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Recent content by Amester

  1. Amester

    TheBridge The Bridge Is Useless

    ReallyXFN, Please refrain from ever mentioning me in any of your threads, I am not your doll and I personally think that you should be permanently banned by kaivalya for mentioning others for wasting their precious time on you...
  2. Amester

    Just destroyed @kaivalya In game and this is how he/she reacted:

    not a runner up btw. always #1 and on top of jartex with my friend @kaivalya
  3. Amester

    Just destroyed @kaivalya In game and this is how he/she reacted:

    I am writing this for kaivalya on behalf of this thread. I personally think that this thread is awfully unnecessary and attacking our most favorite and loved jartex staff isn't really cool. I see that you have screenshotted you beating our beloved player Kaivalya, but we can all agree that...
  4. Amester

    Accepted Minigames Suggestion to prevent snipers

    +1 I can agree with its benefits, I am familiar with the sniping group, and yes I really think this should be added since those sniping groups is sniping all the clans and the winstreak lb causing them to drain and not have fun.
  5. Amester

    Disqualify him right now. We need the owners to know this.

    atp44 looks handsome Not only that this guy is duping votes, but hes literally trying to act so hard that he doesn't dupe.
  6. Amester

    Update BedWars - Update | April The 24th 2021

    This is just one of the best yet, can't wait to play šŸ˜
  7. Amester

    Coolest ever existed

    Coolest ever existed