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Update Factions Immortal - We Need Your Help! | December The 6th 2024

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Lead Developer
Staff member
July 30, 2016

Factions Immortal - JartexNetwork 2024
December 6th, 2024

Hello, JartexNetwork players!

We will be opening this forum post, where you, the community, can leave us suggestions on what you'd like to see implemented for a Factions Immortal reset!

🤔 What is this feedback post for?
We are doing our best to keep you happy. That's why it is very important that you, the player who plays our server, share your opinion.
We are giving you a chance to give us an idea of what we should create to provide you with the best factions experience possible.

Let us know what you would like to see in a reset, and whether anything should be removed or added!
We will look over all your suggestions and see what we can create for a new reset!

If you're interested in helping, can you use this thread to discuss anything with other people in our community that you think would be beneficial?
But please be descriptive when giving feedback.

❓ What do you think about PvP at Factions Immortal?
For this season we have noticed a mixed opinion about the state of PvP at Factions Immortal, so we want to have a public discussion with all Faction Immortal players about what you like about PvP, what do you dislike right now, and what would be the perfect solution for you to enjoy PvP?
The following aspects we want to hear your opinion about:
  • If a change is needed; What needs to be changed about the Custom Enchantments?
  • If a change is needed; What needs to be changed about the Special Sets?
  • If a change is needed; What needs to be changed about Special Weapons?
  • If a change is needed; What needs to be changed about Pets?
  • If a change is needed; What needs to be changed about Masks?
These 5 topics are a crucial part in PvP, and we want to know what we can do to make it more enjoyable again for everyone.

Please take this opportunity to let us know by replying to this message what changes you would like to see going forwards!
Please note: Stick to the topic! Any off-topic/non-related to this gamemode comments will be deleted.

If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.


New Member
December 9, 2024
I'll suggest to remove eternal enchantment its too op, and add new rank "VULKAN" with 4 armors with protection 5 or 6 enchant and sword with sharp 6 and custom ce and 4 tools with efficiency 5 or 6 enchants and the effect on armors is 20.5% less damage and 21.5% damage to enemies and immune on bleeding and immune on lifesteal and the other items, and add holiday crates key where you can buy at the goldshop, thats all i want to suggest if you want to change something on what I said just change im just suggesting thats all thankss.


December 9, 2024
Hey Staff Team,

I'm newer to the Network but my friend Monica & I used to run a Network just like Factions Immortal. It had quite a few players, so I have a few ideas of what would be beneficial to your server.

The Custom Enchantments are great! Everyone enjoys them, but you could be a bit clearer on how to obtain them. One particularly interesting thing is that you could have a line of "rarer" enchantments that could only be obtained from a King of The Hill Event. The Custom Enchantments right now probably need a certain cap of how many you can put on an item, and you can possibly upgrade this cap through custom items (Ones you could buy with gold or get from somewhere else). The most closely related plugin that you could defer to when possibly planning this would be Elite Enchantments, which is an absolutely great custom enchants plugin with so much to do.

The Special Sets are interesting to say the least. Nobody really wants to get special sets when they can just make better amour with enchantments, but it's cool none the less. The special sets to make people interested in them, need to be obtainable by everyone equally, without any sort of bias or help towards ranked players (although a set or two may be just for ranks). The custom sets right now like the enchantments need to be more clearly obtainable, so players know how to get them, and also players need to want them. If there is no want or goal in the game people will not be very interested in spending their time trying to get them.

Special Weapons fall along the same lines of people need to want them. It would be beneficial, as that custom weapons are a bit more wanted towards the community as people on JartexNetwork are more geared towards PvP. One recommendation I have for custom weapons is to stay along the lines of the Special Sets, and make them all be and symbiotic, and therefore increase the need for them. Custom weapons also need to look a lot cooler, and have a possible small buff to them to make them better. Its very possible that some Custom Weapons will only be obtainable by Seasonal Crates, but others should be obtainable through everyone through loot boxes at things like King of The Hill.

Pets are also cool, and I have a lot to say about them. Pets should be able to be seen, and have rarities. People will want pets if they know they are more worthwhile having. You could have Rare -> Epic -> Legendary rarities, and possibly have a P2W or rare item for people to upgrade it. Speaking of upgrading pets, one thing I noticed is that is we added leveling up pets, people would be more interested in using them for the bonus' and buying them to boost the economy. This could be done through custom coding, or an easier way would to retexture a head, code it to have the item flags: unbreakable, unburnable, and unplaceable, and then on right click, boost xp, which could be tallied on a :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: bar on the bottom of the item, going from green to red, while saying XP: 100/750 & Level: 3/100 or something like that. Being a developer myself, I can tell you it's a lot easier than it sounds, and that at that rate you could even release seasonal pets. Of course leveling up your pet would increase how long, or how strong the pet boost is. A few ideas I have for pet boosts are:

- Temporary Flight
- Random Effects
- Strength or Speed 2-3
- Spawn an Ice Platform
- Make a player invisible if hit for 4-5 seconds.

Masks by themselves aren't that cool, but the masks should at least do a bit more. When you wear one (or possibly in the future apply one to a helmet), you should have an idea of what it does. If it gives you permanent strength one for example, have a red glowing mark above your head, like sharpness in Bedwars. This would be able to tell everyone that, and make yourself look cooler. You also should add purely cosmetic masks, as people would be interesting in collecting, along with seasonal masks. A lot of time needs to be spent on masks, and their buffs shouldn't stray too far away from vanilla Minecraft, like maybe 5-7% more damage.

Thanks for your time,


December 31, 2017
Hey Staff Team,

I'm newer to the Network but my friend Monica & I used to run a Network just like Factions Immortal. It had quite a few players, so I have a few ideas of what would be beneficial to your server.

The Custom Enchantments are great! Everyone enjoys them, but you could be a bit clearer on how to obtain them. One particularly interesting thing is that you could have a line of "rarer" enchantments that could only be obtained from a King of The Hill Event. The Custom Enchantments right now probably need a certain cap of how many you can put on an item, and you can possibly upgrade this cap through custom items (Ones you could buy with gold or get from somewhere else). The most closely related plugin that you could defer to when possibly planning this would be Elite Enchantments, which is an absolutely great custom enchants plugin with so much to do.

The Special Sets are interesting to say the least. Nobody really wants to get special sets when they can just make better amour with enchantments, but it's cool none the less. The special sets to make people interested in them, need to be obtainable by everyone equally, without any sort of bias or help towards ranked players (although a set or two may be just for ranks). The custom sets right now like the enchantments need to be more clearly obtainable, so players know how to get them, and also players need to want them. If there is no want or goal in the game people will not be very interested in spending their time trying to get them.

Special Weapons fall along the same lines of people need to want them. It would be beneficial, as that custom weapons are a bit more wanted towards the community as people on JartexNetwork are more geared towards PvP. One recommendation I have for custom weapons is to stay along the lines of the Special Sets, and make them all be and symbiotic, and therefore increase the need for them. Custom weapons also need to look a lot cooler, and have a possible small buff to them to make them better. Its very possible that some Custom Weapons will only be obtainable by Seasonal Crates, but others should be obtainable through everyone through loot boxes at things like King of The Hill.

Pets are also cool, and I have a lot to say about them. Pets should be able to be seen, and have rarities. People will want pets if they know they are more worthwhile having. You could have Rare -> Epic -> Legendary rarities, and possibly have a P2W or rare item for people to upgrade it. Speaking of upgrading pets, one thing I noticed is that is we added leveling up pets, people would be more interested in using them for the bonus' and buying them to boost the economy. This could be done through custom coding, or an easier way would to retexture a head, code it to have the item flags: unbreakable, unburnable, and unplaceable, and then on right click, boost xp, which could be tallied on a :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: bar on the bottom of the item, going from green to red, while saying XP: 100/750 & Level: 3/100 or something like that. Being a developer myself, I can tell you it's a lot easier than it sounds, and that at that rate you could even release seasonal pets. Of course leveling up your pet would increase how long, or how strong the pet boost is. A few ideas I have for pet boosts are:

- Temporary Flight
- Random Effects
- Strength or Speed 2-3
- Spawn an Ice Platform
- Make a player invisible if hit for 4-5 seconds.

Masks by themselves aren't that cool, but the masks should at least do a bit more. When you wear one (or possibly in the future apply one to a helmet), you should have an idea of what it does. If it gives you permanent strength one for example, have a red glowing mark above your head, like sharpness in Bedwars. This would be able to tell everyone that, and make yourself look cooler. You also should add purely cosmetic masks, as people would be interesting in collecting, along with seasonal masks. A lot of time needs to be spent on masks, and their buffs shouldn't stray too far away from vanilla Minecraft, like maybe 5-7% more damage.

Thanks for your time,
i like this. But when you say upgrading pets do you mean having to combine a certain number of rarities to get a higher one, if so not a fan of that if not then yea i like this.


December 9, 2024
i like this. But when you say upgrading pets do you mean having to combine a certain number of rarities to get a higher one, if so not a fan of that if not then yea i like this.
Hey TBFkezzz,

Just to clarify what I meant, when you use a pet, you upgrade it's level. Like when you fly, your increasing the flight pet's level. When I say upgrading the rarity, I don't mean having multiple of the same pet and then combining them, that would be a nightmare. I mean like the Recombobulator from Hypixel, just an item that would reroll the rarity on the pet.

If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask,


December 31, 2017
Hey TBFkezzz,

Just to clarify what I meant, when you use a pet, you upgrade it's level. Like when you fly, your increasing the flight pet's level. When I say upgrading the rarity, I don't mean having multiple of the same pet and then combining them, that would be a nightmare. I mean like the Recombobulator from Hypixel, just an item that would reroll the rarity on the pet.

If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask,
Hmm, i agree there should be rarities but i dont know about rerolling them it is all up for discussion tho.


December 9, 2024
Hmm, i agree there should be rarities but i dont know about rerolling them it is all up for discussion tho.
Hey TBFkezzz,

Your right, it is entirely up for discussion. One thing I may say on that is that rerolling is a bit expensive as you said, so possibly upgrading the pet's rarity would work?

Think about it this way:
1. You buy a crate key.
2. You win a pet from that crate.
3. It randomly assigns you a rarity, and possibly an "Upgrade Crystal" (or somthing of the sort) as a bonus reward.
4. If you got a legendary, no need to upgrade, your lucky!
5. If you didn't, you could either right click the crystal, or drag it over your pet and click on it to upgrade it.

This is ideally how I see it going, now yes it is open to discussion, nor at our choice or discretion, but I do think something like that would be beneficial to the server and its PvP methods.

Hope you have a good day,


December 31, 2017
Hey TBFkezzz,

Your right, it is entirely up for discussion. One thing I may say on that is that rerolling is a bit expensive as you said, so possibly upgrading the pet's rarity would work?

Think about it this way:
1. You buy a crate key.
2. You win a pet from that crate.
3. It randomly assigns you a rarity, and possibly an "Upgrade Crystal" (or somthing of the sort) as a bonus reward.
4. If you got a legendary, no need to upgrade, your lucky!
5. If you didn't, you could either right click the crystal, or drag it over your pet and click on it to upgrade it.

This is ideally how I see it going, now yes it is open to discussion, nor at our choice or discretion, but I do think something like that would be beneficial to the server and its PvP methods.

Hope you have a good day,
I was thinking more of a fixated rarity, for example cage pet would be fixated at legendary tier (most pets in /transfer would have to be removed apart from commons) but instead you would just need to level up the pet to get longer durations.


October 25, 2024
I'll suggest to remove eternal enchantment its too op, and add new rank "VULKAN" with 4 armors with protection 5 or 6 enchant and sword with sharp 6 and custom ce and 4 tools with efficiency 5 or 6 enchants and the effect on armors is 20.5% less damage and 21.5% damage to enemies and immune on bleeding and immune on lifesteal and the other items, and add holiday crates key where you can buy at the goldshop, thats all i want to suggest if you want to change something on what I said just change im just suggesting thats all thankss.
down vote for me. they finally removed p5/p6 and it would just bring back prime eternal kit


October 25, 2024

Factions Immortal - JartexNetwork 2024
December 6th, 2024

Hello, JartexNetwork players!

We will be opening this forum post, where you, the community, can leave us suggestions on what you'd like to see implemented for a Factions Immortal reset!

🤔 What is this feedback post for?
We are doing our best to keep you happy. That's why it is very important that you, the player who plays our server, share your opinion.
We are giving you a chance to give us an idea of what we should create to provide you with the best factions experience possible.

Let us know what you would like to see in a reset, and whether anything should be removed or added!
We will look over all your suggestions and see what we can create for a new reset!

If you're interested in helping, can you use this thread to discuss anything with other people in our community that you think would be beneficial?
But please be descriptive when giving feedback.

❓ What do you think about PvP at Factions Immortal?
For this season we have noticed a mixed opinion about the state of PvP at Factions Immortal, so we want to have a public discussion with all Faction Immortal players about what you like about PvP, what do you dislike right now, and what would be the perfect solution for you to enjoy PvP?
The following aspects we want to hear your opinion about:
  • If a change is needed; What needs to be changed about the Custom Enchantments?
  • If a change is needed; What needs to be changed about the Special Sets?
  • If a change is needed; What needs to be changed about Special Weapons?
  • If a change is needed; What needs to be changed about Pets?
  • If a change is needed; What needs to be changed about Masks?
These 5 topics are a crucial part in PvP, and we want to know what we can do to make it more enjoyable again for everyone.

Please take this opportunity to let us know by replying to this message what changes you would like to see going forwards!
Please note: Stick to the topic! Any off-topic/non-related to this gamemode comments will be deleted.

If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
first I'd suggest to remove the healing ability on custom weapons, they are too broken and can heal you from 1 to 16 without having an advantage, second is to remove the damn tank 5 kids can put it on an iron set and bam there is an average pika faction set(too op) pets wise i feel like the wardens are bad, you can get bugged in one and and u cant pot nor gap and its a guaranteed death. last wish from me would be to make the custom enchant count on just special weapons (not including mobcoins sword/s6/s5) 8 enchants, so tropico blade or fang axe could have 8 enchants without eorb.
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