A A aimanheighl June 10, 2019 If someone buy something from the store and got banned, what will happened? Sorry my English are bad
leftcliqk June 1, 2019 dont you love it when you get perm banned by a moderator who has more ban offences than you do COUGH
SabitTSDM07 May 22, 2019 Flappix u denied my app due to invalid scrrenshot. Please unban me please PLEASE UNBAN ME!!!
Ryan1998 May 22, 2019 Same I got banned for hacks when i was playing bedwars all what i was doing at the moment of the Ban was putting defenses around the bed
Same I got banned for hacks when i was playing bedwars all what i was doing at the moment of the Ban was putting defenses around the bed
B B BenZeus24 May 1, 2019 i have been ban by console i doing nothing sudd4en;ly get banned i just playing skywars
W W whimsical_plague April 13, 2019 I was lagging a lot on skywars and I was banned when I was not hacking. Are you able to unban me please?
I was lagging a lot on skywars and I was banned when I was not hacking. Are you able to unban me please?