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Update  Prison - Reset | September the 26TH 2020

  • 7,501
  • 57

Prison - JartexNetwork 2020

September 26th 2020, 17:00 GMT / 13:00 EST / 12:00 CST / 11:00 MT / 10:00 PST

Hello, players of JartexNetwork,

We would like to announce a brand new reset for Prison! It will be released this up and coming Saturday, September 26th, at 7:00 PM CET.

Thank you for all your feedback with regards to the Prison suggestion post. We always try our best to update our gamemodes with given feedback.
Based on the feedback that we received, have we tweaked prison to make an experience that everyone can hopefully enjoy.

Within this forum post will all the changes we made and plan to make be listed. If there is still something you want changing, feel free to reply to this thread before its release, if there is enough support for it, we will consider making the change.

If you want to learn more about the updates...

Update  Prison - We Need Your Help! | September the 16th 2020

  • 3,570
  • 23

Hello, players of JartexNetwork,

The gang top has recently ended, so its time for another new season! Thats why within this post, we would like to talk about your, the community, ideas, and suggestions on what you'd like to see implemented for a prison server!

We have opened this post on the forums where we need you guys to say anything that you want! You'll have the chance to give us an idea of what we should create, in order to provide you with the best prison experience possible. Please also leave any bug fixes, small changes, anything at all (related to prison) on the post, your feedback is very important to us!

If you're interested in helping with suggestions for changes and additions, can you use this thread to discuss anything with other people in our community that you think would be beneficial. But please be descriptive when giving feedback.

Some ideas we/you...

Top voters | August 2020

  • 1,899
  • 27

We congratulate the voters below for their support: 📣

: TurtleRabbit TurtleRabbit (248 votes) - €55 JartexNetwork Store Coupon.
Second: @1ag (240 votes) - €45 JartexNetwork Store Coupon.
Third: Oh_myMinecraft Oh_myMinecraft (240 votes) - €35 JartexNetwork Store Coupon.
Fourth: Libaness Libaness (239 votes)- €25 JartexNetwork Store Coupon.
Fifth: @_pabloescobar_ (239 votes) - €15 JartexNetwork Store Coupon.
Sixth: S Sawmaster (230 votes) €10 JartexNetwork Store Coupon.
Seventh: A aboodsokka (222 votes) - €5 JartexNetwork Store Coupon.

We're really grateful that you guys keep voting for the server, as promised you can claim your store gift cards the winners will receive a mail with the code...

Update  TheBridge - Release | August The 24TH 2020

  • 10,099
  • 53

TheBridge - JartexNetwork 2020

TheBridge - Release | August The 24TH 2020

Hello, players of JartexNetwork,

After a recent poll within our discord server, which one you can join by clicking here for more news! Did we see massive interest in a new minigame!
So here we are delivering a brand new minigame to jartex! The Bridge!

This new minigame could be a total new gamemode for you since it has never been seen before on jartexnetwork. If you, however, used to be an old player of the mcgamerzone server, could this bring back numerous memories! We are returning the bridge in a new and more up-to-date version, while (for now) giving the old feeling, by reusing the old maps from back then, this will hopefully give some old players the nostalgic feel of...

Update  Factions - Reset | August the 8TH 2020

  • 8,876
  • 60

Factions - JartexNetwork 2020

August 8th 2020, 18:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 12:00 MT / 11:00 PST

Hello, players of JartexNetwork,

We're excited to announce the launch of Factions: a brand new Season, which will open its doors on Saturday, August 8th, at 8:00 PM CET.

The last few seasons factions have grown, and our sole focus has been on creating an awesome faction experience for you guys, and with each release, we are trying to get it better. We have some awesome features and, more importantly, bug fixes for this brand new season.

We have read through all your suggestions and ideas, and we did our best to consider a lot, we hope that most of your suggestions are added, and fixed all possible bugs! We additionally attempted to think of some great new things coming up for this new season. We can't just have another season...

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