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Update KitPvP Reset - June The 27th 2022

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Lead Developer
Staff member
July 30, 2016

KitPvP - JartexNetwork 2022
June 27th 2022, 18:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 12:00 MT / 11:00 PST

Hello, dear JartexNetwork players!

It is finally time for a long-awaited KitPvP reset. We have heard your requests and we are happy to announce a brand new KitPvP reset is right around the corner.

For this reset, we took the time to look into the suggestions made by the community as well as fix the existing features that we provide on our KitPvP server. There are some exciting new features waiting for you, so there is enough to look forward to!

Below you can find most of the changes we have made and what has been added.
If there is however still something you want to change, feel free to mention it on this thread before its release, we can still consider making the change.

We happily and proudly announce that the official new KitPvP season will be launching on Monday, June 27th, 2022

Monday, June 27th, 2022
18:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 12:00 MT / 11:00 PST

Please note:
The release time can be a couple of minutes later, we are trying to reach 8 PM CET.


🕰️ End of the world
We will be hosting an end-of-season event to celebrate the end of the season. At around 3 days before the release, we will be placing reset signs at spawn which you can click and claim a number of rewards; Free items, Free kits, Millions of in-game money, and tons of free special sets. You can fight with everyone without the fear of losing your gear you have weeks to gather. So clearly this is the event everyone should participate in! Hop on kitpvp and have fun!​


📝 Changelog
Here is the list of the changes made for this reset. I highly suggest you give a good read over all of these to make sure you are familiar with the most recent updates and are not missing out on important details.​

🌞 New! KitPvP Map
Ofcourse a new KitPvP reset wouldn't be anything without a new map. This time we wanted to dive straight into the summer season so we have created a brand new summer-themed map.​
Now I hear you thinking, but isn't summer over within 2 months? Yes! You are right! Another thing that our community suggested was to do map rotations for KitPvP as it will not be reset often, so for this season we will be rotating maps every few months. When summer ends we will be launching another new map that you can play on!​
⛱️ A new spawn with a hot summer theme​
📶 The map contains multiple KOTHs with crazy loot as rewards.​
❓ Looking for some help? There are plenty of NPCs explaining all the features.​
🔑 A new seasonal crate has been added again.​
🧮 New! Player Levels
Player Levels are a new and fun way of progression in KitPvP. For this reset, we decided it is time to change up some basic things such as a simple level. Player Levels have been introduced in almost every gamemode we have to offer, so we could not leave KitPvP behind.​
A player level is simple, you complete tasks in order to level up!​

Want to earn more rewards for completing the levels? Obtain the Premium Level Pass and profit from plenty of extra rewards upon leveling up. These rewards can be claimed for every level as soon as you obtain this pass.​

Every few levels will give you a new level color, and with the premium pass, you will be able to unlock different types of bracket colors as well.​
We will be starting off with 50 different levels that all have their unique tasks related to KitPvP.​

⭐ New! Star Tier

As we are introducing player levels it's a bit confusing to have 2 different levels, however, we still like the basic idea of people simply grinding kills in order to progress, after all, that's what this gamemode is all about, getting as many kills as you can.​
That is why we will be changing the looks and name of your KitPvP level and points, your level will now be called Star Tier.​
This star tier is a simple display of how high up you are in the rankings of KitPvP, the more kills & assists you obtain the higher your Star Tier will be.​

Your Star Tier will be displayed on the right side of your name, and it will look like this.​
For every 20 Star Tiers, you will gain a new star icon. The higher the tier the bigger and prettier the star icon. Prestige is still available and will now change the color of your star display as a whole.​
We have also rebalanced the Star Tiers to be more obtainable, we do not want to force people to play a full year just to be able to prestige once or twice because we have something in store for the prestige players!​

⚔️ New! Prestige Kits

A brand new kit section will be launching into KitPvP. The Prestige Kits. There will be 3 different prestige kits available, after reaching certain prestige you will gain access to these kits.​
We want to reward people that play and grind a lot, and with these prestige kits, we think it's a great way to do that.​
Will you be the first player to unlock every prestige kit? The higher your prestige the better the kits get, and each kit has its own unique little touch to it.​
Prestige I KitPrestige II KitPrestige III Kit
Diamond Helmet
(Protection II, Unbreaking II)
Diamond Helmet
(Protection II, Unbreaking II)
Diamond Helmet
(Protection III, Unbreaking II)
Diamond Chestplate
(Protection II, Unbreaking II)
Diamond Chestplate
(Protection III, Unbreaking II)
Diamond Chestplate
(Protection III, Unbreaking II)
Diamond Leggings
(Protection II, Unbreaking II)
Diamond Leggings
(Protection III, Unbreaking II)
Diamond Leggings
(Protection III, Unbreaking II)
Diamond Boots
(Protection II, Unbreaking II)
Diamond Boots
(Protection III, Unbreaking II)
Diamond Boots
(Protection III, Unbreaking II)
Diamond Sword
(Sharpness II, Unbreaking II)
Diamond Sword
(Sharpness II, Unbreaking II, Fire Aspect I)
Diamond Sword
(Sharpness III, Unbreaking III, Fire Aspect I)
Speed II Potion
(180 seconds duration)
Speed II Potion
(300 seconds duration)
2x Speed II Potion
(300 seconds duration)
Fire Resistance II Potion
(180 seconds duration)
Fire Resistance II Potion
(300 seconds duration)
2x Fire Resistance II Potion
(300 seconds duration)

🗝️ New! Treasure Chest Event

A brand new event will be added to this new reset of KitPvp, which is the Treasure Chest Event.​
Every day, 4 times a day, this Treasure Event will start, and the arena will be filled with chests containing crazy loot.​
These Treasure Chests will add some more excitement to KitPvP as you will now be able to obtain strong items by simply running around hunting for those treasures. Are you going to be in luck with these new treasure chests?​

🆙 New! Power-Ups Event

We were feeling a bit nostalgic for this update, and a lot of players have been to, so we decided to bring in some player-favorite old features to spice up some things, the Power-Ups.​

Every hour the power-up spawning will be activated for 10 minutes. The power-ups will then spawn within the map giving you a temporary boost. This can be anything, from regeneration to speed or increased damage.​
You can pick up a power-up by simply walking over it, it will activate upon picking it up.​
🤑 New! Skull Rewards
After reaching Player Level 5 you will now gain the player's head upon slaughtering them. These heads will be dropped so make sure to pick them up! After picking up what's left of the player you are able to sell it for some cash!​
Upon selling this head you will receive 10% of the player's balance that you killed. So this will add a whole new level to PvP, making it a risk to just drop in and fight without making sure you have spent your money wisely. One mistake can make a whole difference.​
To prevent people from sniping money from players you will only be able to sell the head within 1 hour after obtaining it.​
Sell your heads with /sellhead.​

💰 New! Balance Logs
You will now be able to view a full log of all of your balance, where it went, who paid you, what you bought, and all that just in a simple GUI filled with those logs.​
All of these logs will be saved per user and you can review them for the rest of the season. So now if you were wondering if you actually spend all those millions in the /shop, or if you paid them to a friend, you will be able to view it in the /balancelogs.​

In there you will find these logs:​
Received /pay money
Paid /pay money
Shop purchases
Received money from other sources

🏷️ New! Tags
Tags are a new way to stand out in chat. You can earn tags by purchasing them on our store, or by getting a few of them available in-game. Some tags will be appearing in the transfer shop. So if you are planning to become even more fancy make sure to check out the new /tags.​
Collect every tag to stand out in chat even more.​
📮 New! Delivery System
The mailman is working extra hours for you. With the new mail delivery, you will be able to send items to your friends, even when they are offline.​
You can send up to 18 items per delivery, and the player you sent it to can pick it up at any given time.​

Sending a delivery.
To make a delivery simply type /delivery <player name>, an inventory will pop up where you can drop your items in, the delivery man will make sure all these items come in 1 small package to the person you are sending it to. Close the inventory when you are done sending the items or click the Cancel button to cancel.​

Picking up your deliveries.
To pick up deliveries, type /deliveries, or visit the Delivery Man at spawn, he will take care of all your incoming packages until you have claimed them.​

🏠 Updated! Auction House

It is important to know what happened to your auctions. This is why we added a small change to the auction house. We will be introducing the /ah sold command.​

Within this menu, you can view all your sold auctions. This will make things much easier when your auctions got sold while being offline.​
All of the sold auctions will be visible within this /ah sold menu.​

🔑 Updated! Crates
We have given an update to the crates as well for this season. We have changed a lot of rewards and tweaked the crate system to have a better implementation as well. On top of that, we also added some new and unique features for the crate keys that you open as well.​
Re-rolling a crate reward is something you all have wished for, and for this season we will be implementing this feature. There will be an option to re-roll your crate rewards, however, this is not guaranteed, you will either need to be lucky or you can obtain a re-roll token in-game in order to be able to re-roll your next reward.​

🎽Updated! Special Sets
What is better than a summer-themed map? Summer-themed special sets!​
All of the existing special sets have received an overhaul, and we added some new sets as well.​
Sets will be updated throughout the map. Every time a new map gets added we will cycle the special sets too!​
☀️ Sun Set - Deal 15% extra damage to players.​
🏖️ Beach Set - Enemies deal 15% less damage to you.​
🐆 Panther Set - Enemies deal 10% less damage to you. | Deal 5% extra damage to players.​
🎄 Christmas Set - Enemies deal 10% less damage to you. | Deal 10% extra damage to players.​
🔥 Pyro Set - Enemies deal 10% less damage to you. | Immune to fire damage. | 5% chance to receive Speed 3 on low health.​
🥀 Terra Set - Deal 10% extra damage to players. | x% chance to knockback nearby players on low health.​

🗺️ Updated! Challenges
The challenges are a great way to do something with a challenge. That is why we decided it is time to update these challenges. We added a bunch of new ones and buffed the rewards for each challenge that you complete.​
On top of that you can now also complete 5 instead of 3 challenges each day, so even more for you to grind for!​

🏆 Updated! Kill Streak Rewards
Kill Streaks are meant to be a celebration, so we buffed the rewards for Kill Streaks.​
There will now be a money reward for Kill Streaks and on top of that, we added a bunch of extra items from armor to weapons to equipment boxes to gear up even more!​
The following rewards will now be rewarded for Kill Streaks.​
5 Streak - $50
10 Streak - $100
15 Streak - $150
25 Streak - $250 + Special Equipment Box
35 Streak - $500
50 Streak - $750 + Special Equipment Box
100 Streak - $1500 + Special Equipment Box
200 Streak - $2500 + Beach Set
350 Streak - $3500 + Special Equipment Box
500 Streak - $5000 + Terra Set
1000 Streak - $10000 + Pyro Set
For every 10 kills you obtain in a Kill Streak you will also earn bonus Star Points to level up your Star Tier faster!​

📬 Misc. Updates & Changes
Multiple small changes have been made, some of these small changes are the following:​
  • Fixed Christmas set
  • Nerfed GKIT Potion
  • Fixed Team KOTH Booster
  • Fixed prestige shop
  • Fixed leaderboards displaying users twice
  • Fixed teams help page
  • Fixed teams vault sometimes resetting
  • Fixed an issue with /shop
  • Fixed repair showing wrong price
  • Fixed cosmetics
  • Fixed super fire resistance potion from kits
  • Updated broadcasts
  • Fixed itemfilter
  • Fixed chugjugs & minis sometimes not giving effects
  • Fixed issues with some challenges
  • Made exp bottles give the exp rather than dropping it
  • Fixed kit vouchers giving potions as well
  • Fixed being able to get speed effect from archer kit to other kits
  • Removed enderpearls from kits
  • Removed health pots from kits
  • Added enderpearl refill signs in spawn
  • Added saferooms to the map again
  • Added more traps to the map again
  • Made all unbreaking I to unbreaking II
And much more!​


📕Questions & Answers
Why does KitPvP reset?
KitPvP is already up for some time. A reset has to happen to change and improve with lots of excellent new features, to make the game more exciting for you all! This then allows players to have a fresh start and new players can begin to play without any significant disadvantage.
This means all teams, items, money, and the map will be reset. Nothing will be kept leftover from the previous map. I know this must be a disappointing revelation for a lot of you, but think about the exciting new changes, the new alliances you can forge, the new map, the new features and updates the different kinds of gameplay, and style is provided with this update will surely make it a worth-while and exciting reset!​
Below you can find what you will lose and one for what you will keep​
What will I lose?
  • Your team.
  • All items in your inventory and ender chest.
  • Any currencies such as money and exp
  • Chatcolor permissions.
  • Seasonal ranks and perks.
  • Prestiges.
What will I keep?
  • Purchased Ranks & Rank Upgrades.
  • Purchased Perks.
  • Won out of crates commands/ranks.

Too much information? Ready to play Jartex?!
Log onto and just select your game-mode and PLAY!

If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know, we'd love to make this as good as we can.


Staff member
January 25, 2017
Wow so many features! I want to play JustThiemo JustThiemo please be in my team!!! (Team Name - Aapje)


Known Member
Known Member
November 30, 2019
yes pls i like this thank u yes good i liKEEE


Known Member
Known Member
July 8, 2019
Wow so many features! I want to play JustThiemo JustThiemo please be in my team!!! (Team Name - Aapje)
there's like 2 new features relax


Great Reporter
Great Reporter
January 22, 2021
This looks good, I just really have a question what is the point of team tops since there are no bc payouts, or anything like that for a game mode that resets on a year 🤷


March 23, 2022
Wow great news, lots of new stuff!
After reading the whole thing, a lot of bugs, problems and fixes have been made, thanks for listening!

3 things that have not been said or forgotten:

Has the /team perks been fixed?
The /team shop, boost money and boost point ?

Excellent addition about the /ah sold logs! Will the /ah sold contain all the sales? Or only the sales in the last 24 hours?
The idea of having the entire sales and purchase log of the ah would be a great addition!
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