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BedWars Bedwars Guide: TNT Rush

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January 1, 2018
Welcome to my Bedwars guide, here i will try to explain the TNT rushing strategy and how you can do it.

1. Always wait for 25 iron you will also get 4 gold to get the TNT, use all the iron to buy wool blocks.
2. Next you bridge over to the neighbor team so there's a less chance they wont break the bed, seeing as you don't place defenses when you rush. (You can also try to speedbridge like me but you are gonna try to practice for a while once you mastered it you can get to the other islands a lot faster)
3. Deposit materials in the enderchest when you pick up your enemies forge, that way there's less chance of losing all the items.
4. Always buy another TNT when you have enough gold, feel free to try other alternatives such as iron armor.
It's very cruical when you are a rush heavy player.
5. Diamonds are essential, always try to get them when you have the chance. When i get diamonds i first buy protection 1 and then i get protection 2, this makes you take less damage from enemy attacks which is very useful. Next i get sharpness on my sword, that way you can deal more damage to your opponents.
6. Get enderpearls or diamond armour with emeralds, it will help a lot do NOT buy a diamond sword for one, you could die and then lose it making the investment in it completely pointless, two it's barely better than a sharp 1 iron sword. Enderpearls can save your life if you use them correctly, if you are falling into the void you can throw the enderpearl to an island and it will teleport you there. You can also rush other islands way faster.

That's all hope this guide helped you! :)


Active Member
January 13, 2018
On Waterlilies, you gonna have to have a different strat.
1) 8 Iron = 32 Wool. Build to island in between with 16 wool, build with the other 16 wool to your enemy. If you do it right there is not enough Iron spawned for Endstone, and not enough gold for Wood, which makes it easy to break bed because most people have it exposed at that stage or covered in 1 layer of wool.

For rest great tips :)



June 28, 2023
Welcome to my Bedwars guide, here i will try to explain the TNT rushing strategy and how you can do it.

1. Always wait for 25 iron you will also get 4 gold to get the TNT, use all the iron to buy wool blocks.
2. Next you bridge over to the neighbor team so there's a less chance they wont break the bed, seeing as you don't place defenses when you rush. (You can also try to speedbridge like me but you are gonna try to practice for a while once you mastered it you can get to the other islands a lot faster)
3. Deposit materials in the enderchest when you pick up your enemies forge, that way there's less chance of losing all the items.
4. Always buy another TNT when you have enough gold, feel free to try other alternatives such as iron armor.
It's very cruical when you are a rush heavy player.
5. Diamonds are essential, always try to get them when you have the chance. When i get diamonds i first buy protection 1 and then i get protection 2, this makes you take less damage from enemy attacks which is very useful. Next i get sharpness on my sword, that way you can deal more damage to your opponents.
6. Get enderpearls or diamond armour with emeralds, it will help a lot do NOT buy a diamond sword for one, you could die and then lose it making the investment in it completely pointless, two it's barely better than a sharp 1 iron sword. Enderpearls can save your life if you use them correctly, if you are falling into the void you can throw the enderpearl to an island and it will teleport you there. You can also rush other islands way faster.

That's all hope this guide helped you! :)
Yes it hepled thanks bro

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