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Why I personally believe this server is bad. (Issues Found) [EDITIED TWICE]

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New Member
December 6, 2018
No, in the title I don't mean it sucks, it's fine, but it has many issues. Starting from what I noticed first, until the last I noticed.

Jitter Clicking - Jitter Click is a gaming technique that allows you to click the mouse very quickly.

I played 3-5 Bedwars games on this Server - then got banned for 24 by console for hacking. My friend pointed out it might've been for jitter clicking, but that makes no sense as I click constantly. I never stop (Not Killaura, I put my hard work into my own clicking.) So I played a few games before, & just suddenly as I'm bridging over (Not SB, or BB) I get banned for hacking. I checked their ban page on the website. ( There is a lot of people who get banned for hacking in Bedwars, a ton, in minutes by this anti-hack client "Console". I can see why they're a bit low on players now.

Mutes - A lot are foreign languages.

You're going to tell me, in 2018 - You don't allow anything but English on a server? Not everyone can speak English. If I didn't speak English, & got banned. I would've been so offended. There's a thing called Google Translate. I have a hard time believing a staff member could use it to explain they don't speak the language, but they'll try to help as best as they can, or ask the person to speak the best English they could. I bet they picked up a few things.

The Discord - Went to find some help for my ban.

So, it tells you (When you get banned) to go to the unban appeal, well since mine was only 24 hours, I wasn't allowed. Somewhere I read it was best to join the discord server and talk to a staff for some help, it was the fastest way. When I first joined, I had to wait 10 minutes to talk. For which reason? What if someone really needed help? Not even for a ban, maybe someone was harassing them & nobody noticed? After my 10 minutes, I stated my issue in Main_Chat. Waited a bit & someone finally replied, sadly not a staff, but a donator, they told me to message a helper+ and they would help. So that's what I did. It's been a good 12 hours or so. Later someone else told me only Mods + could. I gave up, by then I would've been unbanned.

The People in the Discord - Snobs, rude, doesn't care.

A lot of the people in there who talk are donators, who do whatever they please. My friend & I were talking to someone really nice, about SW kits & BW. She (My friend) joked around & said she uses the Sloth Kit. Someone asked what it was, so I replied, told them what is was & explained.

***** Today at 12:31 AM
Not sure if it's on this Server, but it's a kit on ******* lmao
******* Today at 12:32 AM
What does it contain?
***** Today at 12:34 AM
Slowness 2, the whole time, full leather gear, slowness pots, "sloth potions" & x4 jungle wood :)

After the conversation, shortly after I got a warning for "Light Advertisement". Advertising what? Another server? Which wasn't exactly advertising, I was just explaining what it was, and where it was from. Since they didn't know. I asked why I got warned, & said the server was bit messed up, a donator replied with "So is ur brain" & "It's light advertising, not advertising but he got a 1000iq" Nothing was done to him, for insulting other server member. (Who would want to go to the server I mentioned for slowness too?)

Do not harass other users! (- Rule on the discord page)

All my opinion & my friends. I think they just need work on anti-hack clients & staff paying more attention.

Edited - Hours later

Disconnect.spam - Continues repeatedly.

My ban has been lifted, my friend & I log onto the server. Twice I got kicked for "disconnect.spam" trying to enter my password. Nothing works for her, so I log out to try to help & see what's going on. Then suddenly, I can't log back in & she still can't. So we went back to the discord, in Assistance_Chat, once again, a donator, "helped" & told her to PM a helper. PM a helper? Isn't that what that channel is for? The helpers to help you? Currently there is 2 helpers online, a jr mod, a mod, admin & two trials. You're going to tell me, that none of those people can help me.

Edit two - 3 hours later

I got false banned a second time for 24 hours. :)
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New Member
December 6, 2018
wowo. I cant enter in my password either. It keeps kicking me for it.
Try not to play on 1.13.2, nothing worked for us until we hit 1.12.0. The helpers said the sever is meant for 1.8 so, anything up from that. Try restarting your game too.


September 21, 2017
Jitter Clicking - Jitter Click is a gaming technique that allows you to click the mouse very quickly.

Well i jitter on 200 ms and still hasn't gotten banned for the console. It could be your ping which you you banned.

Mutes - A lot are foreign languages.

With this the problem is that people spam in foreign language so you don't really know what they are saying or maybe they're trash talking or swearing, So yeah that's why we don't allow foreign language.

The Discord - Went to find some help for my ban.

Almost half of the server knows to pm a jrmod+ if they get console banned. Also our donators help a lot a sometimes when we're off.

The People in the Discord - Snobs, rude, doesn't care

If you read the rules, your not allowed to mention other server ne on our discord, forums and ingame.

Also if you get console banned next time, pm a jrmod+ (dont spam them :wink:)


Great Reporter
Great Reporter
October 30, 2018
I have read the whole thing now, IF you get "FALSE BANNED" pm a JRMOD as it is easier for them to see your message, Assistance chat is for when you need help with something thats wrong or you need to know some questions like "Where can I apply for staff" " is the server down?" BUT it can also be used for unbans if you got false banned by console, it is preferred you pm a jr mod.

I take it very offensive that you think we only warn / mute for foreign language, If you didn't know theres a thing called /msg or a party where you can freely talk in whatever language you like, And we DO NOT ban for foreign language, Maybe you should read the rules first.

You can PM a mod / helper what your issue is if you are waiting the 10 minutes. We do not allow other server names (IF you read the rules preferably the rules on the forums). IF you are having troubles logging in, Try a different IP for example: or And if you have a message about a anti bot filter "PM" a helper and they will fix it.

I don't mean to be rude.
Sincere Regards


Addicted Member
January 22, 2018
Hello, I have read through all of your post and I have a few things to say:

First of all the issue on the console banning, I used to also experience this exact same issue, in fact, I have been banned 23 times in one day because of it before, and every time I got banned, If I contacted a staff member with the permissions to unban me, it would take around 10 minutes for it to be done, personally, I have never had to wait 12 hours before, but I'm sure its just a rare occurrence. I have found out the cause of this banning issue, it is simply your ping, if your ping is a little bit high and you are jitter clicking or just pvping in general, there is a high chance of you being banned, I experienced this issue dramatically because I used BL Client, which is connected to their servers, resulting in a higher ping.

Secondly on your mutes issue, speaking in a foreign language is just simply against the rules, its an English speaking server, if you had a multicultural speaking server, can you imagine the chaos? I understand your frustration, and that you believe that people could just use google translate, but don't you think that would get annoying after a while?

Furthermore, if you believe that the person in the discord channel disrespected you in some sort, contact a staff member or report it.

Personally, I believe this post is just a bit of a rant, anyone can go on any servers and point out the bad bits, but in this post you have neglected the fact of highlighting the good points of this server.

I don't mean to be rude,


April 12, 2018
Yea, I've gotten banned soooooo many times falsely, this server is pretty much the same as an 11yr old's (plus the players). The staff are immature & they like to show off their powers by clearing chat if someone's said "shit" or something, I had a staff member deny a report against them, the English is terrible & I've literally been waiting 3 months for a reply to get my forums Date Of Birth changed... kinda just embarrassing tbh..
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