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Recent content by Nikool

  1. Nikool

    Denied BedWars The /Spectate cmd to be added in the minigamaes for people who have the great reporter role on both

    +1 I totally agree with this, it will really help the server get rid of the hackers.
  2. Nikool

    Looking for active, devoted is that is going for top

    Contact me on discord.
  3. Nikool

    This is Wayyy too fun

    Uhh, what?
  4. Nikool

    Ranking up is annoying.

    I think it's fine, just grinding and you will rank up eventually.
  5. Nikool

    Sbd reset?

    This will help you:
  6. Nikool

    I think that sbd should get a update not a reset

    Well it's too late now.
  7. Nikool

    Cannot fly in Mine

    Some mines are bugged and you can't fly in them.
  8. Nikool

    Nikool's Introduction

    Thank you.
  9. Nikool

    Denied SkyWars Changing skin when doing /nick.

    Neutral. This will help the server and the players but instead of doing /nick I think there just should be a /skin <name> Command which will change the skin but you have a chance to keep your username.
  10. Nikool

    Accepted SkyWars Map voting (Bw and Sw)

    Neutral. I like the voting suggestion but since there aren't a lot of maps people would just vote for the same map over and over again which isn't good.
  11. Nikool

    Better Kitpvp

    I like the idea but if you want to duel you can always go to Practice PvP.
  12. Nikool

    Nikool's Introduction

  13. Nikool

    Nikool's Introduction

  14. Nikool

    Nikool's Introduction
