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Denied Skyblock Dream Suggestions for the next skyblock-dream season

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December 28, 2020

Minecraft Username:

What platform or game mode is this suggestion for?

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Suggestions for the next skyblock-dream season​

Suggestion Details:
Hey there!
Here are some suggestions that hopefully will be useful!

--Infinite-Chest: The requirements for upgrading the Infinite-chest need to be harder since they were insanely easy last season

--Custom texture pack: I think adding a Custom texture pack to skyblock will be more efficient for skyblock related stuff and since it will be an optional suggestion so there will be no harm in having it

--Mystery Man: If we can have mystery man same design as prison that maybe contains Special sets/Boosters/Spawners/Pets/Seasonal ranks were its currency will be star currency and can be available only at weekends

--ZooKeeper: It has been broken for a while so I hope it gets fixed

--Special and Treasure Mystery Crates: No need to mention that the entire community has been asking for a buff for both of the crates since their loot isn't worthy at all, so I hope they get buffed this season....Suggested items to be added: we would love to see "Worthy" gkit containers/Special sets/Stars currency/Adding the other kind of boosters(Boss booster/Star booster/Fragment Booster)

--God/Ultra keys: As mentioned up there for the Special/Treasure mystery crates, God and Ultra keys as well need to be buffed since their loot is incredibly common and can be obtained easily so hopefully they get better loot

--Levels: It's so boring doing the same exact levels every season (levels of the season be 90% similar to season before it), It will be more fun and entertaining if new/different levels were added

--Premium level pass: I think making the Premium level pass obtainable throw in-game grinding will be more fair and pleasing to everyone and will make the season more grindy

--Fragment booster: It has been there for 3 seasons so far but never worked, So fixing fragment booster will be more efficient while grinding bosses
Also making it obtainable from booster packages and special/treasure mystery crates will be better than just getting it only from the trader at the boss-world


--Custom Crops: Everyone saw how overpowered the custom crops were last season, so I think getting them nerfed by 1.5x will be more balanced

--Competition: Competition was a good alternative for island value so adding it back will be much better

--New Economy: Adding another economy to Skyblock besides Grinding bosses/Farming custom crops will make skyblock more entertaining and optional for players to do whatever they like more

Suggested Economy: Grinding mobs=> and to do that is by increasing the prices of the normal/epic mob drops by x2/x3 or by adding a new perk which is "to have a chance of dropping all types of fragments"

Placing blocks=> It will be a good alternative to the existing economies

Bossworld related stuff:-

--New boss world map: We all can agree that everyone got bored of the existing boss world map, So either get rid of the old map and replace it with a new one or add a new area to the existing map with new bosses and mini-bosses that will make the boss world more entertaining and enjoyable than just grinding on the same map every season

--Atrophius/Miner bosses: These exact bosses need to be fixed since their ability makes everyone's ms just go insanely high and end up getting kicked/banned from the anti-cheat, So fixing them or replacing them with new bosses will be much better for everyone

--Mini bosses(minions): They are already fine but I was thinking that If a "golden version" of each mini-boss was added that respawns randomly which will count as 2 kills instead of 1, that will make grinding mini-bosses more fun and competitive and less boring among the players

--Passive: 1st: To make the boss world more fun I think by making passive Buyable throw grinding bosses will be more entertaining and more grindy like for example:-
Killing 20 Magic Mountain bosses or 15 Viking Village bosses or 10 Crystal Cove bosses or 5 Fancy Forest totems can be traded with 30min/1 hour of passive Besides offering an hour per day of passive without any grinding

2nd:Adding a command that allow players to know when will the passive of the other player ends, It will be very helpful

3rd: Making passive only works in boss-world is an important thing, As it was giving a huge advantage at over-world, Were when you activate passive you will be invisible to other players after u get tagged either in warp pvp/fps so you will just be unkillable and you can easy kill whoever facing u during the passive period

--Jumping pads: They haven't been working properly past 2 seasons as it kept teleporting players back to boss-world spawn after using it to access any bossworld zone which is so annoying so hopefully it gets fixed or replaced with just a normal bridge​

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
It Hopefully will​


December 23, 2022
Hello m7!, I decided to upvote it +1 For the following reason(s):

: That is a lot of useful explaining and details.
2: It will be more cooler if they fixed the Atrophius Boss since my ping go insanely high every time this shit boss use he's ability.


Addicted Member
August 3, 2020
Minecraft Username:

What platform or game mode is this suggestion for?

What is your suggestion's title?
Suggestions for the next skyblock-dream season​

Suggestion Details:
Hey there!​
Here are some suggestions that hopefully will be useful!​
--Infinite-Chest: The requirements for upgrading the Infinite-chest need to be harder since they were insanely easy last season​
--Custom texture pack: I think adding a Custom texture pack to skyblock will be more efficient for skyblock related stuff and since it will be an optional suggestion so there will be no harm in having it​
--Mystery Man: If we can have mystery man same design as prison that maybe contains Special sets/Boosters/Spawners/Pets/Seasonal ranks were its currency will be star currency and can be available only at weekends​
--ZooKeeper: It has been broken for a while so I hope it gets fixed​
--Special and Treasure Mystery Crates: No need to mention that the entire community has been asking for a buff for both of the crates since their loot isn't worthy at all, so I hope they get buffed this season....Suggested items to be added: we would love to see "Worthy" gkit containers/Special sets/Stars currency/Adding the other kind of boosters(Boss booster/Star booster/Fragment Booster)​
--God/Ultra keys: As mentioned up there for the Special/Treasure mystery crates, God and Ultra keys as well need to be buffed since their loot is incredibly common and can be obtained easily so hopefully they get better loot​
--Levels: It's so boring doing the same exact levels every season (levels of the season be 90% similar to season before it), It will be more fun and entertaining if new/different levels were added​
--Premium level pass: I think making the Premium level pass obtainable throw in-game grinding will be more fair and pleasing to everyone and will make the season more grindy​
--Fragment booster: It has been there for 3 seasons so far but never worked, So fixing fragment booster will be more efficient while grinding bosses​
Also making it obtainable from booster packages and special/treasure mystery crates will be better than just getting it only from the trader at the boss-world​
--Custom Crops: Everyone saw how overpowered the custom crops were last season, so I think getting them nerfed by 1.5x will be more balanced​
--Competition: Competition was a good alternative for island value so adding it back will be much better​
--New Economy: Adding another economy to Skyblock besides Grinding bosses/Farming custom crops will make skyblock more entertaining and optional for players to do whatever they like more​
Suggested Economy: Grinding mobs=> and to do that is by increasing the prices of the normal/epic mob drops by x2/x3 or by adding a new perk which is "to have a chance of dropping all types of fragments"​
Placing blocks=> It will be a good alternative to the existing economies​
Bossworld related stuff:-​
--New boss world map: We all can agree that everyone got bored of the existing boss world map, So either get rid of the old map and replace it with a new one or add a new area to the existing map with new bosses and mini-bosses that will make the boss world more entertaining and enjoyable than just grinding on the same map every season​
--Atrophius/Miner bosses: These exact bosses need to be fixed since their ability makes everyone's ms just go insanely high and end up getting kicked/banned from the anti-cheat, So fixing them or replacing them with new bosses will be much better for everyone​
--Mini bosses(minions): They are already fine but I was thinking that If a "golden version" of each mini-boss was added that respawns randomly which will count as 2 kills instead of 1, that will make grinding mini-bosses more fun and competitive and less boring among the players​
--Passive: 1st: To make the boss world more fun I think by making passive Buyable throw grinding bosses will be more entertaining and more grindy like for example:-​
Killing 20 Magic Mountain bosses or 15 Viking Village bosses or 10 Crystal Cove bosses or 5 Fancy Forest totems can be traded with 30min/1 hour of passive Besides offering an hour per day of passive without any grinding​
2nd:Adding a command that allow players to know when will the passive of the other player ends, It will be very helpful​
3rd: Making passive only works in boss-world is an important thing, As it was giving a huge advantage at over-world, Were when you activate passive you will be invisible to other players after u get tagged either in warp pvp/fps so you will just be unkillable and you can easy kill whoever facing u during the passive period​
--Jumping pads: They haven't been working properly past 2 seasons as it kept teleporting players back to boss-world spawn after using it to access any bossworld zone which is so annoying so hopefully it gets fixed or replaced with just a normal bridge​

How could this idea help improve JartexNetwork?
It Hopefully will​
Yo N0TM7 N0TM7 , After reviewing your suggestion, I have decided to Upvote/+1 for the following reason(s):
If this gets added, it will improve the overall experience in sbd so yeah I guess this should be added.


Active Member
May 30, 2021
Bringing back blocks to is value is just getting sbd back to stone age.
A texturepack for only sbd would make it ass game and might make pvp dead there.
Making passive for totems and then making crops lower priced is just an idea to conquerer boss world by having 3 or 4 pvper and just leveling up to higher zones befor everybody and making it harder for non pvpers to get passive as they will all be mining at broze zone only
Everything else is cool except those.


December 28, 2020
Bringing back blocks to is value is just getting sbd back to stone age.
A texturepack for only sbd would make it ass game and might make pvp dead there.
Making passive for totems and then making crops lower priced is just an idea to conquerer boss world by having 3 or 4 pvper and just leveling up to higher zones befor everybody and making it harder for non pvpers to get passive as they will all be mining at broze zone only
Everything else is cool except those.
Totally respected opinion
But the blocks economy will be an alternative eco just for the variety
while the passive as I said up there you will have 1 hour of passive daily without any grinding but if you want more u can grind at bronze zone which is totally peaceful and also silver zone even if you died u don't lose any items so you can grind in these zones if u need extra passive hours that will make everyone have to grind for his own survival which I find quite fair enough but as I said your opinion totally respected


Addicted Member
December 22, 2020
I don't want to be a partypooper, but your post said a whole lot... of nothing. I know how Thiemo thinks and what he struggles with regarding SBD. He doesn't struggle with knowing what to change, he struggles with what to change it into, in a way where it will be beneficial for the popularity of the playercount in SBD. You basically told him, this needs to change, this is bad, but you never ACTUALLY suggested ideas. I agree with practically 80% of your post, but it doesn't give thiemo much to work with. Although there was a season where he asked for suggestions, many good points were said and he added nothing from it but. Yeah. I stand by with what I said.

You also need to realise SBD will never be the way it used to be many years ago. It doesn't mean it cant be great, but it won't be excellent. This won't change as long as we are relying on an individual developer to do everything himself.

If you truly wanted, sorry, WE truly wanted SBD to be better, and thiemo is willing to genuinely listen and make it better (which he doesn't care THAT much for (just being honest)). We would need to sit down in a call with him and go over everything that needs a change and things that we could improve on.

Outside of gameplay issues, and content. Throughout the seasons theres been so many small things that needed fixing that never got picked up. From display issues, to typos. Etc etc. The whole gamemode needs a revamp. And developers need to put in the work as a team. I've personally had the opinion that they need to find a developer that has a passion for a specific gamemode (in this case sbd) and they will do anything to improve it. Only through those ways, the game can be better and crawl out of the hole it has fallen in.

But this won't happen, they dont strive to improve things, as long as they see money rolling in and they get their paychecks. And i dont blame them for it either.

This post is not hate, just the reality we are living in. :)

Love you all -


Addicted Member
July 27, 2016
--Passive: 1st: To make the boss world more fun I think by making passive Buyable throw grinding bosses will be more entertaining and more grindy like for example:-
Killing 20 Magic Mountain bosses or 15 Viking Village bosses or 10 Crystal Cove bosses or 5 Fancy Forest totems can be traded with 30min/1 hour of passive Besides offering an hour per day of passive without any grinding
Interesting idea, I can see why people might love or hate this suggestion. By killing bosses, do you mean Last Hit, Top Damage, or just Top 10?

And, do you prefer the server track where you killed a boss, or what rarity the boss you killed was? Examples:
- Spawn and kill any 5 totems in Fancy Forest for easy passive time - as long as the boss was killed in the Fancy Forest zone, you're good.
Pro: Risk v. Reward - someone can just walk up to you and threetap you. No need for balancing, players do it for you.
Con: If you already have passive time active, you can farm it nonstop.
- Spam Fancy Forest bosses in Magic Mountain for easy passive time.
Pro: No complicated backend - progress depends on boss type.
Pro: Really simple to understand.
Con: Depending on how you determine "killing" a boss, having people swarm your bosses when you spawn them in Magic Mountain can mean you don't get any passive time.


October 4, 2020
+1 because everyone is bored of the current levels and current level rewards its been the same since last year also i would like it if they added emerald zone or something more strong because current bosses are too weak


January 19, 2017
+1, no problem to make a few more additions but the game needs content improvement so it can increase player numbers and engagement so even if players reach level 100 or pass the game they will still have something to look forward to and things do get boring when it stays the same so devs would need to evaluate what players like the most and change with what they enjoy the least in the game.
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