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Recent content by cfkj4

  1. cfkj4

    Join Tap

    Hello people i am the leader of the Tap clan it is fresh clan i made it 4-5 days ago and we have 500+ trophes we are looking for skilled players also there is no req to join the clan you just need skill thats all also we dont have dc so those apply things just friend me in jartex network and...
  2. cfkj4

    why am i banned for 7 days

    i got banned cuz of lag i was laggin back in a bw game and then boom i got 7 day ban!!! like bro thats so unfair now i cant grind for next clan season also i cant even post an appeal cuz it says max limit and rules are you can appeal 5 time i did only 1 time so this is message to staff can you...
  3. cfkj4


    it tht real like the ss there is of toast
  4. cfkj4


    Yeah they should fix this cuz i got baned for clicking 16+ cps LIKE WTF any ways was only 1 hr
  5. cfkj4


  6. cfkj4

    What is the best strat to pot rush

    ok thanks Sirkratos_ and i am not a random
  7. cfkj4

    Why is the bridge leaderboards not updating

    The bridge leaderboards are not updating idk why but can devs fix it please? IGN: cfkj3 Rank: Iron Lvl: 50
  8. cfkj4

    What is the best strat to pot rush

    I just want a good strat for pot rushing tell me a good strat IGN: cfkj3 Rank: Iron Lvl: 50
  9. cfkj4

    Please fix the nick bug

    oh so amitesh also used nick bug :D
  10. cfkj4

    Please fix the nick bug

    And there are some people abusing it and they say its not baneble
  11. cfkj4

    Please fix the nick bug

    There is a glitch on jartex The bridge where ranked people like diamond or crystal rank guys can see name tag of the other team while nicked this is a message to the devs working on The bridge Kindly fix this bug IGN: cfkj3 Rank: Iron Jartex lvl: 50