
Renaming an item to an inappropriate name is completely prohibited within the Network. The offenses of this rule follow the punishment chart of the rules being broken within the item name itself
- Respective rule punishment
Having any kind of inappropriate nicknames is wholly prohibited within the Network. This also includes racist or discriminatory nicknames but is not limited to them. The offenses of this rule follow the punishment chart of the rules being broken within the nickname itself.
- Respective rule punishment
Making use of party chat, friend messages, and/or any other in-game private conversation channels in order to bypass the medium and severe punishments for a chat rule is not allowed.
Note: While light rules are not punishable in these communication channels, the staff team reserves the right to punish if we feel that you are purposefully inviting a player to a party, or adding him as a friend just to break these rules without being punished.
- Respective Rule Punishment
Revealing or sharing a player's personal private information without their explicit consent is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to sharing real names, addresses, phone numbers, social media accounts, or any other private information is classed as Doxing.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are strictly prohibited on this server. DDoS attacks are malicious attempts to overwhelm a target's network or online service by flooding it with an excessive amount of traffic is classed as DDoSing.
- Permanent Network Exclusion