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Recent content by Iliasperisteri

  1. Iliasperisteri


  2. Iliasperisteri

    Sure. Step 1 you need a life

    Sure. Step 1 you need a life
  3. Iliasperisteri

    BedWars How to place a block in bedwars ( very use fool )

    Can you please make a tutorial how to move forward and backward? I am stuck in the gen without knowing how to move
  4. Iliasperisteri

    BedWars Issues, Suggestions

    You violated him so bad lmao, but yea you are on point
  5. Iliasperisteri

    BedWars Xp from games

    You can see the total amount of exp you have in the profile settings on the levels. I think seeing every single level how much exp its needed its not possible
  6. Iliasperisteri

    BedWars Huh? Help

    Or probably because its the beta version? Not sure tho
  7. Iliasperisteri

    BedWars What is the best jartex bedwars players to you ?

    Jokes are a thing bro, chill i didnt say the opposite
  8. Iliasperisteri

    BedWars 1 xp after winning many times

    One match i literaly took no xp and it was not private it was normal match. It only happened once tho
  9. Iliasperisteri

    BedWars what was your highest final kills in one game?

    Solos-6 Doubles-11 Triples-11 Quads-8 Even tho i didnt took a ss of them but i remember them pretty good
  10. Iliasperisteri

    BedWars Join mah clan

    I think that searching clanmates from the forums isnt that much efficient at all… it would be better if you make it with people you meet at the game
  11. Iliasperisteri

    BedWars Glitch

    Just dm a staff member i think from sr mod and above so he can give it to you back, not sure tho just saying
  12. Iliasperisteri

    BedWars Whats your way of playing solos!

    I slap myself not to get bored because of playing just by myself many times, but yea as slowstabs said i try to finish the game asap
  13. Iliasperisteri

    BedWars Which bridging method is the fastest?

    Most of the times its ninja bridging, its efficient and has less chances to die than with all those fancy no shift bridging, but when i wanna look like i am a pro i can tryhard for godbridge
  14. Iliasperisteri

    BedWars I met the Owner ingame!

    Damn nice one, but why you stay to play on nuclear map ita just not good