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Recent content by McPro789k

  1. M

    BedWars team members are MUTE Racist people and swearing

    Everyone sweats in bedwars They say dick f word.Hows this even family friendly Plz add Dangerous Maps.Not Maps which are cartonish.Racism everyone is racist In bedwars.Plz put a Anti Swearing on server.Plz add Temple map from
  2. M

    Thank God you are gone racist

    Thank God you are gone racist
  3. M

    BedWars Fireballs are too overpowered

    Fireballs are too over overpowered.Like when it's endgame Someone fireballs you when you are walking on wool!That's not fair make it so that we can hit the Fireball so it Returns to the one who fireballed us
  4. M

    I aint banned !!

    I aint banned !!
  5. M

    TheBridge Add Animals to The Bridge

    Plz add Animals to The bridge.Like Cows,Chickens,Sheep,Wolf.I mean not directly add them.Add spawn eggs for Animals In TheBridge Shop.So players can make farms.And Wolf's as a Bodyguard šŸ˜ŠPlz really add it. then the bridge will be more popular
  6. M

    TheBridge No.1 The Bridge hidden features and Tips and Tricks

    Hello,,Welcome Welcome.This is a guide for Newbies and pros.Have you ever wondered where to enchant in Goldrush map?.Build up the redstone and lapiz gen you will find enchanting table.First when the game starts.Go to iron gen and. Mine only 3ores with your wooden pickaxe if you are Very Lazy to...
  7. M

    TheBridge I aint banned plz allow me to use anti kb on TB

    I will post Gta Easter eggs on my channel GtaEasterEggsOfficial
  8. M

    TheBridge I aint banned plz allow me to use anti kb on TB

    My. Parents allow me to play 18+games!
  9. M

    TheBridge I aint banned plz allow me to use anti kb on TB

    Hello plzplz.I have 1cps mouse Poor parents.Plz anti kb is my hearth.if you can't allow me to use Anti.kb At least give me op if you can't do that THEN BAN ME I WILL MOVE TO Grand Theft Auto San Andreas .And make a Gta Easter egg channel.althogh I am only 10years old i am Smart.Thanks for...
  10. M

    TheBridge The truth Why I used Anti kb

    Hi,I am saying why I used anti kb.Hope you know my pain.All happened like this Ihad a 1gb ram pc before.And after 10years my dad brought me a pc .with 4gb ram.I installed Tlauncher.I thought we can only play Single player in Minecraft I saw a vid on yt how to play multiplayer on Cracked mc I...
  11. M

    Wish you have a nice an lovely day we can be friends!

    Wish you have a nice an lovely day we can be friends!
  12. M

    TheBridge Mercy for Noobs.Hello i am McPro789 people here abuse me everyday cause i use anti kb. Plz its cause i am a noob.I have a hearth Stop absuing anti kb

    Yes plz I am very poor my mouse has 1cps .My parents are so poor they. Can t affort me iron rank 5euros is 5000here.I only need op so I can mute sweaters I uninstalled my hacks and also Ban glitchers and Hackers.God Bless you Pace
  13. M

    Denied To add original Hypixel maps an Hypixel bedwars items like Pop up tower

    Minecraft Username: McPro789 What is the suggestion about? To add original Hypixel maps an Hypixel bedwars items like Pop up tower Description: Hello Dear Jartex,I kindly request you to add original.Hypixel maps to Bedwars..So that cracked minecraft players will love your server!.The...