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Recent content by Bastiman7777

  1. Bastiman7777

    Factions Reset

    Does anyone know when the new season will come out?
  2. Bastiman7777

    Accepted Immortal Factions SBF SBD Mobcoins Cheque

    This would make things quite easier for trading. +1
  3. Bastiman7777

    Denied Change the koth system

    Definitley needs to be fixed. +1
  4. Bastiman7777

    Accepted Fake Banknotes

    Minecraft Username: Bastiman7777 What is the suggestion about? Fake Banknotes Description: As most people know, there are lots of scammers across the server. One of the most common problems I encounter during trades are that people try to scam with "fake banknotes". Suppose you are...
  5. Bastiman7777

    How to earn huge amount of Money in Factions

    and im a DUDE
  6. Bastiman7777

    How to earn huge amount of Money in Factions

    lol wtf, there are laws, and i dont even live in eu, or have a paypal.
  7. Bastiman7777

    How to earn huge amount of Money in Factions

    im a guy man, and im not ok with getting raped by a shady minecraft player.
  8. Bastiman7777

    How to earn huge amount of Money in Factions

    dude im a minor and a guy, i dont even live in europe. im 13 dude.
  9. Bastiman7777

    How to earn huge amount of Money in Factions

    do u know any dupe methods? i could really use some. ill give u 3/4ths of a grinder set (or christmas boots) if u tell me how. (grinder boots and chestplate have overload 3 on em)
  10. Bastiman7777

    i didnt get my vote keys

    Actually, i play on factions mainly. I went on factions first and then checked skyblock dream, to see if i had gotten vote keys. The keys showed up on the other gamemodes, but not on Factions. Tjats my problem. I make sure to gote everyday too.
  11. Bastiman7777

    i didnt get my vote keys

    I was unable to play minecraft for a few days, so i just voted on my phone. When i logged on to my factions i didnt get any keys. i had voted around 30 times over 4 to 6 days. I got the keys though on skyblock dream and other gamemodes but not on factions. (i got 36 when i checked skyblock...