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Recent content by fightfire

  1. fightfire

    for real wow

    for real wow
  2. fightfire

    Update Skyblock Dream - We Need Your Help! | September The 30th 2020

    Here are some suggestions for the server: - make the mob-suits get released a little faster because the villager one got released at the end of the season which really sucked. - don't buy a spawn and let the server's builders do the job. - bring back the immortal scroll. - make the stars...
  3. fightfire

    Denied Skyblock Dream Suggestion is about if you Get Scammed / Refund

    +1 This act really needs some consideration.
  4. fightfire

    Update SkyblockDream - We Need Your Help! | July The 5th 2020

    I suggest to remove g-kit levels and to change the spawner-shop delay to 12hours only. and about the island's worth, I suggest you make it about upgrading a beacon that when you right-click it opens a menu where you can upgrade it by (beacon Crystals) that can be collected by grinding mobs and...
  5. fightfire

    Denied Global Command

  6. fightfire

    BedWars Duels

  7. fightfire

    Denied Maps

    +1 Gl
  8. fightfire

    Denied Store Unban purchases

    I don't thing cheaters/bug abusers would buy an unban for fun to break the rules once again, maybe once but not mutiple times and some people actualy get banned falsly or not, in order to never do it again and their applies get denied so they have to buy it and limit won't help them.
  9. fightfire

    Denied BedWars New minigame
