Ria, a well known Diamond Rank TB player who is on the leaderboards for The Bridge, is known for nicking herself as(*Diamond Rank* EveningStar). Youtuber ranks Silverdotware, Joweek, and myself often play with ria as a party. We know she is not a hacker.
There are plenty of people who don't like ria and we have reason to believe that someone created an account called "EveningStar" to get her banned, as they were speedmining with that account name. It is known that on the server you can't nick yourself with an already created MC name. In the video that was reported on her by MeshQ, you can see that whenever "EveningStar" mined the nexus, it wasn't showing the diamond rank, which ria always has on regardless the nickname.
Whenever we play with Ria, she always has Rank set to Diamond rank , so this also adds to the theory that it wasn't her. In the video that I added, which was later after she was banned, and seemingly can't join the server. EveningStar was in my game speedmining. Silverdotware, who was on the server at the time, told me in a discord call that when he did /friends list (Which shows which friends are on the server at the time and which match they are on) said Ria's location was Unknown, which doesn't make sense, because even if you are nicked it shows the exact location and never shows unknown, but I believe it was the impersonator! Later on after the impersonator left, Silver did commands like /friend add EveningStar or /p invite EveningStar, which is replied with " They aren't on online at the time" like it usually does with a player that isn't online. Also that implies that an actual account was made with that name, and not just simply a nick.
Also in MeshQ's video, who for some reason Muted the comments in the making of this post, (Hmmm Suspicious luckily I took screenshots) Ria defends herself saying, that today she didn't nick at all and she was playing as her regular name. Also weird to note that the video posted was from BaconNoobRich's point of view.
From all my encounters with her, she has been very friendly, always plays the game fair and square, and wouldn't hack. It clear someone was out to get her banned, and it's disappointing if this is unresolved. Thank you for your time for reading this and thanks for your help!
All my evidence:
View: https://i.imgur.com/93i0tUD.png
View: https://imgur.com/a/dpQKS7Y
View: https://imgur.com/gallery/SHn9cv4
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRHVvQ_IkDQ