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Recent content by Rasesh

  1. Rasesh

    Update BedWars - Update | April The 24th 2021

    Been waiting for this update for quite a while, I cant wait to check it out! Good work to all the devs working hard for it
  2. Rasesh

    Denied Remove Nametag When Invis is on

    Yes. The same goes for skywars as well actually. If I drink an invis potion, others can still see my nametag
  3. Rasesh

    720 Hours on Jartex!

    Yes, more sometimes. It has been inconsistent due to exams and stuff
  4. Rasesh

    720 Hours on Jartex!

    Nah it was try harding lol
  5. Rasesh

    720 Hours on Jartex!

    You can just ask them, thats what i did
  6. Rasesh

    720 Hours on Jartex!

    Crazy ngl. Sad cause i still suck
  7. Rasesh

    720 Hours on Jartex!

    So I recently asked @eeKso94 my ingame time on jartex, I knew it would be high ( I m level 50 on minigames at the moment) but I was not expecting this high! I was kinda shocked ngl as 720 hours is basically an entire month of playtime. Holy sheet. Anyone else here with a higher time, I mean...
  8. Rasesh

    I m back!

    That would be 10000$ thank you very much
  9. Rasesh

    I m back!

  10. Rasesh

    I m back!

    As most of yall know, I had my exams so I was off for some time. The day after my exams ended, My grandma passed away, and then I had more exams. I was very busy with my life but now, I think I m free enough to come back to jartex! Let's have fun boys!
  11. Rasesh

    BedWars Is a layer of wool worth it?

    It is indeed, very debatable. But in the end, it's up to the player.
  12. Rasesh

    BedWars Is a layer of wool worth it?

    As I said, it's not a 100% win guarantee. It's risky and only do it when you are grinding wins/kills/finals.
  13. Rasesh

    Denied Anti-Camper On UHC

    +1 This can easily solve the camping problem, good job.
  14. Rasesh

    BedWars Is a layer of wool worth it?

    In Solos, I try to rush as fast as possible in 1 direction, so if I go left, I keep going left around the whole map. I don't defend the bed, because, by the time I go around the map, everyone gets eliminated. I don't recommend this for new players though.
  15. Rasesh

    Denied BedWars Bed disappearing

    Its a +1 from me, but I have noticed that the bed does not disappear sometimes, does this happen with anyone else as well?