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  • you all are a bunch of dumbasses, going on and harassing me left and right, and none of the staff give a absolute fuck, every fucking time i send a suggestion link you guys downvote target me, then yall call an entire fucking gang on me, oh and just because i am a fucking great reporter, that doesnt mean you should harass me for that aswell
    but guess what? DROGON623 DROGON623 and viii viii are grinding reports aswell
    NAH, yall fucktards just want to harass me for having 2.5k reports
    drogon who has like 1k
    viany who has 4 fucking thousand
    you guys just simply dont care
    what the fuck am i, the center of the world?
    and lemme tell something to the certain staffs (ovq, pete etc)
    stop fucking being bias and punish other people for saying ''mf'', ''dumbass'', ''deadass'' etc
    you all are a bunch of dumbasses, going on and harassing me left and right, and none of the staff give a absolute fuck, every fucking time i send a suggestion link you guys downvote target me, then yall call an entire fucking gang on me, oh and just because i am a fucking great reporter, that doesnt mean you should harass me for that aswell
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