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Recent content by BikBikBoi

  1. BikBikBoi

    BedWars A way to reduce hackers

    +1 but has been suggested before and has not been accepted
  2. BikBikBoi

    Denied Immortal Factions Changing the immortal kit

    Immo kit is great and all but paying 400 EU and not getting better stuff than a lower rank than you is just bad. You could say it's to "balance it" but that's a out there isn't it?
  3. BikBikBoi

    Denied SkyWars Hackers

    like everywhere AC will always be bad on a cracked server it's just one of the things they can't really stop
  4. BikBikBoi

    Accepted KitPvP Pearl Damage

    As it is a part of pvp on the other minigames that are on the server closing it on kit pvp would be a bit weird in my opinion
  5. BikBikBoi

    Accepted Global Treating everything the way it should be Treated.

    I personally agree with everything you've mentioned and if the owners keep up the "it doesn't matter if 20 skyblock players leave" attitude they will have no player base left . I'd hate to see a server like jartex to become less populated because of something so stupid , the owners and staff...
  6. BikBikBoi

    Immortal Factions Mining/cegging/tnting spawners when being raided

    Have to say I love the idea because the amount of factions that cegg their own spawners to the raiders dont get it is just disgusting +1
  7. BikBikBoi

    What should get a reset next?!

    As much as I want SBF or SBD to reset , Kit PVP needs a reset more than the rest of them because the map is know and well quite frankly boring
  8. BikBikBoi

    Event ❖ Karaoke Event Update 2.2 ❖

    Press x to doubt
  9. BikBikBoi

    Denied Skyblock Dream Stackable gkits

    Sounds like another great idea that could help the server and the players because we all know how annoying it is to log alts +1 to this
  10. BikBikBoi

    VoteTop Top Voters | December 2019

    GG to all the voters
  11. BikBikBoi

    Denied Immortal Factions Making custom crops break by water and drop their crops.

    Well I love the idea of them being broken by water because dam are they hard to farm otherwise compared to a printed in cactus farm