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Recent content by starpredetor

  1. starpredetor


  2. starpredetor

    Thank you so much GuGe!! <3

    Thank you so much GuGe!! <3
  3. starpredetor

    Need to ban

    I will talk to the devs and let you know how to actually ban a player for more than 24 hours.
  4. starpredetor

    Impersonating hacker

    They wont ban you since you and the hacker don't share the same IP hence proving that you are not a hacker alt acc and trying to ban evade.
  5. starpredetor

    Need to ban

    Hi @kaarthi03 you cannot ban players on your own. You need to make a gameplay report over on this by providing enough evidence. The staff team will then punish the player according to the evidence provided.
  6. starpredetor

    Denied Invis pots

    Hey @Vain This has been suggested and denied multiple times on the server and hence i have decided to make a downvote on your suggestion
  7. starpredetor

    Hey, GuGe I remember the race lol i wouldnt consider this as a win since you havent finished the...

    Hey, GuGe I remember the race lol i wouldnt consider this as a win since you havent finished the race yet buddy im waiting <3
  8. starpredetor

    Denied [BedWars] add pop up towers and bridge eggs

    -1 I have decided to vote -1 because this has been suggested many times before and been denied many times. it isnt gonna be added to bedwars and no neither will invis pots be added to the game
  9. starpredetor

    BedWars Add new maps

    -1 real If you want new maps to be added make new maps and submit them on the forums they might get accepted else id say -1
  10. starpredetor

    Accepted [Discord] Levels

    Hey @Pistrama Theres already a message reward system in place for the discord as stated by divertente so i have decided to vote -1
  11. starpredetor

    What is wrong with lifesteal?

    hey @Erodefogo I believe the gamemode is down at the moment. Join the discord to be updated whenever the server is back online
  12. starpredetor

    is there a way to transfer my progress?

    I think they removed rank transfers long back
  13. starpredetor

    BedWars Rule Breaker

    Hey, @Noubbaras2 if you think someone was breaking rules feel free to report them here Have a nice day regards
  14. starpredetor

    Denied Linked Roles

    Ok yeah plus one for sure cuz easy to configure and hardly needs any work but someone please work on the bots
  15. starpredetor

    Accepted Command for link to ticket forum [QOL suggestion]

    Guys, I made some changes to this suggestion please give your feedback. Thank you!